PERFORCE change 143814 for review

Gabor Pali pgj at
Fri Jun 20 11:28:16 UTC 2008

Change 143814 by pgj at disznohal on 2008/06/20 11:27:37

	Here comes the initial import of my FAQ translation.  It will not be
	merged to CVS at once, because I have to finish the renovation of the
	original documentation, and I want to merge its changes in this depot.
	Of course, fixes and comments are always welcome :)

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/faq/book.sgml#2 edit
.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/sgml/bibliography.sgml#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/faq/book.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj at>
+     Original Revision: 1.838                     -->
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
 <!ENTITY % books.ent PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook FreeBSD Books Entity Set//HU">
-<!ENTITY bibliography SYSTEM "../../../share/sgml/bibliography.sgml">
+<!ENTITY bibliography SYSTEM "../../share/sgml/bibliography.sgml">
+<book lang="hu">
-    <title>Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 5.X and 6.X</title>
+    <title>Gyakran Ism&eacute;telt K&eacute;rd&eacute;sek a &os; 5.X
+      &eacute;s 6.X v&aacute;ltozatair&oacute;l</title>
-    <corpauthor>The FreeBSD Documentation Project</corpauthor>
+    <corpauthor>A &os; Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt</corpauthor>
     <pubdate>$FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml,v 1.838 2008/05/31 09:35:18 pgj Exp $</pubdate>
@@ -27,7 +32,7 @@
-      <holder>The FreeBSD Documentation Project</holder>
+      <holder>A &os; Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt</holder>
@@ -57,1056 +62,1366 @@
-      <para>This is the FAQ for FreeBSD versions 5.X and 6.X.
-        All entries are assumed to be relevant to FreeBSD 5.X and
-        later, unless otherwise noted.  If you are interested in
-        helping with this project, send email to the &a.doc;.  The
-        latest version of this document is always available from the
-        <ulink
-        url="">FreeBSD
-        World Wide Web server</ulink>. It may also be downloaded as
-        one large <ulink url="book.html">HTML</ulink> file with HTTP
-        or as plain text, &postscript;, PDF, etc. from the <ulink
-        url="">FreeBSD FTP
-        server</ulink>. You may also want to <ulink
-        url="&url.base;/search/index.html">Search the
-        FAQ</ulink>.</para>
+      <para>Ezek a gyakran ism&eacute;telt k&eacute;rd&eacute;sek a &os;
+	5.X &eacute;s 6.X v&aacute;ltozataira vonatkoznak.  Az &ouml;sszes
+	bejegyz&eacute;s a &os; 5.X vagy ann&aacute;l &uacute;jabb
+	v&aacute;ltozataira vonatkozik, hacsak azt k&uuml;l&ouml;n nem
+	jelezz&uuml;k.  Ha szeretn&eacute;nk seg&iacute;teni a
+	projektnek, akkor k&uuml;ldj&uuml;nk egy levelet a &a.doc;
+	c&iacute;m&eacute;re!  Ennek a dokumentumnak a legfrissebb
+	v&aacute;ltozata mindig el&eacute;rhet&#245; a <ulink
+	url="">&os;
+	World Wide Web szerver&eacute;r&#245;l</ulink>.  HTTP-n
+	kereszt&uuml;l let&ouml;lthet&#245; egyetlen nagy <ulink
+	url="book.html">HTML</ulink> &aacute;llom&aacute;nyk&eacute;nt,
+	vagy <ulink url="">a &os;
+	FTP szerver&eacute;r&#245;l</ulink> sz&ouml;veges, &postscript;
+	PDF stb.  form&aacute;tumban.  Tov&aacute;bb&aacute; <ulink
+	url="&url.base;/search/index.html">keresni is tudunk a
+	GYIK-ban</ulink>.</para>
+      <para><emphasis>Ford&iacute;totta &eacute;s a
+	ford&iacute;t&aacute;st karbantartja: &;</emphasis></para>
-  <chapter id="introduction">
-    <title>Introduction</title>
