[Week 11][IPv6 Improvement] Final report

Jonathan Calmels jbjcalmels at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 17:40:25 UTC 2012


The end of the Google summer of code is forthcoming, so this is my final
report concerning the IPv6 improvement, under Bjoern Zeeb's mentoring
The project aims to make more user space applications fully IPv6 ready.
Advancement of the project past/post GSoC can be retrieved here [1]

As a result of this program, I had the chance to work on many different
pieces of softwares. At the time of writing, the following libraries and
programs have been fixed
and successfully migrated to ipv6 :

   - openssl-1.0.1c
   - contrib/cvs
   - usr.bin/systat
   - usr.bin/quota
   - usr.bin/ypwhich
   - usr.sbin/ypbind

As a reminder, all patches can be retrieved here[2] as well as some
regression tests.

My work concerning usr.sbin/ypserv has progressed well this past
week but will not match the official GSoC deadline and will be part of
subsequent work around the IPv6 improvement.
Indeed ypserv uses the libc resolver as its subsystem and needs to be fixed
with the IPv6 resolver extensions in mind.
Therefore, I decided that I will continue contributing on this project
after the GSoC and persevere this way. Of course, everybody interested is
welcome to join me :)
The next step will be to integrate all these changes to HEAD and ensure
that all work flawlessly and remain stable.

My final words are to thanks all the FreeBSD team which has mentored this
SoC and specifically my mentor, Bjoern Zeeb which has been really helpful and
a pleasure to work with.

[1] : http://wiki.freebsd.org/IPv6/IPv6Improvement
[2] :


Jonathan Calmels (exxo@)

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