Welcome to posix1e

majordomo at cyrus.watson.org majordomo at cyrus.watson.org
Thu Feb 4 21:06:06 GMT 1999


Welcome to the posix1e mailing list!

Please save this message for future reference.  Thank you.

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you can send mail to <majordomo at cyrus.watson.org> with the following
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    unsubscribe posix1e

or from another account, besides bb+lists.sec.posix1e at cyrus.watson.org:

    unsubscribe posix1e bb+lists.sec.posix1e at cyrus.watson.org

If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list,
(if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the
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This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need
to contact a human.

 Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to,
 in case you don't already have it:

Welcome to the POSIX.1e cross-platform implementation mailing list.  The goal
of this list is to allow the various and sundry implementors of portions of
the POSIX.1e draft standard to discuss the draft, as well as development
issues including portability and testing.  This mailing list is neither
maintained nor officially approved by IEEE.

POSIX.1e provides extensions to the standard POSIX C API and command tools
that facilitate a more secure environment.  These extensions may include
ACLs, Capabilities, Auditing, Mandatory Access Control, and Information
Labels.  Not all of these facilities are appropriate in all environments,
and as the draft is still a draft, there are mistakes and inconsistencies
worth of discussion.

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