svn commit: r43023 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers

Ed Maste emaste at
Tue Oct 22 20:37:07 UTC 2013

Author: emaste (src committer)
Date: Tue Oct 22 20:37:06 2013
New Revision: 43023

  Add missing articles ("the" and "a") in the iSCSI chapter.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml	Tue Oct 22 19:39:03 2013	(r43022)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml	Tue Oct 22 20:37:06 2013	(r43023)
@@ -5841,7 +5841,7 @@ Logging to FILE /var/log/messages</scree
       <title>iSCSI Target</title>
       <para>Note: the native iSCSI target is supported starting with
-	&os; 10.0-RELEASE.  To use iSCSI in older versions, use
+	&os; 10.0-RELEASE.  To use iSCSI in older versions, use a
 	userspace target installed from ports, such as istgt.  This
 	chapter only applies to the native target.</para>
@@ -5886,15 +5886,15 @@ target {
 	  authentication.  Following two lines make <ulink
 	  listen on all IPv4 ("listen") and IPv6 ("listen
-	  [::]") addresses configured on network interfaces, on
+	  [::]") addresses configured on network interfaces, on the
 	  default port (3560).  One does not always need to define
 	  a new portal group - there is a default one, called
-	  "default".  Difference between "default" and "pg0" above is
+	  "default".  The difference between "default" and "pg0" above is
 	  that with the former, the iSCSI SendTargets discovery is
 	  always denied, while in the latter it is always
-	<para>Second entry defines a single target.  Target has two
+	<para>The second entry defines a single target.  Target has two
 	  meanings - it is a machine serving iSCSI, but it's also
 	  a named group of LUNs.  In this example, we use the latter
 	  meaning.  The "" is the
@@ -5905,21 +5905,21 @@ target {
 	  "target0" can be pretty much whatever.  There can be any
 	  number of targets defined in the config file.</para>
-	<para>First line in the target configuration ("auth-group
+	<para>The first line in the target configuration ("auth-group
 	  no-authentication") allows every initiator to connect to it.
-	  Second line ("portal-group pg0") makes the target reachable
+	  The second line ("portal-group pg0") makes the target reachable
 	  through the "pg0" portal group.</para>
 	<para>After that come LUNs.  To the initiator, each LUN will
 	  be visible as a separate disk device - e.g.
 	  <filename>/dev/da0</filename>, <filename>/dev/da1</filename>
 	  etc.  There may be multiple LUNs defined for each target.
-	  LUNs are identified by numbers; LUN 0 is mandatory.  First
-	  line of LUN configuration ("path /data/target0-0") defines
+	  LUNs are identified by numbers; LUN 0 is mandatory.  The first
+	  line of LUN configuration ("path /data/target0-0") defines the
 	  full path to a file or ZVOL backing the LUN.  The file must
 	  exist before starting <ulink
-	  Second line is optional and specifies the size.</para>
+	  The second line is optional and specifies the size.</para>
 	<para>To make sure <ulink
@@ -5976,15 +5976,15 @@ target {
 	<para>The auth-group section defines username/password pairs.
-	  Initiator trying to connect to
+	  An initiator trying to connect to must specify either of
 	  those.  The SendTargets discovery is still permitted without
 	  any kind of authentication; to change it, set
 	  "discovery-auth-group" to something else.</para>
-	<para>Common case for iSCSI is to have a single exported
+	<para>A common case for iSCSI is to have a single exported
 	  target for every initiator.  As a shorthand for syntax
-	  above, one can specify username and password directly in the
+	  above, one can specify the username and password directly in the
 	  target entry, like this:</para>
 	<programlisting>target {
@@ -6004,7 +6004,7 @@ target {
 	<para>The current iSCSI initiator is supported starting with
-	  &os; 10.0-RELEASE.  To use iSCSI initiator available in
+	  &os; 10.0-RELEASE.  To use the iSCSI initiator available in
 	  older versions, refer to <ulink
 	  This chapter only applies to the new
@@ -6065,7 +6065,7 @@         
 	<programlisting>Target name                                     Target addr     State            Waiting for iscsid(8)</programlisting>
-	<para>The following suggests network-level problem, such as
+	<para>The following suggests a network-level problem, such as a
 	  wrong <acronym>IP</acronym> address or port:</para>
 	<programlisting>Target name                                     Target addr     State
@@ -6083,7 +6083,7 @@         
 	<programlisting>Target name                                     Target addr     State            Authentication failed</programlisting>
-	<para>To specify CHAP username and secret, use the following
+	<para>To specify a CHAP username and secret, use the following
 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>iscsictl -A -h -t -u user -s secretsecret</userinput></screen>

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