svn commit: r44131 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking

Dru Lavigne dru at
Wed Mar 5 16:29:38 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Wed Mar  5 16:29:37 2014
New Revision: 44131

  Last merge shuffle in prep for technical review.
  Next few commits will clarify the info and check the order
  in which it is presented.
  Sponsored by: iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.xml	Wed Mar  5 15:30:24 2014	(r44130)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/advanced-networking/chapter.xml	Wed Mar  5 16:29:37 2014	(r44131)
@@ -3891,6 +3891,11 @@ ifconfig_<literal>lagg0</literal>="laggp
+    <para>To use <acronym>PXE</acronym> when the machine starts,
+	  select the <literal>Boot from network</literal> option in
+	  the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> setup or type a function key
+	  during system initialization.</para>
     <para>There are many ways to set up diskless workstations.  Many
       elements are involved, and most can be customized to suit local
       taste.  The following will describe variations on the setup of a
@@ -3983,9 +3988,200 @@ ifconfig_<literal>lagg0</literal>="laggp
+      <para>Place <filename>tftpboot</filename>
+	  anywhere on the server.  Make sure that the location is
+	  set in both <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename> and
+	  <filename>/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf</filename>.</para>
       <para>Refer to &man.diskless.8; for more information.</para>
+    <sect2 xml:id="network-pxe-nfs">
+      <info>
+      <title>Setting Up the &man.chroot.8; Environment for the
+	<acronym>NFS</acronym> Root File System</title>
+      <authorgroup>
+	<author>
+	  <personname>
+	    <firstname>Craig</firstname>
+	    <surname>Rodrigues</surname>
+	  </personname>
+	  <affiliation>
+	    <address>rodrigc at</address>
+	  </affiliation>
+	  <contrib>Written by </contrib>
+	</author>
+      </authorgroup>
+    </info>
+    <para>The &intel; Preboot eXecution Environment
+      (<acronym>PXE</acronym>) allows booting the operating system
+      over the network.  <acronym>PXE</acronym> support is usually
+      provided in the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> where it can be enabled
+      in the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> settings which enable booting
+      from the network.  A fully functioning
+      <acronym>PXE</acronym> setup also requires properly configured
+      <acronym>DHCP</acronym> and <acronym>TFTP</acronym>
+      servers.</para>
+    <para>When the host computer boots, it receives information over
+      <acronym>DHCP</acronym> about where to obtain the initial boot
+      loader via <acronym>TFTP</acronym>.  After the host computer
+      receives this information, it downloads the boot loader via
+      <acronym>TFTP</acronym> and then executes the boot loader.
+      This is documented in section 2.2.1 of the <link
+	xlink:href="">Preboot
+	Execution Environment (<acronym>PXE</acronym>)
+	Specification</link>.  In &os;, the boot loader retrieved
+      during the <acronym>PXE</acronym> process is
+      <filename>/boot/pxeboot</filename>.  After
+      <filename>/boot/pxeboot</filename> executes, the &os; kernel is
+      loaded and the rest of the &os; bootup sequence proceeds.
+      Refer to <xref linkend="boot"/> for more information about the
+      &os; booting process.</para>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Choose a directory which will have a &os;
+	    installation which will be <acronym>NFS</acronym>
+	    mountable.  For example, a directory such as
+	    <filename>/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install</filename> can be
+	    used.</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>export NFSROOTDIR=/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir -p ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Enable the <acronym>NFS</acronym> server by adding this line to
+	      <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename></para>
+	  <programlisting>nfs_server_enable="YES"</programlisting>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Export the diskless root directory via <acronym>NFS</acronym> by
+	    adding the following to
+	    <filename>/etc/exports</filename>:</para>
+	  <programlisting>/b -ro -alldirs</programlisting>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Restart the <acronym>NFS</acronym> server:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service nfsd restart</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Enable &man.inetd.8; by adding the following line to
+	    <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>:</para>
+	  <programlisting>inetd_enable="YES"</programlisting>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Add the following line to
+	    <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>:</para>
+	  <programlisting>tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -l -s /b/tftpboot</programlisting>
+	    <note>
+	      <para>Some
+		<acronym>PXE</acronym> versions require the
+		<acronym>TCP</acronym> version of
+		<acronym>TFTP</acronym>.  In this case, add a second
+		line, replacing <literal>dgram udp</literal> with
+		<literal>stream tcp</literal>.</para>
+	    </note>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Restart &man.inetd.8;:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service inetd restart</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Rebuild the &os; kernel and userland (<xref
