[Week 4] Porting Microsoft's CoreCLR, CoreFX, and PowerShell to FreeBSD

Mateus Rodrigues de Morais mateus at mateus.tech
Fri Jun 15 01:01:47 UTC 2018

Hello all,

During this 4th week I managed to complete the goal of bootstrapping a working .NET Core SDK on FreeBSD to create, build, run and publish apps on the platform.

Some edges are still rough, since shared compilation isn’t working, the legacy implementation of the HTTP client has to be used and the default location for SSL certs on the system has to be changed since it’s different from Linux. But those issues have been worked around and compilation occurs without an issue. I’ve been in touch with the .NET Community on GitHub and we’ve been investigating how to fix these issues.

The next step is to build the CoreFX managed tests and run them against this bootstrapped SDK to figure out which parts are failing – if any – and see if this SDK is functional enough to build PowerShell.

Mateus de Morais

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