PERFORCE change 151300 for review

Gabor Pali pgj at
Mon Oct 13 07:00:25 UTC 2008

Change 151300 by pgj at kolbasz on 2008/10/13 07:00:08

	Add Hungarian translation of chapter "Tools" from FDP Primer

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/tools/chapter.sgml#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/tools/chapter.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -31,172 +31,238 @@
 <!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj at>
      %SOURCE%  en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/tools/chapter.sgml
-     %SRCID%   1.32
+     %SRCID%   1.33
 <chapter id="tools" lang="hu">
-  <title>Tools</title>
-  <para>The FDP uses a number of different software tools to help
-    manage the FreeBSD documentation, convert it to different output
-    formats, and so on.  You will need to use these tools yourself if
-    you are to work with the FreeBSD documentation.</para>                    
+  <title>Eszk&ouml;z&ouml;k</title>
+  <para>Az FDP a &os; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;t
+    t&ouml;bbf&eacute;le eszk&ouml;z seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel
+    tartja karban, alak&iacute;tja &aacute;t
+    k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; kimeneti form&aacute;tumokra &eacute;s
+    &iacute;gy tov&aacute;bb.  Ha teh&aacute;t a &os;
+    dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;val akarunk dolgozni, akkor
+    mindezekre az eszk&ouml;z&ouml;kre nek&uuml;nk is
+    sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk lesz.</para>
+  <para>Ezek az eszk&ouml;z&ouml;k a &os; csomag- &eacute;s
+    portgy&#251;jtem&eacute;ny&eacute;ben is megtal&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak,
+    ami &iacute;gy nagyban megk&ouml;nny&iacute;ti a
+    telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&uuml;ket.</para>
-  <para>All these tools are available as FreeBSD Ports and Packages,
-    greatly simplifying the work you have to do to install
-    them.</para>                                                              
-  <para>You will need to install these tools before you work through
-    any of the examples in later chapters.  The actual usage of these
-    tools is covered in later chapters.</para>     
+  <para>Teh&aacute;t &eacute;rdemes elv&eacute;gezn&uuml;nk a
+    telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&uuml;ket miel&#245;tt foglalkozn&aacute;nk a
+    k&eacute;s&#245;bbi fejezetekben tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;
+    p&eacute;ld&aacute;kkal.  Az egyes programok konkr&eacute;t
+    haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;val is majd ezekben a fejezetekben fogunk
+    r&eacute;szletesebben foglalkozni.</para>
-    <title>Use <filename role="package">textproc/docproj</filename> if possible</title>
+    <title>Lehet&#245;s&eacute;g szerint a <filename
+	role="package">textproc/docproj</filename> portot
+      haszn&aacute;ljuk</title>
-    <para>You can save yourself a lot of time if you install the
-      <filename role="package">textproc/docproj</filename> port.  This is a
-      <emphasis>meta-port</emphasis> which does not contain any software
-      itself.  Instead, it depends on various other ports being installed
-      correctly.  Installing this port <emphasis>should</emphasis>
-      automatically download and install all of the packages listed in this
-      chapter that you need.</para>
+    <para>A <filename role="package">textproc/docproj</filename> port
+      telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;vel rengeteg id&#245;t &eacute;s
+      f&aacute;radalmat megtakar&iacute;thatunk magunknak.  Ez egy
+      &uacute;n.  <emphasis>metaport</emphasis>, amely &ouml;nmaga nem
+      tartalmaz semmilyen szoftvert, helyette azonban f&uuml;gg az
+      egy&eacute;bk&eacute;nt telep&iacute;tend&#245; portokt&oacute;l.
+      &Iacute;gy teh&aacute;t csup&aacute;n ezen port
+      telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;vel automatikusan le
+      <emphasis>kellene</emphasis> t&ouml;lt&#245;dnie &eacute;s
+      telep&uuml;lnie <emphasis>kellene</emphasis> a fejezetben
+      ismertetett &ouml;sszes csomagnak.</para>
-    <para>One of the packages that you might need is the JadeTeX macro set.
