svn commit: r44901 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall

Dru Lavigne dru at
Wed May 21 17:52:23 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Wed May 21 17:52:23 2014
New Revision: 44901

  Editorial review of Allocating Disk Space and Committing to the Install
  Ignore Designing the Partition Layout for now as it belongs elsewhere.
  Sponsored by:	iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml	Wed May 21 15:17:21 2014	(r44900)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/bsdinstall/chapter.xml	Wed May 21 17:52:23 2014	(r44901)
@@ -891,9 +891,9 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <para>This section shows the order of the
       <application>bsdinstall</application> menus and the type of
       information that will be asked before the system is installed.
-      Use the up and down arrows to highlight a menu option, then the
-      <keycap>Space</keycap> key to select or deselect a menu item.
-      Then, use <keycap>Enter</keycap> to save the selection and move
+      Use the arrow keys to highlight a menu option, then the
+      <keycap>Space</keycap> key to select or deselect that menu item.
+      When finished, use <keycap>Enter</keycap> to save the selection and move
       onto the next screen.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-keymap">
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
       <para>Deciding which components to install will depend largely
 	on the intended use of the system and the amount of disk space
 	available.  The &os; kernel and userland, collectively known
-	as the <quote>base system</quote>, are always installed.
+	as the <firstterm>base system</firstterm>, are always installed.
 	Depending on the architecture, some of these components may
 	not appear:</para>
@@ -1036,15 +1036,10 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	  <para><literal>ports</literal> - The &os; Ports
-	    Collection.</para>
-	  <para>The ports collection is an easy and convenient way to
-	    install software.  The Ports Collection does not contain
-	    the source code necessary to compile the software.
-	    Instead, it is a collection of files which automates the
+	    Collection is a collection of files which automates the
 	    downloading, compiling and installation of third-party
 	    software packages.  <xref linkend="ports"/> discusses how
-	    to use the ports collection.</para>
+	    to use the Ports Collection.</para>
 	    <para>The installation program does not check for
@@ -1056,30 +1051,29 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-	  <para><literal>src</literal> - System source code.</para>
-	  <para>&os; comes with full source code for both the kernel
+	  <para><literal>src</literal> - The complete &os; source code for both the kernel
 	    and the userland.  Although not required for the majority
-	    of applications, it may be required to build certain
-	    software supplied as source (for example, device drivers
-	    or kernel modules), or for developing &os; itself.</para>
-	  <para>The full source tree requires 1 GB of disk space,
+	    of applications, it may be required to build
+	    device drivers, kernel modules, or some applications from
+	    the Ports Collection.  It is also used for developing &os;
+	    itself.  The full source tree requires 1 GB of disk space
 	    and recompiling the entire &os; system requires an
 	    additional 5 GB of space.</para>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-netinstall">
+  <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-netinstall">
     <title>Installing from the Network</title>
-    <para>The <emphasis>bootonly</emphasis> installation media does
-      not hold copies of the installation files.  When a
-      <emphasis>bootonly</emphasis> installation method is used, the
-      files must be retrieved over a network connection as they are
-      needed.</para>
+    <para>The menu shown in <xref
+      linkend="bsdinstall-netinstall-notify"/> only appears when
+      installing from a <filename>-bootonly.iso</filename>
+      <acronym>CD</acronym> as this installation media does
+      not hold copies of the installation files.  Since the installation
+      files must be retrieved over a network connection, this menu
+      indicates that the network interface must be first
+      configured.</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-netinstall-notify">
       <title>Installing from the Network</title>
@@ -1092,13 +1086,14 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-    <para>After the network connection has been configured as shown in
-      <xref linkend="bsdinstall-config-network-dev"/>, a mirror site
-      is selected.  Mirror sites cache copies of the &os; files.
