[GSOC 2016] TCP/IP Regression TestSuite

Shivansh Rai shivansh at freebsd.org
Wed Aug 24 22:33:31 UTC 2016


As I mentioned in my progress report, the tests for socket shutdown were
previously failing.
Hiren helped me figure out today where the problem was, and we have fixed
all the tests.
The result which we finally came upon is this -
After a call to *shutdown(sd, SHUT_RD)*, FreeBSD still accepts data
segments (and sends ACK) but discards them.
Details are available in the test *[1].*

*Updated tests* :

*[1] : *

Thank you.
Shivansh Rai

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 2:19 PM Shivansh Rai <shivansh at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> This is the final report on all the work done during GSoC.
> I deeply apologize for not sending progress reports during the past month
> since I was down with jaundice and had no internet access at the health
> center I was admitted to, however I kept on contributing to the project. I
> have informed the admins and my mentor regarding the same.
> I have successfully completed all the scenarios mentioned in my proposal,
> and have added a few additional scenarios too to the project.
> I will keep the Project Wiki *[1]* updated with all the
> progress/contributions in future.
> The latest code is available here :
> https://github.com/shivrai/TCP-IP-Regression-TestSuite
> *[1]* :
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/SummerOfCode2016/TCP-IP-RegressionTestSuite
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Shivansh Rai

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