+  <chapter id="introduction" lang="hu">
+    <title>Bevezet&eacute;s</title>
-    <para>Welcome to the FreeBSD 5.X-6.X FAQ!</para>
+    <para>&Uuml;dv&ouml;z&ouml;lj&uuml;k a &os; 5.X-6.X Gyakran
+      Ism&eacute;telt K&eacute;rd&eacute;seiben!</para>
-    <para>As is usual with Usenet FAQs, this document aims to cover the
-      most frequently asked questions concerning the FreeBSD operating
-      system (and of course answer them!).  Although originally intended
-      to reduce bandwidth and avoid the same old questions being asked
-      over and over again, FAQs have become recognized as valuable
-      information resources.</para>
+    <para>Hasonl&oacute;an a Usenetes GYIK-okhoz, ennek a dokumentumnak
+      is az a c&eacute;lja, hogy a &os; oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+      rendszerrel kapcsolatban feltegye a legyakrabban ism&eacute;telt
+      k&eacute;rd&eacute;seket (&eacute;s persze megv&aacute;laszolja
+      ezeket!).  Hab&aacute;r eredetileg az&eacute;rt
+      &iacute;r&oacute;dott, hogy megsp&oacute;rolja a feleslegesen
+      elvesztegetett s&aacute;vsz&eacute;less&eacute;get &eacute;s hogy
+      megel&#245;zze a r&eacute;g&oacute;ta ismert
+      k&eacute;rd&eacute;sek &uacute;jb&oacute;li
+      felt&eacute;tel&eacute;t, a GYIK id&#245;k&ouml;zben egy
+      &eacute;rt&eacute;kes
+      inform&aacute;ci&oacute;forr&aacute;ss&aacute; is
+      v&aacute;lt.</para>
-    <para>Every effort has been made to make this FAQ as informative as
-      possible; if you have any suggestions as to how it may be improved,
-      please feel free to mail them to the &a.doc;.</para>
+    <para>Igyekezt&uuml;nk minden megtenni annak
+      &eacute;rdek&eacute;ben, hogy a GYIK a lehet&#245; legt&ouml;bb
+      inform&aacute;ci&oacute;t szolg&aacute;ltassa.  Ha
+      szeretn&eacute;nk javaslatokat tenni a
+      tov&aacute;bbfejleszt&eacute;s&eacute;re, &iacute;rjunk
+      b&aacute;tran a &a.doc; c&iacute;m&eacute;re!</para>
-        <question id="what-is-FreeBSD">
-          <para>What is FreeBSD?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="what-is-FreeBSD">
+	  <para>Mi az a &os;?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-         <para>Briefly, FreeBSD is a &unix;&nbsp;like operating system for
-           AMD64 and &intel; EM64T, &i386; PC-98, IA-64, &arm;, &powerpc;
-           and &ultrasparc; platforms
-           based on U.C. Berkeley's <quote>4.4BSD-Lite</quote>
-           release, with some <quote>4.4BSD-Lite2</quote>
-           enhancements.  It is also based indirectly on William
-           Jolitz's port of U.C.  Berkeley's <quote>Net/2</quote> to
-           the &i386;, known as <quote>386BSD</quote>, though very
-           little of the 386BSD code remains.  A fuller description of
-           what FreeBSD is and how it can work for you may be found on
-           the <ulink url="&url.base;/index.html">FreeBSD home
-           page</ulink>.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>Ha t&ouml;m&ouml;ren akarjuk &ouml;sszefoglalni, akkor a
+	    &os; egy AMD64, &intel; EM64T, &i386;, PC-98, IA-64, &arm;,
+	    &powerpc; &eacute;s &ultrasparc; platformokra fejlesztett
+	    &unix;-szer&#251; oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer, amely a
+	    Kaliforniai Egyetem (Berkeley) rendszer&eacute;nek
+	    <quote>4.4BSD-Lite</quote> kiad&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	    &eacute;p&uuml;l, valamint a <quote>4.4BSD-Lite2</quote>
+	    kiad&aacute;sb&oacute;l tartalmaz m&eacute;g
+	    n&eacute;h&aacute;ny tov&aacute;bbfejleszt&eacute;st.