-      Choose a mirror site located in the same region of the world as
+    <para>To configure the network connection, press
+      <keycap>Enter</keycap> and follow the instructions in
+      <xref linkend="bsdinstall-config-network-dev"/>.  Once the
+      interface is configured, select a mirror site that is
+      located in the same region of the world as
       the computer on which &os; is being installed.  Files can be
       retrieved more quickly when the mirror is close to the target
-      computer, and installation time will be reduced.</para>
+      computer, reducing installation time.</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-netinstall-mirror">
       <title>Choosing a Mirror</title>
@@ -1111,26 +1106,20 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-    <para>Installation will continue as if the installation files
-      were located on local media.</para>
+    <para>Installation will then continue as if the installation files
+      were located on the local installation media.</para>
+  </sect2>
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-partitioning">
     <title>Allocating Disk Space</title>
-    <para>There are four ways to allocate disk space for &os;.
-      <emphasis>Guided</emphasis> partitioning automatically sets up
-      disk partitions, while <emphasis>Manual</emphasis> partitioning
-      allows advanced users to create customized partitions.  The
-      <acronym>ZFS</acronym> option, only available in &os; 10 and
-      later, will create an optionally encrypted root-on-ZFS system
-      with support for Boot Environments.  Finally, there's the option
-      of starting a shell where command-line programs like
-      &man.gpart.8;, &man.fdisk.8;, and &man.bsdlabel.8; can be used
-      directly.</para>
+    <para>The next menu is used to determine the method for
+      allocating disk space.  The options available in the menu
+      depend upon the version of &os; being installed.</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-guided-manual">
-      <title>Selecting Guided, Manual or Shell Partitioning</title>
+      <title>Partitioning Choices on &os; 9.x</title>
@@ -1141,8 +1130,7 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-partmenu">
-      <title>Selecting Guided, Manual, Shell or
-	<acronym>ZFS</acronym> Partitioning</title>
+      <title>Partitioning Choices on &os; 10.x and Higher</title>
@@ -1151,9 +1139,19 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
+    <para><literal>Guided</literal> partitioning automatically sets up
+      the disk partitions, <literal>Manual</literal> partitioning
+      allows advanced users to create customized partitions from menu
+      options, and <literal>Shell</literal> opens a shell prompt where
+      advanced users can create customized partitions using
+      command-line utilities like &man.gpart.8;, &man.fdisk.8;, and &man.bsdlabel.8;.
+      <literal>ZFS</literal> partitioning, only available in &os; 10 and
+      later, creates an optionally encrypted root-on-ZFS system
+      with support for <firstterm>boot environments</firstterm>.</para>
     <para>This section describes what to consider when laying out the
-      disk partitions.  It then demonstrates how to use both the
-      Guided Partitioning and Manual Partitioning screens.</para>
+      disk partitions.  It then demonstrates how to use the different
+      partitioning methods.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="configtuning-initial">
       <title>Designing the Partition Layout</title>
@@ -1252,7 +1250,8 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-guided">
       <title>Guided Partitioning</title>
-      <para>If multiple disks are connected, choose the one where &os;
+      <para>When this method is selected, a menu will display the
+	available disk(s).  If multiple disks are connected, choose the one where &os;
 	is to be installed.</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-guided-disk">
@@ -1266,13 +1265,14 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>The entire disk or a portion of it can be allocated to
-	&os;.  If
+      <para>Once the disk is selected, the next menu prompts to install
+	to either the entire disk or to create a partition using free space.
