PERFORCE change 159907 for review

Gabor Pali pgj at
Fri Mar 27 08:12:45 PDT 2009

Change 159907 by pgj at beehive on 2009/03/27 15:12:25

	MFen (www):
	  1.233 -> 1.235  hu/share/sgml/news.xml

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/www/hu/share/sgml/news.xml#7 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/www/hu/share/sgml/news.xml#7 (text+ko) ====

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
      Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj at>
      %SOURCE%   share/sgml/news.xml
-     %SRCID%    1.233
+     %SRCID%    1.235
@@ -22,6 +22,41 @@
+	<name>25</name>
+	<event>
+	  <p>&Uacute;j tag: <a href="mailto:skreuzer at">Steven
+	    Kreuzer</a> (ports)</p>
+	</event>
+      </day>
+      <day>
+	<name>22</name>
+	<event>
+	  <title>A &os; Projekt is r&eacute;sztvesz a Google Summer of
+	    Code 2009 programj&aacute;ban</title>
+	  <p>&Ouml;r&ouml;mmel jelentj&uuml;k be, hogy a &os; Projekt
+	    megh&iacute;v&aacute;st nyert a Google Summer of Code 2009
+	    programj&aacute;ba, amelynek k&ouml;sz&ouml;nhet&#245;en
+	    &ouml;szt&ouml;nd&iacute;jat tudunk adni a &os;
+	    forr&aacute;sk&oacute;dj&aacute;val dolgoz&oacute;
+	    hallgat&oacute;inknak.  Szeretettel v&aacute;runk minden
+	    &eacute;rdekl&#245;d&#245;t, &eacute;s javasoljuk, hogy
+	    min&eacute;l hamarabb adj&aacute;k be a
+	    jelentkez&eacute;s&uuml;nket!</p>
+	  <p>Tov&aacute;bbi inform&aacute;ci&oacute;k&eacute;rt
+	      l&aacute;sd a <a
+	      href="&enbase;/projects/summerofcode.html">&os;
+	      ny&aacute;ri projekt&ouml;tleteit</a>, illetve a <a
+	      href="">hivatalos
+	      bejelent&eacute;st</a>.</p>
+	</event>
+      </day>
+      <day>

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