PERFORCE change 189992 for review
Rene Ladan
rene at
Sun Mar 13 21:22:58 UTC 2011
Change 189992 by rene at rene_acer on 2011/03/13 21:22:22
Affected files ...
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml#36 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.additional.sgml#88 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.committers.sgml#59 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.sgml#3 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.sgml#32 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml#33 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml#19 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml#8 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml#12 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml#37 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml#16 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml#102 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2006/mckusick-kernelinternals/mckusick-kernelinternals-1.sbv#2 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/asiabsdcon/allman-internetmail.sbv#3 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/asiabsdcon/rao-kernellocking-1.sbv#2 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/dcbsdcon/mckusick-historyofbsd.sbv#2 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/authors.ent#53 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/share/sgml/freebsd-html.dsl#6 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/share/sgml/freebsd.ent#21 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/administration.sgml#18 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/developers.sgml#52 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/platforms/alpha.sgml#2 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/platforms/ppc.sgml#6 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/ports/categories#4 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/support/webresources.sgml#2 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/share/sgml/ integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/share/sgml/news.xml#104 integrate
.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/share/sgml/press.xml#22 integrate
Differences ...
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml#36 (text+ko) ====
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<corpauthor>The &os; Documentation Project</corpauthor>
- <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml,v 1.293 2011/02/22 10:27:25 ryusuke Exp $</pubdate>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml,v 1.296 2011/03/12 18:11:05 gjb Exp $</pubdate>
@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@
<para>A short guide about fixes which are committed to the &os;
source tree after being detected by &coverity.prevent; and
- analyzed by an &os; developer.</para>
+ analyzed by a &os; developer.</para>
@@ -2803,11 +2803,42 @@
- <para>How long is a ports freeze?</para>
+ <para>What is a <quote>ports slush</quote> or
+ <quote>feature freeze</quote>?</para>
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>During a release cycle the ports tree may be in a
+ <quote>slush</quote> state instead of in a hard freeze.
+ The goal during a slush is to reach a stable ports tree
+ to avoid rebuilding large sets of packages for the
+ release and to tag the tree. During this time
+ <quote>sweeping changes</quote> are prohibited unless
+ specifically permitted by portmgr. Complete details
+ about what qualifies as a sweeping change can be found
+ on the <ulink
+ url="&url.base/portmgr/implementation.html">Portmgr
+ Implementation page</ulink>.</para>
+ <para>The benefit of a slush as opposed to a complete
+ freeze is that it allows maintainers to continue adding
+ new ports, making routine version updates, and bug fixes
+ to most existing ports, as long as the number of
+ affected ports is minimal. For example, updating the
+ shared library version on a port that many other ports
+ depend on.</para>
+ </answer>
+ </qandaentry>
+ <qandaentry>
+ <question>
+ <para>How long is a ports freeze or slush?</para>
- <para>Usually a week or two.</para>
+ <para>A freeze only lasts long enough to tag the tree.
+ A slush usually lasts a week or two, but may last
+ longer.</para>
@@ -2817,7 +2848,7 @@
- <para>During the ports freeze, you are not allowed to
+ <para>During a ports freeze, you are not allowed to
commit anything to the tree without explicit approval
from the Ports Management Team. <quote>Explicit
approval</quote> here means that you send a patch to
@@ -2834,43 +2865,48 @@
<para>Note that you do not have implicit permission to fix
a port during the freeze just because it is
+ <para>During a ports slush, you are still allowed to
+ commit but you must exercise more caution in what you
+ commit. Furthermore a special note (typically <quote>Feature
+ Safe: yes</quote>) must be added to the commit message.</para>
- <para>How do I know when the ports freeze starts?</para>
+ <para>How do I know when the ports slush starts?</para>
- <para>The ports management team will send out warning
+ <para>The Ports Management Team will send out warning
messages to the &a.ports; and &a.committers;
announcing the start of the impending release, usually
two or three weeks in advance. The exact starting time
will not be determined until a few days before the
- actual release. This is because the ports freeze has to
+ actual release. This is because the ports slush has to
be synchronized with the release, and it is usually not
known until then when exactly the release will be
- <para>When the freeze starts, there will be another
+ <para>When the slush starts, there will be another
announcement to the &a.ports; and &a.committers;, of course.</para>
- <para>How do I know when the ports freeze ends?</para>
+ <para>How do I know when the freeze or slush ends?</para>
- <para>A few hours after the release, the ports management team
- will send out a mail to the &a.ports; and &a.committers;
- announcing the end of the ports freeze. Note that the
- release being cut does not automatically end the freeze.