+	If
 	<guibutton>[ Entire Disk ]</guibutton> is
 	chosen, a general partition layout filling the whole disk is
-	created.  Selecting
+	automatically created.  Selecting
 	<guibutton>[ Partition ]</guibutton> creates a
-	partition layout in unused space on the disk.</para>
+	partition layout from the unused space on the disk.</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-entire-part">
 	<title>Selecting Entire Disk or Partition</title>
@@ -1285,12 +1285,12 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>After the partition layout has been created, review it
-	carefully for accuracy.  If a mistake has been made, selecting
+      <para>After the partition layout has been created, review it to
+	ensure it meets the needs of the installation.  Selecting
 	<guibutton>[ Revert ]</guibutton> will reset the
-	partitions as they were previously, or
+	partitions to their original values and pressing
 	<guibutton>[ Auto ]</guibutton> will recreate the
-	automatic &os; partitions.  Partitions can be manually
+	automatic &os; partitions.  Partitions can also be manually
 	created, modified, or deleted.  When the partitioning is
 	correct, select <guibutton>[ Finish ]</guibutton> to
 	continue with the installation.</para>
@@ -1309,8 +1309,8 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-manual">
       <title>Manual Partitioning</title>
-      <para>Manual partitioning goes straight to the partition
-	editor.</para>
+      <para>Selecting this method opens the partition
+	editor:</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-manual-create">
 	<title>Manually Create Partitions</title>
@@ -1323,11 +1323,10 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>Highlighting a drive (<filename>ada0</filename> in this
-	example) and selecting
-	<guibutton>[ Create ]</guibutton> displays a menu
-	for choosing the type of <emphasis>partitioning
-	  scheme</emphasis>.</para>
+      <para>Highlight the installation drive (<filename>ada0</filename> in this
+	example) and select
+	<guibutton>[ Create ]</guibutton> to display a menu
+	of available partition schemes:</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-manual-partscheme">
 	<title>Manually Create Partitions</title>
@@ -1340,12 +1339,12 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para><acronym>GPT</acronym> partitioning is usually the most
-	appropriate choice for PC-compatible computers.  Older PC
-	operating systems that are not compatible with
-	<acronym>GPT</acronym> may require <acronym>MBR</acronym>
-	partitioning instead.  The other partitioning schemes are
-	generally used for uncommon or older computer systems.</para>
+      <para><acronym>GPT</acronym> is usually the most
+	appropriate choice for &arch.amd64; computers.  Older computers
+	that are not compatible with
+	<acronym>GPT</acronym> should use <acronym>MBR</acronym>.
+	The other partition schemes are
+	generally used for uncommon or older computers.</para>
       <table frame="none" rowsep="1" pgwide="1">
 	<title>Partitioning Schemes</title>
@@ -1361,16 +1360,15 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-	      <entry>Apple Partition Map, used by &powerpc;
-		&macintosh; (<link
-		  xlink:href=""></link>).</entry>
+	      <entry>Apple Partition Map, used by &powerpc;.</entry>
-	      <entry>BSD Labels without an MBR, sometimes called
-		<quote>dangerously dedicated mode</quote>.  See
-		&man.bsdlabel.8;.</entry>
+	      <entry><acronym>BSD</acronym> label without an
+		<acronym>MBR</acronym>, sometimes called
+		<firstterm>dangerously dedicated mode</firstterm> as
+		non-<acronym>BSD</acronym> disk utilities may not recognize it.</entry>
@@ -1387,7 +1385,7 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-	      <entry>MBR ariant used by NEC PC-98 computers (<link
+	      <entry><acronym>MBR</acronym> variant used by NEC PC-98 computers (<link
@@ -1401,8 +1399,8 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
       <para>After the partitioning scheme has been selected and
-	created, selecting <guibutton>[ Create ]</guibutton>
-	again will create new partitions.</para>
+	created, select <guibutton>[ Create ]</guibutton>
+	again to create the partitions.</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-part-manual-addpart">
 	<title>Manually Create Partitions</title>
@@ -1419,15 +1417,13 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	at least three partitions:</para>
-	<title>Standard &os; <acronym>GPT</acronym> Partitions</title>
-	  <para><literal>freebsd-boot</literal> - &os; boot
+	  <para><literal>freebsd-boot</literal> - Holds the &os; boot
-	  <para><literal>freebsd-ufs</literal> - A &os; UFS file
+	  <para><literal>freebsd-ufs</literal> - A &os; <acronym>UFS</acronym> file
@@ -1439,48 +1435,48 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