+	    Tov&aacute;bb&aacute; k&ouml;zvetett m&oacute;don m&eacute;g
+	    felhaszn&aacute;lja a Berkeley <quote>Net/2</quote>
+	    kiad&aacute;s&aacute;nak &i386; architekt&uacute;r&aacute;ra
+	    k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett portj&aacute;t, a
+	    <quote>386BSD</quote> forr&aacute;sait is, amit annak
+	    idej&eacute;n William Jolitz k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett, noha
+	    ebb&#245;l t&eacute;nylegesen m&aacute;r csak nagyon
+	    kev&eacute;s tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; a rendszerben.  A &os;
+	    r&eacute;szletesebb bemutat&aacute;sa &eacute;s annak
+	    tulajdons&aacute;gai a <ulink
+	    url="&url.base;/index.html">&os; honlapj&aacute;n</ulink>
+	    tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak.</para>
-         <para>FreeBSD is used by companies, Internet Service Providers,
-           researchers, computer professionals, students and home users
-           all over the world in their work, education and recreation.</para>
+	  <para>A &os;-t munk&aacute;hoz, oktat&aacute;shoz &eacute;s
+	    sz&oacute;rakoz&aacute;shoz rengeteg c&eacute;g,
+	    internetszolg&aacute;ltat&oacute;, kutat&oacute;,
+	    informatikus, di&aacute;k &eacute;s otthoni
+	    felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; haszn&aacute;lja a vil&aacute;g
+	    minden t&aacute;j&aacute;n.</para>
-         <para>For more detailed information on FreeBSD, please see the
-           <ulink url="&url.books.handbook;/index.html">FreeBSD
-           Handbook</ulink>.</para>
-       </answer>
+	  <para>A &os; b&#245;vebb bemutat&aacute;s&aacute;hoz olvassuk
+	    el a <ulink url="&url.books.handbook;/index.html">&os;
+	    k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyvet</ulink>.</para>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="FreeBSD-goals">
-          <para>What is the goal of the FreeBSD Project?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="FreeBSD-goals">
+	  <para>Mi a &os; Projekt c&eacute;lja?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <para>The goal of the FreeBSD Project is to provide software
-            that may be used for any purpose and without strings attached.
-            Many of us have a significant investment in the code (and
-            project) and would certainly not mind a little financial
-            compensation now and then, but we definitely do not
-            insist on it.  We believe that our first and foremost
-            <quote>mission</quote> is to provide code to any and all
-            comers, and for whatever purpose, so that the code gets the
-            widest possible use and provides the widest possible benefit.
-            This is, we believe, one of the most fundamental goals of Free
-            Software and one that we enthusiastically support.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>A &os; Projektnek az a c&eacute;lja, hogy olyan
+	    szoftvereket &aacute;ll&iacute;tson el&#245;, amelyek
+	    tetsz&#245;legesen felhaszn&aacute;lhat&oacute;ak,
+	    mindenf&eacute;le k&ouml;t&ouml;tts&eacute;gek
+	    n&eacute;lk&uuml;l.  A fejleszt&#245;k k&ouml;z&uuml;l sokan
+	    nagyon sok id&#245;t &eacute;s munk&aacute;t fektetnek a
+	    forr&aacute;sk&oacute;dba (&eacute;s &iacute;gy a
+	    Projektbe), ami nyilv&aacute;n meg&eacute;rdemelne
+	    n&eacute;mi anyagi ellens&uacute;lyoz&aacute;st olykor, de
+	    egy&aacute;ltal&aacute;n nem ragaszkodunk hozz&aacute;.
+	    &Uacute;gy &eacute;rezz&uuml;k, mindenek el&#245;tt az a
+	    <quote>k&uuml;ldet&eacute;s&uuml;nk</quote>, hogy
+	    felt&eacute;tel n&eacute;lk&uuml;l seg&iacute;ts&uuml;nk
+	    mindenkit a munk&aacute;nkkal, f&uuml;ggetlen&uuml;l annak
+	    sz&aacute;nd&eacute;kait&oacute;l, &iacute;gy a
+	    munk&aacute;nk a lehet&#245; legnagyobb k&ouml;rben
+	    ker&uuml;l felhaszn&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;ra &eacute;s
+	    &iacute;gy ny&uacute;jtja a lehet&#245; legt&ouml;bb
+	    hasznot.  V&eacute;lem&eacute;ny&uuml;nk szerint ez az egyik
+	    legalapvet&#245;bb c&eacute;lja a szabad szoftvereknek
+	    &eacute;s ezt a hozz&aacute;&aacute;ll&aacute;st
+	    t&aacute;mogatjuk a legink&aacute;bb.</para>
-          <para>That code in our source tree which falls under the
-            <ulink url="">GNU
-            General Public License (GPL)</ulink> or <ulink
-            url="">GNU
-            Library General Public License (LGPL)</ulink> comes with
-            slightly more strings attached, though at least on the
-            side of enforced access rather than the usual opposite.