- We have to make sure there will not be any last minute
- snafus that result in an immediate re-rolling of the
- release.</para>
+ <para>A few hours after the release, the Ports Management
+ Team will send out a mail to the &a.ports; and &a.committers;
+ announcing the end of the ports freeze or slush. Note
+ that the release being cut does not automatically indicate
+ the end of the freeze. We have to make sure there will
+ be no last minute snafus that result in an immediate
+ re-rolling of the release.</para>
@@ -3190,7 +3226,7 @@
any file under a subdirectory that starts with an
uppercase letter (<filename>Mk/</filename>,
<filename>Tools/</filename>, etc.). In particular, the
- ports management team is very protective of
+ Ports Management Team is very protective of
<filename>ports/Mk/bsd.port*.mk</filename> so do not
commit changes to those files unless you want to face his
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.additional.sgml#88 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.additional.sgml,v 1.989 2011/03/05 23:06:43 kargl Exp $ -->
+<!-- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.additional.sgml,v 1.990 2011/03/13 16:50:59 pawel Exp $ -->
NOTE TO COMMITTERS: Contributors lists are sorted in alphabetical
order by first name.
@@ -7881,11 +7881,6 @@
- <para>Pawel Pekala
- <email>c0rn at</email></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
<para>Pawel Worach
<email>pawel.worach at</email></para>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.committers.sgml#59 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.committers.sgml,v 1.318 2011/03/05 23:06:43 kargl Exp $ -->
+<!-- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/contrib.committers.sgml,v 1.319 2011/03/13 16:50:59 pawel Exp $ -->
NOTE TO NEW COMMITTERS: Core and committers lists are sorted in
alphabetical order by last name. Please keep in mind that fact while
@@ -1207,6 +1207,10 @@
+ <para>&a.pawel;</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.sgml#3 (text+ko) ====
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<holder role="mailto:jhelfman at">Jason Helfman</holder>
- <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.sgml,v 1.3 2011/02/24 17:05:15 manolis Exp $</pubdate>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.sgml,v 1.4 2011/03/08 18:39:34 manolis Exp $</pubdate>
<legalnotice id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
@@ -501,15 +501,15 @@
<!-- Sorry folks, but I disagree here. I believe it is worded fine. If anything, drop everything after "perform" and change "updates" to "FreeBSD Updates" and link that to the handbook -->
- <note>
+ <important>
<para>In order for &fbus.ap; to work properly, updates
for both the <emphasis>current</emphasis> release and the
release <emphasis>one wants to upgrade to</emphasis> need to be
built. This is necessary for determining the differences of
files between releases. For example, when upgrading a &os;
- system from version 7.1 to 7.2, updates will need to be built
- for 7.1-RELEASE as well as for 7.2-RELEASE.</para>
- </note>
+ system from 7.1-RELEASE to 7.2-RELEASE, updates will need to be built
+ and uploaded to your distribution server for both versions.</para>
+ </important>
<para>For reference, the entire run of <ulink
url="init.txt"><filename></filename></ulink> is
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.sgml#32 (text+ko) ====
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<corpauthor>The &os; Ports Management Team</corpauthor>
- <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.sgml,v 1.68 2011/02/26 00:58:15 linimon Exp $</pubdate>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.sgml,v 1.69 2011/03/08 04:07:59 linimon Exp $</pubdate>
@@ -1573,8 +1573,8 @@
different, machines, you will need to put those in
the override directories.)</para>
- <para>Recommended entries:<screen>
+ <para>Recommended entries for physical nodes:<screen>
@@ -1591,6 +1591,43 @@
+ <para>Required entries for VMWare-based nodes:<screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>Recommended entries for VMWare-based nodes:<screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>&man.ntpd.8; should <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+ be enabled for VMWare instances.</para>
+ <para>Also, it may be possible to leave
+ <application>squid</application> disabled by default
+ so as to not have
+ <filename>/<replaceable>usr2</replaceable></filename>
+ persistent (which should save instantiation time.)
