PERFORCE change 159688 for review

Rene Ladan rene at
Mon Mar 23 10:05:09 PDT 2009

Change 159688 by rene at rene_self on 2009/03/23 17:04:12

	Rewrite section 16.2 of the committers guide.
	Instead of an example on how to MFC using CVS, point to the
	appropriate sections on the wiki.
	An SVN example is too long IMHO and I cannot verify it myself

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml#18 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_nl/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml#18 (text+ko) ====

@@ -3362,35 +3362,16 @@
 	  <para>To add a file onto a branch, simply checkout or update
 	  to the branch you want to add to and then add the file using
-	  <command>vcs add</command> as you normally would.  For
-	  example, if you wanted to MFC the file
-	  <filename>src/sys/alpha/include/smp.h</filename> from head 
-	  to stable/7 and it does not exist in stable/7 yet, you would
-	  use the following steps:</para>
-<!--TODO update to SVN
-	  <example>
-	    <title>MFC'ing a New File</title>
-	    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cd sys/alpha/include</userinput>
-&prompt.user; <userinput>cvs update -rRELENG_6</userinput>
-cvs update: Updating .
-U clockvar.h
-U console.h
-&prompt.user; <userinput>cvs update -kk -Ap smp.h &gt; smp.h</userinput>
-Checking out smp.h
-RCS:  /usr/cvs/src/sys/alpha/include/smp.h,v
-VERS: 1.1
-&prompt.user; <userinput>cvs add smp.h</userinput>
-cvs add: scheduling file `smp.h' for addition on branch `RELENG_6'
-cvs add: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
-&prompt.user; <userinput>cvs commit</userinput>
-	    </screen>
-	  </example>
+	  <command>vcs add</command> as you normally would.  This works
+	  fine for the <literal>doc</literal> and
+	  <literal>ports</literal> trees.  The <literal>src</literal>
+	  tree uses SVN and requires more care because of the
+	  <literal>mergeinfo</literal> properties.  See section 1.4.6
+	  of the <ulink url="">
+	    Subversion Primer</ulink> for details.  Refer to <ulink
+	    url="">
+	    SubversionPrimer/Merging</ulink> for details on how to
+	  perform an MFC.</para>

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