-      In turn, this macro set requires &tex; to be installed.  &tex; is a large
-      package, and you only need it if you want to produce Postscript or PDF
-      output.</para>
+    <para>Az egyik telep&iacute;t&eacute;sre javasolt csomag a
+      <application>JadeTeX</application> elnevez&eacute;s&#251;
+      makr&oacute;k&eacute;szlet, amelynek viszont sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ge
+      van a &tex; csomagra.  A &tex; egy viszonylag nagy
+      m&eacute;ret&#251; csomag, ennek a t&eacute;nyleges
+      telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;t csak abban az esetben javasoljuk,
+      ha a dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;b&oacute;l Postscript vagy PDF
+      v&aacute;ltozatot akarunk k&eacute;sz&iacute;teni.</para>
-    <para>To save yourself time and space you must specify whether or not you
-      want JadeTeX (and therefore &tex;) installed when you install this port.
-      Either do:</para>
+    <para>Telep&iacute;t&eacute;si id&#245; &eacute;s
+      t&aacute;rter&uuml;let szempontj&aacute;b&oacute;l nyilatkoznunk
+      kell r&oacute;la, hogy a port r&eacute;szek&eacute;nt a JadeTeX
+      (&eacute;s &iacute;gy a &tex;) felker&uuml;lj&ouml;n vagy sem.
+      Ennek megfelel&#245;en v&aacute;laszthatunk:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make JADETEX=yes install</userinput></screen>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make JADETEX=yes install</userinput></screen>
-    <para>or</para>
+    <para>vagy</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make JADETEX=no install</userinput></screen>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make JADETEX=no install</userinput></screen>
-    <para>as necessary.  Alternatively you may install <filename
-      role="package">textproc/docproj-jadetex</filename> or <filename
-      role="package">textproc/docproj-nojadetex</filename>.  These slave ports
-      define the <makevar>JADETEX</makevar> variable for you, therefore they
-      will install the same suite of applications on your machine.
-      Note that you can produce only HTML or ASCII
-      text output if you do not install <application>JadeTeX</application>.
-      PostScript or PDF output require &tex;.</para>
+    <para>Ugyanezt a v&aacute;laszt&aacute;st a <filename
+	role="package">textproc/docproj-jadetex</filename> vagy a
+      <filename role="package">textproc/docproj-nojadetex</filename>
+      portok valamelyik&eacute;nek telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;vel is
+      megtehetj&uuml;k.  Ezek a seg&eacute;dportok helyett&uuml;nk
+      m&aacute;r defini&aacute;lj&aacute;k a <makevar>JADETEX</makevar>
+      v&aacute;ltoz&oacute; &eacute;rt&eacute;k&eacute;t, &eacute;s
+      ennek megfelel&#245;en telep&iacute;tik g&eacute;p&uuml;nkre az
+      alkalmaz&aacute;sokat.  Ne felejts&uuml;k el, hogy ha nem
+      tessz&uuml;k fel a <application>JadeTeX</application> csomagot,
+      akkor csak HTML &eacute;s ASCII form&aacute;tum&uacute;
+      dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;t lesz&uuml;nk k&eacute;pesek
+      el&#245;&aacute;ll&iacute;tani.  Postscript vagy PDF
+      k&eacute;sz&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;hez mindenk&eacute;ppen
+      sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges a &tex;.</para>
   <sect1 id="tools-mandatory">
-    <title>Mandatory tools</title>
+    <title>Alapeszk&ouml;z&ouml;k</title>
-      <title>Software</title>
-      <para>These programs are required before you can usefully work with the
-	FreeBSD documentation, and they will allow you to convert the
-	documentation to HTML, plain text, and RTF formats.  They are all
-	included in <filename role="package">textproc/docproj</filename>.</para>
+      <title>Szoftverek</title>
+      <para>A &os; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;val csak az ebben
+	a szakaszban ismertetett programok
+	seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel tudunk &eacute;rdemben
+	dolgozni.  Ezekkel a programokkal tudjuk
+	l&eacute;nyeg&eacute;ben &aacute;talak&iacute;tani a
+	dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;t t&ouml;bbek k&ouml;zt egyszer&#251;
+	ASCII sz&ouml;vegg&eacute;, HTML oldalakk&aacute; vagy RTF
+	dokumentumokk&aacute;.  Mindegyik&uuml;k r&eacute;sze a
+	<filename role="package">textproc/docproj</filename>
+	csomagnak.</para>
 	    (<filename role="package">textproc/jade</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>A DSSSL implementation.  Used for converting marked up
-	      documents to other formats, including HTML and &tex;.</para>
+	    <para>Egy DSSSL implement&aacute;ci&oacute;, ezen
+	      kereszt&uuml;l alak&iacute;that&oacute;ak &aacute;t a
+	      dokumentumok markupokkal ell&aacute;tott forr&aacute;sai