-            Due to the additional complexities that can evolve in the
-            commercial use of GPL software, we do, however, endeavor
-            to replace such software with submissions under the more
-            relaxed <ulink
-            url="">
-            FreeBSD license</ulink> whenever possible.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>A forr&aacute;saink k&ouml;z&ouml;tt
+	    tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;, <ulink
+	    url="">GNU General
+	    Public License (GPL)</ulink> vagy a <ulink
+	    url="">GNU
+	    Library General Public License (LGPL)</ulink>
+	    licencel&eacute;s&#251; munk&aacute;k azonban m&aacute;r
+	    valamivel t&ouml;bb k&ouml;t&ouml;tts&eacute;ggel
+	    j&aacute;rnak, hab&aacute;r ezek ink&aacute;bb a
+	    k&ouml;zz&eacute;t&eacute;tel&uuml;kre vonatkoznak, nem
+	    pedig annak ellenkez&#245;j&eacute;re, ahogy azt
+	    &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban megszokhattuk.  A GPL licenc&#251;
+	    szoftverek kereskedelmi c&eacute;l&uacute;
+	    felhaszn&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;nak tov&aacute;bbi
+	    esetleges neh&eacute;zs&eacute;gei miatt azonban
+	    lehet&#245;s&eacute;geink szerint igyeksz&uuml;nk ezeket
+	    olyan szoftverekkel felv&aacute;ltani, amelyek a t&#245;le
+	    enyh&eacute;bb <ulink
+	    url="">
+	    FreeBSD licencet</ulink> alkalmazz&aacute;k.</para>
-        <question id="bsd-license-restrictions">
-          <para>Does the FreeBSD license have any restrictions?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="bsd-license-restrictions">
+	  <para>A &os; licenc tartalmaz valamilyen
+	    megszor&iacute;t&aacute;st?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <para>Yes.  Those restrictions do not control how you use
-            the code, merely how you treat the FreeBSD Project itself.
-            If you have serious license concerns, read the actual
-            <ulink
-            url="">
-            license</ulink>.  For the simply curious, the license can
-            be summarized like this.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>Igen.  Ezek a megszor&iacute;t&aacute;sok azonban nem az
+	    adott munka felhaszn&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;t
+	    szab&aacute;lyozz&aacute;k, hanem csup&aacute;n azt, hogy
+	    mik&eacute;nt viszonyuljunk a &os; Projekthez.  Ha komoly
+	    k&eacute;ts&eacute;geink lenn&eacute;nek a
+	    licencel&eacute;ssel kapcsolatban, olvassuk a jelenleg
+	    &eacute;rv&eacute;nyes <ulink
+	    url="">
+	    licencet</ulink> (angolul).  Az egyszer&#251;
+	    k&iacute;v&aacute;ncsiskod&oacute;k kedv&eacute;&eacute;rt
+	    nagyj&aacute;b&oacute;l &iacute;gy tudn&aacute;nk
+	    &ouml;sszefoglalni a licencet:</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Do not claim that you wrote this.</para>
-            </listitem>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Ne &aacute;ll&iacute;tsuk, hogy mi
+		k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett&uuml;k.</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Do not sue us if it breaks.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-        </answer>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Ne perelj&uuml;k a Projektet, ha nem
+		m&#251;k&ouml;dik.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="replace-current-OS">
-          <para>Can FreeBSD replace my current operating system?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="replace-current-OS">
+	  <para>A &os; k&eacute;pes kiv&aacute;ltani a jelenleg
+	    haszn&aacute;lt oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszeremet?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <para>For most people, yes.  But this question is not quite
-            that cut-and-dried.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>A legt&ouml;bb ember sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra igen.  A
+	    k&eacute;rd&eacute;s megv&aacute;laszol&aacute;sa azonban
+	    term&eacute;szetesen nem ennyire
+	    egy&eacute;rtelm&#251;.</para>
-          <para>Most people do not actually use an operating system.
-            They use applications.  The applications are what really
-            use the operating system.  FreeBSD is designed to provide
-            a robust and full-featured environment for applications.
-            It supports a wide variety of web browsers, office suites,
-            email readers, graphics programs, programming
-            environments, network servers, and just about everything
-            else you might want.  Most of these applications can be
-            managed through the <ulink
-            url="">Ports
-            Collection</ulink>.</para>
+	  <para>Sokan nem is mag&aacute;t az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+	    rendszert, hanem ink&aacute;bb az alkalmaz&aacute;sokat
+	    haszn&aacute;lj&aacute;k.  Val&oacute;j&aacute;ban pedig
+	    maguk az alkalmaz&aacute;sok azok, amelyek az
+	    oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszert haszn&aacute;lj&aacute;k.
+	    A &os;-t &uacute;gy alak&iacute;tott&aacute;k ki, hogy az
+	    alkalmaz&aacute;sok sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra egy szil&aacute;rd
+	    &eacute;s mindentud&oacute; k&ouml;rnyezetet
+	    ny&uacute;jtson.  T&aacute;mogatja a
+	    b&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&#245;k, irodai programcsomagok,
+	    levelez&#245; programok, grafikus programok,
+	    programoz&aacute;si k&ouml;rnyezetek, h&aacute;l&oacute;zati
+	    szerverek sz&eacute;les v&aacute;laszt&eacute;k&aacute;t,
+	    &eacute;s szinte minden m&aacute;st, amire csak
+	    sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk lehet.  Az ilyen
+	    alkalmaz&aacute;sok legnagyobb r&eacute;sze
+	    el&eacute;rhet&#245; a <ulink
+	    url="">Portgy&#251;jtem&eacute;nyen</ulink>
+	    kereszt&uuml;l.</para>
-          <para>If you need to use an application that is only
-            available on one operating system, you simply cannot
-            replace that operating system.  Chances are there is a very
-            similar application on FreeBSD, however.  If you want a
-            solid office or Internet server, a reliable workstation,
-            or just the ability to do your job without interruptions,
-            FreeBSD will almost certainly do everything you need.