+ Work is still ongoing.
+ </para>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml#33 (text+ko) ====
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<corpauthor>The &os; Documentation Project</corpauthor>
- <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.1132 2011/01/15 12:51:40 jkois Exp $</pubdate>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.1133 2011/03/08 09:42:08 danger Exp $</pubdate>
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ <year>2011</year>
<holder>The &os; Documentation Project</holder>
@@ -6319,7 +6320,7 @@
Single User mode, it means that the console has been
marked as <literal>insecure</literal> in
<filename>/etc/ttys</filename>. In this case it will be
- required to boot from an &os; installation disk, choose
+ required to boot from a &os; installation disk, choose
the <guimenuitem>Fixit</guimenuitem> shell from
&man.sysinstall.8; and issue the commands mentioned
@@ -6329,7 +6330,7 @@
<para>If you cannot mount your root partition from Single
User mode, it is possible that the partitions are
encrypted and it is impossible to mount them without the
- access keys. Your chances are depending on the chosen
+ access keys. Your chances depend on the chosen
implementation. For more information see the section
about encrypted disks in the &os; <ulink
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml#19 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml,v 1.303 2011/03/04 16:40:26 danger Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml,v 1.306 2011/03/10 18:03:32 bcr Exp $
<chapter id="disks">
@@ -4065,7 +4065,7 @@
<para>How to integrate <acronym>CARP</acronym> and
- &man.devd.8;; to build a robust storage system.</para>
+ &man.devd.8; to build a robust storage system.</para>
@@ -4297,11 +4297,11 @@
<programlisting>resource test {
on hasta {
local /dev/ad6
- remote
+ remote
on hastb {
local /dev/ad6
- remote
+ remote
@@ -4540,7 +4540,7 @@
# Switch roles for the HAST resources
for disk in ${resources}; do
- if ! mount | grep -q "^${disk} on "
+ if ! mount | grep -q "^/dev/hast/${disk} on "
umount -f /hast/${disk}
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml#8 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml,v 1.21 2010/09/04 20:19:26 gjb Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml,v 1.22 2011/03/08 09:47:13 danger Exp $
<chapter id="jails">
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
<term>hosted (system, process, user, etc.)</term>
<para>A process, user or other entity, whose access to resources is
- restricted by an &os; jail.</para>
+ restricted by a &os; jail.</para>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml#12 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml,v 1.195 2010/12/01 20:37:04 rene Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.sgml,v 1.196 2011/03/08 17:46:12 jkois Exp $
<chapter id="kernelconfig">
@@ -266,6 +266,11 @@
<secondary>building / installing</secondary>
+ <note>
+ <para>It is required to have the full &os; source tree installed
+ to build the kernel.</para>
+ </note>
<para>First, let us take a quick tour of the kernel build directory.
All directories mentioned will be relative to the main
<filename>/usr/src/sys</filename> directory, which is also
@@ -287,35 +292,26 @@
directory structure, with each supported device, file system, and
option in its own subdirectory.</para>
- <para>This chapter assumes that you are using the i386 architecture
- in the examples. If this is not the case for your situation,
- make appropriate adjustments to the path names for your system's
- architecture.</para>
+ <para>The examples in this chapter assume that you are using the i386
+ architecture. If your system has a different architecture you need
+ to change the path names accordingly.</para>
- <para>If there is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a
- <filename>/usr/src/sys</filename> directory on your system,
- then the kernel source has not been installed. The easiest
- way to do this is by running
- <command>sysinstall</command> as
- <username>root</username>, choosing
+ <para>If the directory <filename>/usr/src/</filename> does not
+ exist on your system (or if it is empty), then the sources have
+ not been installed. The easiest way to install the full source
+ tree is is to run <command>sysinstall</command> as
+ <username>root</username>, and then choosing
<guimenuitem>Configure</guimenuitem>, then
<guimenuitem>Distributions</guimenuitem>, then
- <guimenuitem>src</guimenuitem>, then
- <guimenuitem>base</guimenuitem> and
- <guimenuitem>sys</guimenuitem>. If you have an aversion to
- <application>sysinstall</application> and you have access to
- an <quote>official</quote> &os; CDROM, then you can also
- install the source from the command line:</para>
+ <guimenuitem>src</guimenuitem>, and finally
+ <guimenuitem>All</guimenuitem>. If it does not exist, you should
+ also create a symlink to <filename>/usr/src/sys/</filename>:</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount /cdrom</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir -p /usr/src/sys</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s /usr/src/sys /sys</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>cat /cdrom/src/ssys.[a-d]* | tar -xzvf -</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>cat /cdrom/src/sbase.[a-d]* | tar -xzvf -</userinput></screen>
+ <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s /usr/src/sys/ /sys/</userinput></screen>