+	      linkend="makeworld"/>):</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make buildworld</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make buildkernel</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Install &os; into the directory mounted over
+	    <acronym>NFS</acronym>:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make installworld DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make installkernel DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make distribution DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Test that the <acronym>TFTP</acronym> server works
+	    and can download the boot loader which will be obtained
+	    via <acronym>PXE</acronym>:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>tftp localhost</userinput>
+tftp> <userinput>get FreeBSD/install/boot/pxeboot</userinput>
+Received 264951 bytes in 0.1 seconds</screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Edit <filename>${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/fstab</filename> and
+	    create an entry to mount the root file system over
+	    <acronym>NFS</acronym>:</para>
+	  <programlisting># Device                                         Mountpoint    FSType   Options  Dump Pass       /         nfs      ro        0    0</programlisting>
+	  <para>Replace <replaceable></replaceable>
+	    with the hostname or <acronym>IP</acronym> address of the
+	    <acronym>NFS</acronym> server.  In this example, the root
+	    file system is mounted read-only in order to prevent
+	    <acronym>NFS</acronym> clients from potentially deleting
+	    the contents of the root file system.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Set the root password in the &man.chroot.8;
+	    environment:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>passwd</userinput></screen>
+	  <para>This sets the root password for client machines which
+	    are <acronym>PXE</acronym> booting.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Enable &man.ssh.1; root logins for client machines
+	    which are <acronym>PXE</acronym> booting by editing
+	    <filename>${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config</filename>
+	    and enabling <literal>PermitRootLogin</literal>.  This
+	    option is documented in &man.sshd.config.5;.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Perform other customizations of the &man.chroot.8;
+	    environment in ${NFSROOTDIR}.  These customizations could
+	    include things like adding packages with &man.pkg.add.1;,
+	    editing the password file with &man.vipw.8;, or editing
+	    &man.amd.conf.5; maps for automounting.  For
+	    example:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>pkg_add -r bash</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 xml:id="network-pxe-setting-up-dhcp">
 	<title>Configuring the <application>ISC
 	    DHCP</application> Server</title>
@@ -4091,94 +4287,6 @@ ifconfig_<literal>lagg0</literal>="laggp
-	<title>Configuring the
-	  <acronym>NFS</acronym> Server</title>
-	<para>Enable
-	  <acronym>NFS</acronym> and export the appropriate file
-	  system on the <acronym>NFS</acronym> server.</para>
-	    <para>Add this line to
-	      <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>:</para>
-	    <programlisting>nfs_server_enable="YES"</programlisting>
-	    <para>Export the file system where the diskless root
-	      directory is located by adding the following to
-	      <filename>/etc/exports</filename>.  Adjust the
-	      mount point and replace <replaceable>
-		corbieres</replaceable> with the names of the diskless
-	      workstations:</para>
-	    <programlisting><replaceable>/data/misc</replaceable> -alldirs -ro <replaceable>margaux corbieres</replaceable></programlisting>
-	    <para>Tell &man.mountd.8; to reread its configuration
-	      file.  If <acronym>NFS</acronym> is enabled in
-	      <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>, it is recommended
-	      to reboot instead.</para>
-	    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service mountd restart</userinput></screen>
-	  </sect2>
-	<sect2>
-	  <title>Configuring the <acronym>TFTP</acronym> Server</title>
-	<para>To use <acronym>PXE</acronym> when the machine starts,
-	  select the <literal>Boot from network</literal> option in
-	  the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> setup or type a function key
-	  during system initialization.</para>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary>TFTP</primary>
-	  <secondary>diskless operation</secondary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary>NFS</primary>
-	  <secondary>diskless operation</secondary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<para>To enable &man.tftpd.8;, perform the following steps:</para>
-	<procedure>
-	  <step>
-	    <para>Create a directory from which &man.tftpd.8; will
-	      serve the files, such as
-	      <filename>/tftpboot</filename>.</para>
-	  </step>
-	  <step>
-	    <para>Add this line to
-	      <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>:</para>
-	    <programlisting>tftp	dgram	udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/tftpd	tftpd -l -s /tftpboot</programlisting>
-	    <note>
-	      <para>Some
-		<acronym>PXE</acronym> versions require the
-		<acronym>TCP</acronym> version of
-		<acronym>TFTP</acronym>.  In this case, add a second
-		line, replacing <literal>dgram udp</literal> with
-		<literal>stream tcp</literal>.</para>
-	    </note>
-	  </step>
-	  <step>
-	    <para>Tell &man.inetd.8; to reread its configuration file.
