[Status Report - Week 02] Automated Kernel Crash Reporting System

Tzanetos Balitsaris tzabal at it.teithe.gr
Tue Jun 5 11:19:00 UTC 2012

In the second week of coding I concentrated on the following things:
* Testing and debugging the work done in the Client Side part (crashreport)
* Considering alternative methods about how to send the reports from  
the client to the server and then deciding and implementing the  
selected method.
* Update the wiki page of the project.

Now, the Client Side part is complete.

I was not sure about the method of how to send the reports that I  
proposed last week. Thus, a good portion of the second week was spent  
on investigating alternative methods. My main alternative was the use  
of the HTTP PUT method using the cURL program. Also, I considered  
again the use of the SSH protocol after getting contact with Ilya  
Bakulin that explained me some aspects that I did not know regarding  
how the SSH protocol works. Finally, I decided to implement it with  
the use of OpenSSH (as I initially proposed) but now with confidence  
and arguments that prove my choice.

* Easier to implement the Server Side part of how to receive the  
reports (PHP HTTP library) but we have not any tool in the base system  
for this job (I was considering the cURL program). Also, we won't have  
any security when transfering the reports.

* Harder to implement the Server Side part of how to receive the  
reports (probably a daemon that runs on the server and notify a script  
when a new report is arrived) but we have OpenSSH in the base system  
for this job. Also, it is secure to transfer the reports.

Finally, Lars Engels sent me a patch for crashreport that mainly fixes  
security issues of crashreport (better and more use of quotes,  
substituted the basename and dirname commands with some shell magic).  
The patch has been applied.

Tzanetos Balitsaris

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