+	      m&aacute;s, p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul HTML vagy &tex;
+	      form&aacute;tumokba.</para>
 	    (<filename role="package">www/tidy</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>An HTML <quote>pretty printer</quote>, used to reformat some of the
-	      automatically generated HTML so that it is easier to
-	      follow.</para>
+	    <para>Egy HTML forr&aacute;sokra alkalmazhat&oacute;
+	      <quote>form&aacute;z&oacute;</quote>, amellyel a
+	      t&ouml;bbi program &aacute;ltal automatikusan
+	      l&eacute;trehozott egyes HTML &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokat
+	      lehet emberek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra k&ouml;nnyebben
+	      &eacute;rthet&#245; alakra hozni.</para>
 	    (<filename role="package">www/links</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>A text-mode WWW browser that can also convert
-	      HTML files to plain text.</para>
+	    <para>Egy sz&ouml;veges m&oacute;dban m&#251;k&ouml;d&#245;
+	      webb&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&#245;, amely remek&uuml;l
+	      haszn&aacute;lhat&oacute; HTML oldalak egyszer&#251;
+	      sz&ouml;veges v&aacute;ltozatainak
+	      l&eacute;trehoz&aacute;s&aacute;ra.</para>
 	    (<filename role="package">graphics/peps</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>Some of the documentation includes images, some of which are
-	      stored as EPS files.  These must be converted to PNG before most
-	      web browsers will display them.</para>
+	    <para>A dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ban n&eacute;hol
+	      tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak &aacute;br&aacute;k, amelyek
+	      n&eacute;melyike EPS &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokban
+	      t&aacute;rol&oacute;dik.  A webb&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&#245;k
+	      azonban csak akkor fogj&aacute;k tudni ezeket
+	      megjelen&iacute;teni, ha el&#245;tte
+	      &aacute;talak&iacute;tjuk PNG
+	      &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokk&aacute;.</para>
-      <title>DTDs and Entities</title>
+      <title>Dokumentumt&iacute;pus-defin&iacute;ci&oacute;k &eacute;s
+	egyedek</title>
+      <para>Az FDP az itt felsorolt
+	dokumentumt&iacute;pus-defin&iacute;ci&oacute;kat (DTD-ket)
+	haszn&aacute;lja.  A dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;val csak ezek
+	telep&iacute;t&eacute;se ut&aacute;n tudunk dolgozni.</para>
-      <para>These are the DTDs and entity sets used by the FDP.  They need to
-	be installed before you can work with any of the documentation.</para>
 	  <term>HTML DTD (<filename role="package">textproc/html</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>HTML is the markup language of choice for the World Wide
-	      Web, and is used throughout the FreeBSD web site.</para>
+	    <para>A HTML a World Wide Web nyelvek&eacute;nt
+	      egys&eacute;gesen elfogadott jel&ouml;l&#245;nyelv, amely
+	      ez&aacute;ltal a &os; honlapj&aacute;nak is alapja.</para>
 	  <term>DocBook DTD (<filename role="package">textproc/docbook</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>DocBook is designed for marking up technical documentation.
-	      All the FreeBSD documentation is written in DocBook.</para>
+	    <para>A DocBook a k&uuml;l&ouml;nf&eacute;le szakmai
+	      jelleg&#251; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;k
+	      k&eacute;sz&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;hez
+	      kialak&iacute;tott jel&ouml;l&#245;nyelv.  A &os; teljes
+	      dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ja DocBook form&aacute;tumban
+	      k&eacute;sz&uuml;l.</para>
-	  <term>ISO 8879 entities
+	  <term>ISO 8879 szabv&aacute;ny&uacute; egyedek
 	    (<filename role="package">textproc/iso8879</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>19 of the ISO 8879:1986 character entity sets used by many
-	      DTDs.  Includes named mathematical symbols, additional
-	      characters in the Latin character set (accents, diacriticals,
-	      and so on), and Greek symbols.</para>
+	    <para>Az ISO 8879:1986 szabv&aacute;nyban
+	      meghat&aacute;rozott karakteregyed-k&eacute;szletek
+	      k&ouml;z&uuml;l 19 el&#245;fordul sz&aacute;mos DTD
+	      r&eacute;szek&eacute;nt.  Ezekben szerepelnek matematikai
+	      szimb&oacute;lumok, a Latin karakterk&eacute;szletekben
+	      megjelen&#245; tov&aacute;bbi (&eacute;kezetes,
+	      mell&eacute;kjeles stb.) karakterek &eacute;s
+	      g&ouml;r&ouml;g szimb&oacute;lumok.</para>
-      <title>Stylesheets</title>
+      <title>St&iacute;luslapok</title>
+      <para>A st&iacute;luslapok felhaszn&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;val
+	tudjuk a k&eacute;perny&#245;, a nyomtat&aacute;s stb.
