IDMS: Weekly status report #8 of 14

Ambarisha B b.ambarisha at
Mon Aug 12 18:01:54 UTC 2013


Past week I've been working on site profiling. Progress so far:

The DMS server maintains a profile for each of the mirrors which it
stores to disk when exiting and loads up when starting.

The profile contains (domain, 256 most recent speed samplings, remark
indicating whether there was an error while using the mirror last
time, number of active connections to this mirror)

Every time a new request is received, the daemon picks a mirror.
Here's a short description of the criterion it uses:
- If a mirror hasn't been tried yet, try that.
- Average the download speed from a mirror from all the samples
collected in the past 1 week(a slight change will make this
configurable). Pick the site with maximum average speed.
- If there was an error, when using this mirror last time, pick this
mirror only as a last resort.
- If the number of active connections to a given mirror is already
MAX_CONN, pick the next best mirror.

This week is a buffer for testing this feature. So, I'll spend some
time testing and fixing anything that turns up. You'll see the latest
code in the svn repo latest by this time tomorrow. Please review it
and let me know of improvements.


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