PERFORCE change 151794 for review

Peter Wemm peter at
Thu Oct 23 08:58:14 UTC 2008

Change 151794 by peter at peter_cheese on 2008/10/23 08:57:58

	Give up for now and use gnu sed like it wants.  Add to $PATH before biuilding.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/valgrind/ edit
.. //depot/projects/valgrind/ edit
.. //depot/projects/valgrind/ edit
.. //depot/projects/valgrind/tests/filter_stderr_basic#4 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/valgrind/ (text+ko) ====

@@ -213,14 +213,14 @@
 # So we search for the line with a hex value "+ SIZEOF_HEADERS", and replace
 # all the hex values in that line with "valt_load_address". Makefile
-	$(CC) @FLAG_M32@ -Wl,--verbose -nostdlib 2>&1 | sed -E \
-		-e '1,/^=====+$$/d' \
-		-e '/^=====+$$/d' \
-		-e '/\. = 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ \+ SIZEOF_HEADERS/s/0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+/valt_load_address/g' > $@ \
+	$(CC) @FLAG_M32@ -Wl,--verbose -nostdlib 2>&1 | sed \
+		-e '1,/^=====\+$$/d' \
+		-e '/^=====\+$$/d' \
+		-e '/\. = 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]\+ + SIZEOF_HEADERS/s/0x[0-9A-Fa-f]\+/valt_load_address/g' > $@ \
 	|| rm -f $@ Makefile
-	$(CC) -m64 -Wl,--verbose -nostdlib 2>&1 | sed -E \
+	$(CC) -m64 -Wl,--verbose -nostdlib 2>&1 | sed \
 		-e '1,/^=====+$$/d' \
 		-e '/^=====+$$/d' \
 		-e '/\. = 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ \+ SIZEOF_HEADERS/s/0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+/valt_load_address/g' > $@ \

==== //depot/projects/valgrind/ (text+kox) ====

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+export PATH
 run ()
     echo "running: $*"

==== //depot/projects/valgrind/ (text+ko) ====

@@ -95,20 +95,20 @@
 # on some pretty fancy sed expressions, and AIX sed doesn't produce the
 # same results, causing install to fail
-#AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU sed])
-#[sed_firstline=`sed --version | head -n 1`]
-#case "${sed_firstline}" in
-#    GNU*)
-#	AC_MSG_RESULT([ok, looks like GNU sed])
-#	;;
-#    *)
-#	AC_MSG_RESULT([please ensure first 'sed' in your path is GNU sed])
-#	AC_MSG_RESULT([note: GNU sed is only required at build/install time])
-#	AC_MSG_ERROR([build/install requires that 'sed' is GNU sed])
-#	;;
+[sed_firstline=`sed --version | head -n 1`]
+case "${sed_firstline}" in
+    GNU*)
+	AC_MSG_RESULT([ok, looks like GNU sed])
+	;;
+    *)
+	AC_MSG_RESULT([please ensure first 'sed' in your path is GNU sed])
+	AC_MSG_RESULT([note: GNU sed is only required at build/install time])
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([build/install requires that 'sed' is GNU sed])
+	;;
 # We don't want gcc < 3.0

==== //depot/projects/valgrind/tests/filter_stderr_basic#4 (text+kox) ====

@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 dir=`dirname $0`
 # Remove ==pid== and --pid-- and ++pid++ and **pid** strings 
-#sed "s/\(==\|--\|\+\+\|\*\*\)[0-9]\{1,7\}\1 //"             |
-perl -pe 's/(==|--|\+\+|\*\*)\d{1,5}\1 //;' |
+sed "s/\(==\|--\|\+\+\|\*\*\)[0-9]\{1,7\}\1 //"             |
 # Remove any --pid:0: strings (debuglog level zero output)
 sed "/^--[0-9]\{1,7\}:0:*/d" |

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