       <para>Another partition type worth noting is
 	<literal>freebsd-zfs</literal>, used for partitions that will
-	contain a &os; <acronym>ZFS</acronym> file system.  <xref
-	  linkend="filesystems-zfs"/>.  &man.gpart.8; shows more of
+	contain a &os; <acronym>ZFS</acronym> file system (<xref
+	  linkend="filesystems-zfs"/>).  Refer to &man.gpart.8; for descriptions of
 	the available <acronym>GPT</acronym> partition types.</para>
-      <para>Multiple file system partitions can be used, and some
-	people may prefer a traditional layout with separate
+      <para>Multiple file system partitions can be created and some
+	people prefer a traditional layout with separate
 	partitions for the <filename>/</filename>,
 	<filename>/var</filename>, <filename>/tmp</filename>, and
 	<filename>/usr</filename> file systems.  See <xref
 	  linkend="bsdinstall-part-manual-splitfs"/> for an
-      <para>Size may be entered with common abbreviations:
+      <para>The <literal>Size</literal> may be entered with common abbreviations:
 	<emphasis>K</emphasis> for kilobytes, <emphasis>M</emphasis>
 	for megabytes, or <emphasis>G</emphasis> for gigabytes.</para>
 	<para>Proper sector alignment provides the best performance,
-	  and making partition sizes even multiples of 4K bytes helps
+	  and making partition sizes even multiples of 4K-bytes helps
 	  to ensure alignment on drives with either 512-byte or
 	  4K-byte sectors.  Generally, using partition sizes that are
 	  even multiples of 1M or 1G is the easiest way to make sure
-	  every partition starts at an even multiple of 4K.  One
-	  exception: at present, the <emphasis>freebsd-boot</emphasis>
-	  partition should be no larger than 512K due to boot code
+	  every partition starts at an even multiple of 4K.  There is one
+	  exception: the <emphasis>freebsd-boot</emphasis>
+	  partition should be no larger than 512K due to current boot code
-      <para>A mountpoint is needed if this partition will contain a
-	file system.  If only a single UFS partition will be created,
+      <para>A <literal>Mountpoint</literal> is needed if the partition will contain a
+	file system.  If only a single <acronym>UFS</acronym> partition will be created,
 	the mountpoint should be <filename>/</filename>.</para>
-      <para>A <emphasis>label</emphasis> is also requested.  A label
-	is a name by which this partition will be known.  Drive
+      <para>The <literal>Label</literal> is
+	a name by which the partition will be known.  Drive
 	names or numbers can change if the drive is connected to
 	a different controller or port, but the partition label does
 	not change.  Referring to labels instead of drive names
 	and partition numbers in files like
 	<filename>/etc/fstab</filename> makes the system more tolerant
-	of changing hardware.  GPT labels appear in
+	to hardware changes.  <acronym>GPT</acronym> labels appear in
 	<filename>/dev/gpt/</filename> when a disk is attached.  Other
-	partitioning schemes have different label capabilities, and
+	partitioning schemes have different label capabilities and
 	their labels appear in different directories in
@@ -1488,9 +1484,9 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	<para>Use a unique label on every file system to avoid
 	  conflicts from identical labels.  A few letters from the
 	  computer's name, use, or location can be added to the label.
-	  For instance, <literal>labroot</literal> or
-	  <literal>rootfs-lab</literal> for the UFS root partition on
-	  the lab's computer.</para>
+	  For instance, use <literal>labroot</literal> or
+	  <literal>rootfs-lab</literal> for the <acronym>UFS</acronym> root partition on
+	  the computer named <literal>lab</literal>.</para>
       <example xml:id="bsdinstall-part-manual-splitfs">
@@ -1511,7 +1507,7 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	  label values as described above.</para>
 	<para>By default, &os;'s <filename>gptboot</filename> expects
-	  the first UFS partition found to be the
+	  the first <acronym>UFS</acronym> partition to be the
 	  <filename>/</filename> partition.</para>
 	<informaltable frame="none">
@@ -1583,23 +1579,23 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	installations was added in &os; 10.0-RELEASE.  This
 	partitioning mode only works with whole disks and will erase
 	the contents of the entire disk.  The installer will
-	automatically create partitions aligned to 4k boundaries, as
-	well as force <acronym>ZFS</acronym> to use 4k sectors.  This
+	automatically create partitions aligned to 4k boundaries and
+	force <acronym>ZFS</acronym> to use 4k sectors.  This
 	is safe even with 512 byte sector disks, and has the added
 	benefit of ensuring that pools created on 512 byte disks will
-	be able to have 4k sector disks added to them in the future,
