Week 9 / Non-BSM to BSM Conversion Tools

Mateusz Piotrowski 0mp at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 1 17:05:09 UTC 2016


I am still working on conversion. You can view the latest commits in this branch[1]. I've made a lot of style 
improvements this week

I've sent an email to linux-audit at redhat.com regarding weird regex-based field. Here's the answer I got: [2].

I hope to generate some most recent and valid Linux Audit logs in a few hours since I've just finished installing FreeBSD 
on a much stronger machine than I used before. I'm about to configure CentOS 7 64-bit and update the Linux kernel to get
the most recent format version of logs.

Apart from that, I was trying to get my FreeBSD started from NFS. I failed once again on this.

As of now, all the Linux Audit logs I've generated so far are convertible into the BSM format.



[1]: https://github.com/0mp/freebsd/pull/45
[2]: https://www.redhat.com/archives/linux-audit/2016-August/msg00000.html

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