-	      Add <option>inetd_enable="YES"</option> to
-	      <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> in order for this
-	      command to execute correctly:</para>
-	    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service inetd restart</userinput></screen>
-	  </step>
-	</procedure>
-	<para>Place <filename>tftpboot</filename>
-	  anywhere on the server.  Make sure that the location is
-	  set in both <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename> and
-	  <filename>/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf</filename>.</para>
-	</sect2>
-      <sect2>
 	<title>Preparing the Root File System</title>
@@ -4294,183 +4402,6 @@ cd /usr/src/etc; make distribution</prog
 	    the user.</para>
-  <sect2 xml:id="network-pxe-nfs">
-    <info>
-      <title>PXE Booting with an <acronym>NFS</acronym> Root File
-	System</title>
-      <authorgroup>
-	<author>
-	  <personname>
-	    <firstname>Craig</firstname>
-	    <surname>Rodrigues</surname>
-	  </personname>
-	  <affiliation>
-	    <address>rodrigc at</address>
-	  </affiliation>
-	  <contrib>Written by </contrib>
-	</author>
-      </authorgroup>
-    </info>
-    <para>The &intel; Preboot eXecution Environment
-      (<acronym>PXE</acronym>) allows booting the operating system
-      over the network.  <acronym>PXE</acronym> support is usually
-      provided in the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> where it can be enabled
-      in the <acronym>BIOS</acronym> settings which enable booting
-      from the network.  A fully functioning
-      <acronym>PXE</acronym> setup also requires properly configured
-      <acronym>DHCP</acronym> and <acronym>TFTP</acronym>
-      servers.</para>
-    <para>When the host computer boots, it receives information over
-      <acronym>DHCP</acronym> about where to obtain the initial boot
-      loader via <acronym>TFTP</acronym>.  After the host computer
-      receives this information, it downloads the boot loader via
-      <acronym>TFTP</acronym> and then executes the boot loader.
-      This is documented in section 2.2.1 of the <link
-	xlink:href="">Preboot
-	Execution Environment (<acronym>PXE</acronym>)
-	Specification</link>.  In &os;, the boot loader retrieved
-      during the <acronym>PXE</acronym> process is
-      <filename>/boot/pxeboot</filename>.  After
-      <filename>/boot/pxeboot</filename> executes, the &os; kernel is
-      loaded and the rest of the &os; bootup sequence proceeds.
-      Refer to <xref linkend="boot"/> for more information about the
-      &os; booting process.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Setting Up the &man.chroot.8; Environment for the
-	<acronym>NFS</acronym> Root File System</title>
-      <procedure>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Choose a directory which will have a &os;
-	    installation which will be <acronym>NFS</acronym>
-	    mountable.  For example, a directory such as
-	    <filename>/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install</filename> can be
-	    used.</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>export NFSROOTDIR=/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir -p ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Enable the <acronym>NFS</acronym> server by following
-	    the instructions in <xref
-	      linkend="network-configuring-nfs"/>.</para>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Export the directory via <acronym>NFS</acronym> by
-	    adding the following to
-	    <filename>/etc/exports</filename>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>/b -ro -alldirs</programlisting>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Restart the <acronym>NFS</acronym> server:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service nfsd restart</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Enable &man.inetd.8; by following the steps outlined
-	    in <xref linkend="network-inetd-conf"/>.</para>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Add the following line to
-	    <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -l -s /b/tftpboot</programlisting>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Restart &man.inetd.8;:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service inetd restart</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Rebuild the &os; kernel and userland (<xref
-	      linkend="makeworld"/>):</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make buildworld</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make buildkernel</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Install &os; into the directory mounted over
-	    <acronym>NFS</acronym>:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make installworld DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make installkernel DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make distribution DESTDIR=${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Test that the <acronym>TFTP</acronym> server works
-	    and can download the boot loader which will be obtained
-	    via <acronym>PXE</acronym>:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>tftp localhost</userinput>
-tftp> <userinput>get FreeBSD/install/boot/pxeboot</userinput>
-Received 264951 bytes in 0.1 seconds</screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Edit <filename>${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/fstab</filename> and
-	    create an entry to mount the root file system over
-	    <acronym>NFS</acronym>:</para>
-	  <programlisting># Device                                         Mountpoint    FSType   Options  Dump Pass       /         nfs      ro        0    0</programlisting>
-	  <para>Replace <replaceable></replaceable>
-	    with the hostname or <acronym>IP</acronym> address of the
-	    <acronym>NFS</acronym> server.  In this example, the root
-	    file system is mounted read-only in order to prevent
-	    <acronym>NFS</acronym> clients from potentially deleting
-	    the contents of the root file system.</para>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Set the root password in the &man.chroot.8;
-	    environment:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>passwd</userinput></screen>
-	  <para>This sets the root password for client machines which
-	    are <acronym>PXE</acronym> booting.</para>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Enable &man.ssh.1; root logins for client machines
-	    which are <acronym>PXE</acronym> booting by editing
-	    <filename>${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config</filename>
-	    and enabling <literal>PermitRootLogin</literal>.  This
-	    option is documented in &man.sshd.config.5;.</para>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Perform other customizations of the &man.chroot.8;
-	    environment in ${NFSROOTDIR}.  These customizations could
-	    include things like adding packages with &man.pkg.add.1;,
-	    editing the password file with &man.vipw.8;, or editing
-	    &man.amd.conf.5; maps for automounting.  For
-	    example:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>pkg_add -r bash</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-      </procedure>
-    </sect2>
       <title>Configuring Memory File Systems Used by

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