- <para>Next, move to the
+ <para>Next, change to the
<filename><replaceable>arch</replaceable>/conf</filename> directory
and copy the <filename>GENERIC</filename> configuration file to the
name you want to give your kernel. For example:</para>
@@ -392,6 +388,11 @@
<title>Building a Kernel</title>
+ <note>
+ <para>It is required to have the full &os; source tree installed
+ to build the kernel.</para>
+ </note>
<para>Change to the <filename
class="directory">/usr/src</filename> directory:</para>
@@ -412,11 +413,6 @@
- <note>
- <para>It is required to have full &os; source tree to build the
- kernel.</para>
- </note>
<para>By default, when you build a custom kernel,
<emphasis>all</emphasis> kernel modules will be rebuilt as well.
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml#37 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml,v 1.493 2011/01/10 19:29:32 blackend Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.sgml,v 1.495 2011/03/08 10:28:33 ryusuke Exp $
<appendix id="mirrors">
@@ -1748,15 +1748,6 @@
- <term><literal>ports-mbone
- release=cvs</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>MBone applications.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
@@ -2754,6 +2745,14 @@
+ <term>RELENG_8_2_0_RELEASE</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>&os; 8.2</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
@@ -2770,6 +2769,14 @@
+ <term>RELENG_7_4_0_RELEASE</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>&os; 7.4</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml#16 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml,v 1.337 2010/12/01 20:37:05 rene Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml,v 1.338 2011/03/08 09:47:12 danger Exp $
<chapter id="security">
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
and the value of the <varname>kern_securelevel</varname> variable to
the desired secure level.</para>
- <para>The default secure level of an &os; system right after the startup
+ <para>The default secure level of a &os; system right after the startup
scripts are done is -1. This is called <quote>insecure mode</quote>
because immutable file flags may be turned off, all devices may be
read from or written to, and so on.</para>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml#102 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v 1.1098 2011/03/06 08:50:38 das Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v 1.1099 2011/03/06 22:39:45 pav Exp $
<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@
- <entry><filename>mbone</filename></entry>
+ <entry><filename>mbone*</filename></entry>
<entry>MBone applications.</entry>
@@ -2027,7 +2027,7 @@
editors</filename>, not the other way around. Also, you should not
list <filename>net</filename> when the port belongs to
any of <filename>irc</filename>, <filename>mail</filename>,
- <filename>mbone</filename>, <filename>news</filename>,
+ <filename>news</filename>,
<filename>security</filename>, or <filename>www</filename>, as
<filename>net</filename> is included implicitly.</para>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2006/mckusick-kernelinternals/mckusick-kernelinternals-1.sbv#2 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@
rather than just a straight
-iteration of what the the actual protocols
+iteration of what the actual protocols
@@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@
was you'd have to break into these steps. well
-I need to run the the preprocessor
+I need to run the preprocessor
and so clean out whatever gump that was left
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/asiabsdcon/allman-internetmail.sbv#3 (text+ko) ====
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
they're interacting doing screen sharing
-over the the internet, they're showing off the mouse for
+over the internet, they're showing off the mouse for
the first time that nobody's ever seen
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
-and so the the network had gone international
+and so the network had gone international
sort of
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@
pretty much
-toward the end of the the Arpanet era
+toward the end of the Arpanet era
the Arpanet
@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@
that effectively said
-you can't use the the internet for commercial
+you can't use the internet for commercial
purposes at all
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/asiabsdcon/rao-kernellocking-1.sbv#2 (text+ko) ====
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
a very huge step forward in this direction
-really the the SMPng has been considered closed around the end of
+really the SMPng has been considered closed around the end of
@@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@
Msleep should be dropped off but they have avery nice feature which
-is the the possibility to specify a wake up priority on the sleeping threads
+is the possibility to specify a wake up priority on the sleeping threads
once they are asleep
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions/2009/dcbsdcon/mckusick-historyofbsd.sbv#2 (text+ko) ====
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
I'll just do quickly and then I'll concentrate
-on the the one
+on the one
piece that
@@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@
Uh and he took 4.1c with him to get it
-ported on to the the SUN hardware.