-	for additional storage space, or as replacements for failed
-	disks.  The installer can also optionally employ GELI disk
+	be able to have 4k sector disks added in the future, either as
+	additional storage space or as replacements for failed
+	disks.  The installer can also optionally employ <acronym>GELI</acronym> disk
 	encryption as described in <xref
-	If encryption is enabled, a 2 GB unencrypted boot pool is
-	created that contains the <filename>/boot</filename>
-	directory, which holds the kernel and other files necessary
+	If encryption is enabled, a 2 GB unencrypted boot pool
+	containing the <filename>/boot</filename>
+	directory is created.  It holds the kernel and other files necessary
 	to boot the system.  A swap partition of a user selectable
 	size is also created, and all remaining space is used for the
 	<acronym>ZFS</acronym> pool.</para>
-      <para>The main <acronym>ZFS</acronym> menu in the installer
+      <para>The main <acronym>ZFS</acronym> configuration menu
 	offers a number of options to control the creation of the
@@ -1613,8 +1609,9 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>The most important option is selecting the vdev type and
-	one or more disks that will make up the vdev that will
+      <para>Select <keycap>T</keycap> to configure the <literal>Pool
+	  Type</literal> and
+	the disk(s) that will
 	constitute the pool.  The automatic <acronym>ZFS</acronym>
 	installer currently only supports the creation of a single
 	top level vdev, except in stripe mode.  To create more complex
@@ -1624,9 +1621,10 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
 	including stripe (not recommended, no redundancy), mirror
 	(best performance, least usable space), and RAID-Z 1, 2, and 3
 	(with the capability to withstand the concurrent failure of 1,
-	2, and 3 disks, respectively).  A tooltip across the bottom of
-	the screen while selecting the pool type provides advice about
-	the number of required disks for each type, and in the case of
+	2, and 3 disks, respectively).  while selecting the pool type,
+	a tooltip is displayed across the bottom of
+	the screen with advice about
+	the number of required disks, and in the case of
 	RAID-Z, the optimal number of disks for each
@@ -1640,10 +1638,10 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>Once a pool type has been selected, a list of available
+      <para>Once a <literal>Pool Type</literal> has been selected, a list of available
 	disks is displayed, and the user is prompted to select one or
 	more disks to make up the pool.  The configuration is then
-	validated, to ensure enough disks were selected.  If not,
+	validated, to ensure enough disks are selected.  If not,
 	select <guibutton><Change Selection></guibutton> to
 	return to the list of disks, or
 	<guibutton><Cancel></guibutton> to change the pool
@@ -1674,11 +1672,11 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
       <para>If one or more disks are missing from the list, or if
 	disks were attached after the installer was started, select
 	<guibutton>- Rescan Devices</guibutton> to repopulate the list
-	of available disks.  To ensure that the correct disk is
+	of available disks.  To ensure that the correct disks are
 	selected, so as not to accidently destroy the wrong disks, the
 	<guibutton>- Disk Info</guibutton> menu can be used to inspect
-	each disk, including its partition table, and various other
-	information, including the device model number and serial
+	each disk, including its partition table and various other
+	information such as the device model number and serial
 	number, if available.</para>
       <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-zfs-disk_info">
@@ -1691,16 +1689,17 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-      <para>The menu also allows the user to enter a name for the
-	pool, disable forcing 4k sectors, enable or disable
+      <para>The main <acronym>ZFS</acronym> configuration menu also
+	allows the user to enter a pool name,
+	disable forcing 4k sectors, enable or disable
 	encryption, switch between <acronym>GPT</acronym>
 	(recommended) and <acronym>MBR</acronym> partition table
-	types, and select the desired amount of swap space.  Once all
+	types, and select the amount of swap space.  Once all
 	options have been set to the desired values, select the
 	<guibutton>>>> Install</guibutton> option at the
 	top of the menu.</para>
-      <para>If &man.geli.8; disk encryption was enabled, the
+      <para>If <acronym>GELI</acronym> disk encryption was enabled, the
 	installer will prompt twice for the passphrase to be used to
 	encrypt the disks.</para>
@@ -1736,25 +1735,31 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <sect2 xml:id="bsdinstall-part-shell">
       <title>Shell Mode Partitioning</title>
-      <para>When creating advanced installations the basic interface