+	sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra alkalmass&aacute; tenni a
+	dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;kat az &aacute;talak&iacute;t&aacute;s
+	vagy a form&aacute;z&aacute;s sor&aacute;n.</para>
-      <para>The stylesheets are used when converting and formatting the
-	documentation for display on screen, printing, and so on.</para>
-	  <term>Modular DocBook Stylesheets
+	  <term>Modul&aacute;ris DocBook st&iacute;luslapok
 	    (<filename role="package">textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>The Modular DocBook Stylesheets are used when converting
-	      documentation marked up in DocBook to other formats, such as
-	      HTML or RTF.</para>
+	    <para>A modul&aacute;ris DocBook st&iacute;luslapok
+	      alkalmaz&aacute;s&aacute;val alak&iacute;tjuk &aacute;t a
+	      DocBook form&aacute;ban el&#245;k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett
+	      dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;t m&aacute;s,
+	      p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul HTML vagy RTF
+	      v&aacute;ltozat&uacute;ra.</para>
@@ -204,72 +270,96 @@
   <sect1 id="tools-optional">
-    <title>Optional tools</title>
+    <title>Kieg&eacute;sz&iacute;t&#245; eszk&ouml;z&ouml;k</title>
-    <para>You do not need to have any of the following installed.  However,
-      you may find it easier to work with the documentation if you do, and
-      they may give you more flexibility in the output formats that can be
-      generated.</para>
+    <para>Ebben a szakaszban tov&aacute;bbi v&aacute;laszthat&oacute;
+      eszk&ouml;z&ouml;ket sorolunk fel.  Telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&uuml;k
+      nem k&ouml;telez&#245;, azonban jelent&#245;s
+      m&eacute;rt&eacute;kben meg tudj&aacute;k k&ouml;nny&iacute;teni a
+      munk&aacute;nkat, illetve a dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;b&oacute;l
+      el&#245;&aacute;ll&iacute;that&oacute; kimeneti form&aacute;tumok
+      ter&eacute;n k&iacute;n&aacute;lnak nagyobb
+      rugalmass&aacute;got.</para>
-      <title>Software</title>
+      <title>Szoftverek</title>
-	  <term><application>JadeTeX</application> and
+	  <term><application>JadeTeX</application> &eacute;s
-	    (<filename role="package">print/jadetex</filename> and
+	    (<filename role="package">print/jadetex</filename> &eacute;s
 	    <filename role="package">print/teTeX</filename>)</term>
-	    <para><application>Jade</application> and
-	      <application>teTeX</application> are used to convert DocBook
-	      documents to DVI, Postscript, and PDF formats.  The
-	      <application>JadeTeX</application> macros are needed in order to
-	      do this.</para>
+	    <para>A <application>Jade</application> &eacute;s a
+	      <application>teTeX</application> alkalmaz&aacute;sok
+	      seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel
+	      alak&iacute;that&oacute;ak &aacute;t a DocBook
+	      dokumentumaink DVI, Postscript &eacute;s PDF
+	      &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokk&aacute;.  Ehhez viszont a
+	      <application>JadeTeX</application> makr&oacute;kat is
+	      telep&iacute;ten&uuml;nk kell.</para>
-	    <para>If you do not intend to convert your documentation to one of
-	      these formats (i.e., HTML, plain text, and RTF are sufficient)
-	      then you do not need to install
-	      <application>JadeTeX</application> and
-	      <application>teTeX</application>.  This can be a significant
-	      space and time saver, as <application>teTeX</application> is
-	      over 30MB in size.</para>
+	    <para>Ha az im&eacute;nt eml&iacute;tett form&aacute;tumok
+	      egyik&eacute;re sincs sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk
+	      (teh&aacute;t elegend&#245; a HTML, sz&ouml;veges
+	      &eacute;s RTF kimenet), akkor nem kell
+	      telep&iacute;ten&uuml;nk a
+	      <application>JadeTeX</application> &eacute;s
+	      <application>teTeX</application> szoftvereket.  Ezzel
+	      egy&eacute;bk&eacute;nt viszonylag sok helyet
+	      megsp&oacute;rolhatunk, mivel a
+	      <application>teTeX</application> k&ouml;zel 30&nbsp;MB
+	      m&eacute;ret&#251;.</para>
-	      <para>If you decide to install
-		<application>JadeTeX</application> and
-		<application>teTeX</application> then you will need to
-		configure <application>teTeX</application> after
-		<application>JadeTeX</application> has been installed.