+ported on to the SUN hardware.
@@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@
with this sort uh of hit
-on the the main developer
+on the main developer
uh we decided that rather than trying up to get
@@ -2695,7 +2695,7 @@
uh that had
-well the the class ABC type of subnets
+well the class ABC type of subnets
@@ -3450,7 +3450,7 @@
At any rate
-we eventually win the the lawsuit
+we eventually win the lawsuit
And uh and we don't win it we settle the
@@ -3654,7 +3654,7 @@
-uh the the stuff that SUN had done
+uh the stuff that SUN had done
and the other was the stuff that had been done at
@@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@
so it really got to the point where it
-is needed to be signed off by the the SUN
+is needed to be signed off by the SUN
@@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@
and so got that put in and of course we
-did it onto the the Berkeley MMAP Interface
+did it onto the Berkeley MMAP Interface
rather than what they did
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/authors.ent#53 (text+ko) ====
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
builds for the other languages, and we will poke fun of you
in public.
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/authors.ent,v 1.534 2011/03/05 23:06:43 kargl Exp $
+ $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/authors.ent,v 1.535 2011/03/13 16:42:37 pawel Exp $
<!ENTITY a.aaron "Aaron Dalton <email>aaron at</email>">
@@ -904,6 +904,8 @@
<!ENTITY a.pav "Pav Lucistnik <email>pav at</email>">
+<!ENTITY a.pawel "Pawel Pekala <email>pawel at</email>">
<!ENTITY a.pb "Pierre Beyssac <email>pb at</email>">
<!ENTITY a.pdeuskar "Prafulla S. Deuskar <email>pdeuskar at</email>">
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+ (("ports") (string-append u "&" "amp;" "manpath=FreeBSD+8.2-RELEASE+and+Ports"))
(else u))))
(element application ($bold-seq$))
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/share/sgml/freebsd.ent#21 (text+ko) ====
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DocBook Miscellaneous FreeBSD Entities.
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+ $FreeBSD: doc/share/sgml/freebsd.ent,v 1.132 2011/03/13 19:24:19 blackend Exp $
This file is now valid XML as well as SGML. Please do not add CDATA
attributes or anything else that will prevent this file from being
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
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<!-- Use an entity for DTrace to avoid spelling
mistakes stem from unusual capitalization -->
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<!-- Entities for multiple "latest" versions of FreeBSD -->
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+<!ENTITY "February 2011">
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<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD Project Administration and Management">
<!ENTITY % navinclude.about "INCLUDE">
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@@ -131,13 +131,14 @@
Team in greater detail.</p>
+ <li>&a.tabthorpe; <<a href="mailto:tabthorpe at">tabthorpe at</a>></li>
<li>&a.marcus; <<a href="mailto:marcus at">marcus at</a>></li>
<li>&a.erwin; <<a href="mailto:erwin at">erwin at</a>></li>
<li>&a.linimon; <<a href="mailto:linimon at">linimon at</a>></li>
<li>&a.pav; <<a href="mailto:pav at">pav at</a>></li>
- <li>&a.miwi; <<a href="mailto:miwi at">miwi at</a>></li>
<li>&a.itetcu; <<a href="mailto:itetcu at">itetcu at</a>></li>
<li>&a.flz; <<a href="mailto:flz at">flz at</a>></li>
+ <li>&a.miwi; <<a href="mailto:miwi at">miwi at</a>></li>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/developers.sgml#52 (text+ko) ====
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
us to update author names, or the representation of those names (such
as adding email addresses), by just editing a single file.