-	of bsdinstall may not provide the level of flexibility
-	required.  Selecting the <guibutton>Shell</guibutton> option
-	from the partitioning menu will drop the user to a shell.  The
-	user is expected to partition the drives and create the
-	desired file system(s), populate an &man.fstab.5; file in
+      <para>When creating advanced installations, the
+	<application>bsdinstall</application> paritioning menus may
+	not provide the level of flexibility
+	required.  Advanced users can select the <guibutton>Shell</guibutton> option
+	from the partitioning menu in order to
+	manually partition the drives, create the
+	file system(s), populate
 	<filename>/tmp/bsdinstall_etc/fstab</filename>, and mount the
 	file systems under <filename>/mnt</filename>.  Once this is
-	done, running <command>exit</command> will return to
-	bsdinstall and continue the installation, starting with the
-	extraction of the distribution sets.</para>
+	done, type <command>exit</command> to return to
+	<application>bsdinstall</application> and continue the installation.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-final-warning">
     <title>Committing to the Installation</title>
-    <para>This is the last chance for aborting the installation to
-      prevent changes to the hard drive.</para>
+    <para>Once the disks are configured, the next menu provides the
+      last chance to make changes before the selected
+      hard drive(s) are formatted.  If changes need to be made,
+      select <guibutton>[ Back ]</guibutton> to return to
+      the main partitioning menu.
+      <guibutton>[ Revert & Exit ]</guibutton>
+      will exit the installer without making any changes to the hard
+      drive.</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-final-confirmation">
       <title>Final Confirmation</title>
@@ -1767,27 +1772,18 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-    <para>Select <guibutton>[ Commit ]</guibutton> and press
-      <keycap>Enter</keycap> to proceed.  If changes need to be made,
-      select <guibutton>[ Back ]</guibutton> to return to
-      the partition editor.
-      <guibutton>[ Revert & Exit ]</guibutton>
-      will exit the installer without making any changes to the hard
-      drive.</para>
+    <para>To instead start the actual installation, select
+      <guibutton>[ Commit ]</guibutton> and press
+      <keycap>Enter</keycap>.</para>
     <para>Installation time will vary depending on the distributions
-      chosen, installation media, and speed of the computer.  There
-      will be a series of messages displayed indicating
+      chosen, installation media, and speed of the computer.  A
+      series of messages will indicate the
-    <para>Firstly, the installer will write the partitions to the
-      disk, and perform a <command>newfs</command> to initialise the
-      partitions.</para>
-    <para>If doing a network install,
-      <application>bsdinstall</application> will then proceed to
-      download the required distribution files.</para>
-    <!-- XXXGA: What does it do if fetch fails? -->
+    <para>First, the installer formats the selected disk(s) and
+      initializes the partitions.  Next, in the case of a bootonly
+      media, it downloads the selected components:</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-distfile-fetching">
       <title>Fetching Distribution Files</title>
@@ -1800,9 +1796,9 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
-    <para>Next, the integrity of the distribution files is verified,
+    <para>Next, the integrity of the distribution files is verified
       to ensure they have not been corrupted during download or
-      misread from the installation media.</para>
+      misread from the installation media:</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-distfile-verify">
       <title>Verifying Distribution Files</title>
@@ -1816,7 +1812,7 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <para>Finally, the verified distribution files are extracted to
-      the disk.</para>
+      the disk:</para>
     <figure xml:id="bsdinstall-distfile-extract">
       <title>Extracting Distribution Files</title>
@@ -1830,9 +1826,9 @@ Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID
     <para>Once all requested distribution files have been extracted,
-      <application>bsdinstall</application> will then drop straight
-      into the post-installation configuration tasks described in
-      <xref linkend="bsdinstall-post"/>.</para>
+      <application>bsdinstall</application> displays the first
+      post-installation menu.  This series of menus is described in
+      the next section.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="bsdinstall-post">

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