-		<filename>print/jadetex/pkg-message</filename> contains
-		detailed instructions explaining what you need to do.</para>
+	      <para>Ha a <application>JadeTeX</application> &eacute;s a
+		<application>teTeX</application>
+		telep&iacute;t&eacute;se mellett d&ouml;nt&uuml;nk,
+		akkor a <application>JadeTeX</application>
+		telep&iacute;t&eacute;se ut&aacute;n megfelel&#245;en be
+		kell &aacute;ll&iacute;tanunk a
+		<application>teTeX</application> alkalmaz&aacute;st.  Az
+		erre vonatkoz&oacute; r&eacute;szletes
+		utas&iacute;t&aacute;sokat a
+		<filename>print/jadetex/pkg-message</filename>
+		&aacute;llom&aacute;nyban olvashatjuk.</para>
-	  <term><application>Emacs</application> or
-	    <application>XEmacs</application> 
-	    (<filename role="package">editors/emacs</filename> or
+	  <term><application>Emacs</application> vagy
+	    <application>XEmacs</application>
+	    (<filename role="package">editors/emacs</filename> vagy
 	    <filename role="package">editors/xemacs</filename>)</term>
-	    <para>Both these editors include a special mode for editing
-	      documents marked up according to an SGML DTD.  This mode
-	      includes commands to reduce the amount of typing you need, and
-	      help reduce the possibility of errors.</para>
+	    <para>Mind a k&eacute;t sz&ouml;vegszerkeszt&#245; tartalmaz
+	      az SGML DTD-hez igazod&oacute; speci&aacute;lis
+	      szerkeszt&eacute;si m&oacute;dot.  Ebben olyan parancsok
+	      tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak, amelyekkel
+	      cs&ouml;kkenthet&#245; a munka
+	      elv&eacute;gz&eacute;s&eacute;hez sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges
+	      g&eacute;pel&eacute;s &eacute;s ez&aacute;ltal a
+	      hib&aacute;k keletkez&eacute;s&eacute;nek
+	      val&oacute;sz&iacute;n&#251;s&eacute;ge.</para>
-	    <para>You do not need to use them; any text editor can be used to
-	      edit marked up documents.  You may find they make you more
-	      efficient.</para>
+	    <para>Egy&aacute;ltal&aacute;n nem k&ouml;telez&#245; ezeket
+	      haszn&aacute;lni.  A feladatra b&aacute;rmilyen szabadon
+	      v&aacute;lasztott sz&ouml;vegszerkeszt&#245;
+	      t&ouml;k&eacute;letesen megfelel&#245;, viszont a fentiek
+	      n&eacute;mileg megk&ouml;nny&iacute;thetik a
+	      munkav&eacute;gz&eacute;st.</para>
-      <para>If anyone has recommendations for other software that is useful
-	when manipulating SGML documents, please let &a.doceng; know, so they
-	can be added to this list.</para>
+      <para>Ha ismer&uuml;nk az SGML dokumentumok feldolgoz&aacute;sa
+	sor&aacute;n alkalmazhat&oacute; tov&aacute;bbi hasznos
+	szoftvereket, akkor jelezz&uuml;k b&aacute;tran a &a.doceng;
+	fel&eacute; &eacute;s felveszik erre a list&aacute;ra.</para>

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