[ Week Report GSOC ] Parallelization in the ports collection
Alexander Pronin
scher at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jun 4 19:25:48 UTC 2012
Last week achievements:
-r 236691
[fixed] bsd.parallel.mk - new locking behaviour
bsd.port.mk - few changes just to match new locking behaviour
[new_feature] bsd.port.mk - create ${LOCK_DIR} if it is missed
bsd.parallel.mk - check-lock target
All ports lock files are moved to seperate directory.
${PORTSDIR}/lock - is used to keep ports lock files
${_parv_LOCK_DIR_LOCK_FILE} - port's lock file name - is set to ${PKGNAME}
Reason: Former changes make possible to implement sufficient
conflicts checking redisign. It was impossible to find port's dir in pots tree
using package name RE in ${CONFLICTS} variable. Now it is possible just to explore
Submitted by: Alexander Pronin
M Mk/bsd.port.mk
M Mk/bsd.parallel.mk
A lock
-r 236758
[bugfix] ":=" Type of MAkefile variable expansion leads to wrong
results of "$$(...)" command.
[new_feature] seal breakpoint targets for debbuging purpose
M bsd.parallel.mk
-r 236771
[new_feature] bsd.parallel.mk: new target for checking conflicts with currently
installing ports
bsd.port.mk: new checking conflicts target is integrated
M bsd.port.mk
M bsd.parallel.mk
-r 236812
[fixed] PKG_DBDIR locking erased from fake-pkg target, not to spam bsd.port.mk
fake-pkg target is surrounded by PKG_DBDIR locking targets
M bsd.port.mk
-r 237052
Merge with current ports collection Mk/* files
[bugfix] "{DO_NADA}: not found" error fixed in bsd.port.mk
M Mk/bsd.kde.mk
M Mk/bsd.licenses.mk
M Mk/bsd.gnome.mk
M Mk/bsd.ldap.mk
M Mk/bsd.octave.mk
M Mk/bsd.java.mk
M Mk/bsd.apache.mk
M Mk/bsd.tcl.mk
M Mk/bsd.port.mk
M Mk/bsd.qt.mk
M Mk/bsd.gnustep.mk
M Mk/bsd.scons.mk
M Mk/bsd.kde4.mk
M Mk/bsd.php.mk
M Mk/bsd.licenses.db.mk
M Mk/bsd.autotools.mk
M Mk/bsd.linux-rpm.mk
M Mk/bsd.destdir.mk
M Mk/bsd.wx.mk
M Mk/bsd.commands.mk
M Mk/bsd.database.mk
M Mk/bsd.pkgng.mk
A Mk/bsd.options.desc.mk
M Mk/bsd.port.subdir.mk
M Mk/bsd.port.options.mk
M Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
M Mk/bsd.cmake.mk
M Mk/bsd.lua.mk
M Mk/bsd.python.mk
M Mk/bsd.mail.mk
M Mk/bsd.sdl.mk
M Mk/bsd.xfce.mk
M Mk/bsd.sites.mk
M Mk/bsd.gecko.mk
M Mk/bsd.gstreamer.mk
M Mk/bsd.local.mk
A Mk/bsd.options.mk
M Mk/bsd.parallel.mk
M Mk/bsd.gcc.mk
M Mk/bsd.linux-apps.mk
Expectation for the following week:
Implement parallel build of port's dependencies as background jobs in XXX-depends targets.
Examine new optionsng framework
Outline parts of ports framework which require user interaction
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