Tutorial on how to add your FreeBSD email alias to Gmail

Mateusz Piotrowski mpp302 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 22:00:06 UTC 2016

Hi there!

If you (just like me) have problems with
* Understanding that your new @FreeBSD.org email is just an alias;
* Adding your new alias to Gmail
then this tutorial is for you. I’ve spent a lot of time figuring this out so I decided to share it with you.

The tutorial can be viewed at my GitHub repository as well: https://github.com/0mp/n0tes/blob/master/freebsd.md#using-your-freebsd-email-alias-with-gmail <https://github.com/0mp/n0tes/blob/master/freebsd.md#using-your-freebsd-email-alias-with-gmail>

### Using your @FreeBSD email alias with Gmail.

1. Turn on the 2-step authentication at <https://myaccount.google.com/security/signinoptions/two-step-verification>.
2. Go to <https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords>.
3. Log in using your Gmail account.
4. In **Select app** choose **Other (Customised name)** and in **Select device** choose **Other (Customised name)**.
5. Click **GENERATE**.
6. Name it as *FreeBSD* or something.
7. Copy your new app password to the clipboard.
8. Go to <https://gmail.com> and open **Settings**.
9. Go to **Accounts and Import**, then in the **Send mail as:** section click **Add another email address that you own**. A window titled **Gmail - Add another email address that you own** should pop up.
10. Enter your name and your FreeBSD email alias like *0mp at FreeBSD.org*. Make sure that **Treat as an alias.** is checked. Proceed.
11. Now fill in the information as follows:
    * **SMPTP Server**: smtp.gmail.com
    * **Port**: 587
    * **Username**: youralias at gmail.com
    * **Password**: *The one time password you've generated a couple of steps earlier.*
    * Check **Secured connection using TLS (recommended)**
    Click **Add Account**.

12. You should receive an email with a confirmation that you want to allow Gmail to use your FreeBSD alias. The email should contain both a special code or a link to click. The easiest way is to just click the provided link so that your decision is approved.
13. Cheers! You should be able to send emails using your @FreeBSD address from Gmail.

That’s all.


Mateusz Piotrowski

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