-$FreeBSD: www/en/developers.sgml,v 1.276 2011/03/05 23:08:13 kargl Exp $
+$FreeBSD: www/en/developers.sgml,v 1.277 2011/03/13 16:47:13 pawel Exp $
@@ -451,6 +451,7 @@
<!ENTITY a.patrick "Patrick S. Gardella">
<!ENTITY a.paul "Paul Richards">
<!ENTITY a.pav "Pav Lucistnik">
+<!ENTITY a.pawel "Pawel Pekala">
<!ENTITY a.pb "Pierre Beyssac">
<!ENTITY a.pdeuskar "Prafulla S. Deuskar">
<!ENTITY a.pds "Peter da Silva">
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/platforms/alpha.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional-Based Extension//EN" [
<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/platforms/alpha.sgml,v 1.7 2008/05/23 18:22:15 jkois Exp $">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/platforms/alpha.sgml,v 1.8 2011/03/10 10:48:45 jkois Exp $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD/alpha Project">
<!ENTITY email 'freebsd-alpha'>
<!ENTITY % navinclude.developers "INCLUDE">
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
<p>This page contains information about porting FreeBSD to HP/Compaq Alpha
- systems. Discussion of the Alpha port takes place on the <a
- href="">freebsd-alpha</a>
- mailing list.</p>
+ systems.</p>
@@ -21,15 +19,17 @@
the hardware vendor; this combined with the widespread deployment of
more mainstream 64-bit platforms, such as the AMD64 and Intel EM64T
architectures, has resulted in significantly reduced user and developer
- community interest. FreeBSD/alpha support will continue in maintenance
- mode for future FreeBSD 6.x releases.</p>
+ community interest.</p>
- <h3><a name="list">FreeBSD/alpha mailing list</a></h3>
+ <h3>FreeBSD/alpha mailing list</h3>
- <p>To subscribe to this list, send an email to <tt class="EMAIL"><<a
- href="mailto:freebsd-alpha-subscribe at">freebsd-alpha-subscribe at</a>></tt>
- or visit the <a
- href="">mailman interface</a>.</p>
+ <p>Because of the dropped support for the Alpha plattform the mailing list
+ <em>freebsd-alpha</em> has been closed. Although it is no
+ longer possible to send messages to this mailing list, the archives can
+ still be <a
+ href="">searched</a>
+ or <a
+ href="">browsed</a>.</p>
<h3>Other Links of Interest</h3>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/platforms/ppc.sgml#6 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional-Based Extension//EN" [
<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
-<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/platforms/ppc.sgml,v 1.26 2010/06/13 13:33:14 ryusuke Exp $">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/platforms/ppc.sgml,v 1.27 2011/03/10 10:48:45 jkois Exp $">
<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD/ppc Project">
<!ENTITY email 'freebsd-ppc'>
<!ENTITY % navinclude.developers "INCLUDE">
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<h4><a name="3">How to use ports on FreeBSD/ppc?</a></h4>
- <p>The easy way to use ports on FreeBSD since 6.0-RELEASE is to use portsnap.
+ <p>The easy way to use ports on FreeBSD is to use portsnap.
Refer to the Handbook if you need assistance to
<a href="&base;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ports-using.html">use
the Ports Collection</a>.</p>
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/ports/categories#4 (text+ko) ====
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Originally from src/release/sysinstall/index.c,v 1.57 1998/10/15
-#$FreeBSD: www/en/ports/categories,v 1.40 2010/09/29 20:54:50 pav Exp $
+#$FreeBSD: www/en/ports/categories,v 1.41 2011/03/06 22:43:05 pav Exp $
# See categories.descriptions for the meaning of the abbrevations at the
# end of each category.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
lisp,"Things related to pure lisp.",VC
mail,"Electronic mail packages and utilities.",CCATI
math,"Mathematical computation software.",SAE
-mbone,"Applications and utilities for the MBONE.",CCATI
+mbone,"Applications and utilities for the MBONE.",VC
misc,"Miscellaneous utilities.",AOP
multimedia,"Multimedia software.",EU
net,"Networking utilities.",CCATI
==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/www/en/support/webresources.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====
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<!ENTITY base CDATA "..">
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+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/en/support/webresources.sgml,v 1.5 2011/03/10 09:07:58 jkois Exp $">
<!ENTITY title "Web Resources">
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