High Performance P4 Software Switch - Week 12

Yuri Iozzelli y.iozzelli at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 14:18:05 UTC 2016


Project summary

In this project I would like to implement a modified version of the
reference p4 (http://p4.org) switch on FreeBSD, which uses netmap for
faster packet I/O: the goal would be reaching the 1 Mpps order-of-magnitude
speed (current reference implementation is limited to 150 Kpps for a simple
l2 switch with 2 hosts).

Week 12

Since we are near the end, I listed all the features added and decided what
to keep. I sent some fixes upstream and divided the improvements in 3
independent branches. I am also working on the port of the project to
freebsd in two flavors: one with the minimal set of patches to make the
original code compile on freebsd, and the other one with all the features
developed during GSoC. I am still working on this.

  Wiki page:
 Code (gsoc-* branches):

Yuri Iozzelli

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