-            Many computer users across the world, including both
-            novices and experienced &unix; administrators, use FreeBSD
-            as their only desktop operating system.</para>
+	  <para>Ha viszont olyan alkalmaz&aacute;st
+	    k&iacute;v&aacute;nunk haszn&aacute;lni, amely csak bizonyos
+	    oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszereken &eacute;rhet&#245; el,
+	    nem tudjuk mag&aacute;t az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszert
+	    egyszer&#251;en lecser&eacute;lni alatta.  Bizonyos
+	    esetekben azonban el&#245;fordulhat, hogy &os; alatt is
+	    tal&aacute;lunk hozz&aacute; hasonl&oacute;
+	    alkalmaz&aacute;sokat.  Amikor egy stabil irodai vagy
+	    internet szerverre van sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk, esetleg
+	    egy megb&iacute;zhat&oacute; munka&aacute;llom&aacute;sra,
+	    vagy egyszer&#251;en csak megszak&iacute;t&aacute;sok
+	    n&eacute;lk&uuml;l szeretn&eacute;nk v&eacute;gezni a
+	    munk&aacute;nkat, a &os;-ben ig&eacute;nyeinkhez
+	    m&eacute;rten szinte minden megtal&aacute;lhatunk.  A
+	    vil&aacute;gon rengeteg felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;,
+	    bele&eacute;rtve a kezd&#245;ket &eacute;s a tapasztalt
+	    &unix; rendszergazd&aacute;kat egyar&aacute;nt, asztali
+	    oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszerk&eacute;nt is a &os;-t
+	    haszn&aacute;lja.</para>
-          <para>If you are migrating to FreeBSD from some other &unix;
-            environment, you already know most of what you need to.
-            If your background is in graphic-driven operating systems
-            such as &windows; and older versions of &macos;, expect to
-            invest additional time learning the &unix; way of doing
-            things.  This FAQ and the <ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/index.html">FreeBSD Handbook</ulink> are
-            excellent places to start.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>Ha egy m&aacute;sik &unix; k&ouml;rnyezetr&#245;l
+	    akarunk &os;-re v&aacute;ltani, akkor a legt&ouml;bb dolog
+	    m&aacute;r ismer&#245;s lehet sz&aacute;munkra.  Amennyiben
+	    viszont valamilyen grafikus oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+	    rendszerr&#245;l, p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul &windows;-r&oacute;l
+	    vagy a &macos; valamelyik r&eacute;gebbi
+	    v&aacute;ltozat&aacute;r&oacute;l sz&aacute;nd&eacute;kozunk
+	    &aacute;t&aacute;llni, minden bizonnyal id&#245;t kell majd
+	    sz&aacute;nnunk a feladatok &unix; st&iacute;lus&uacute;
+	    megval&oacute;s&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;nak
+	    megismer&eacute;s&eacute;re.  Ez a GYIK &eacute;s a <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;"/index.html">&os;
+	    k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv</ulink> ehhez t&ouml;k&eacute;letes
+	    kiindul&aacute;si alapot biztos&iacute;t.</para>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="why-called-FreeBSD">
-          <para>Why is it called FreeBSD?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="why-called-FreeBSD">
+	  <para>Mi&eacute;rt h&iacute;vj&aacute;k &os;-nek?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>It may be used free of charge, even by commercial
-                users.</para>
-            </listitem>
+	<answer>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Szabadon (mint <quote>free</quote>)
+		elhaszn&aacute;lhat&oacute;, ak&aacute;r kereskedelmi
+		c&eacute;lokra is.</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Full source for the operating system is freely
-                available, and the minimum possible restrictions have
-                been placed upon its use, distribution and incorporation
-                into other work (commercial or non-commercial).</para>
-            </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer teljes
+		forr&aacute;sk&oacute;dja b&aacute;rki &aacute;ltal
+		szabadon el&eacute;rhet&#245;, minim&aacute;lis
+		megk&ouml;t&eacute;sekkel arra vonatkoz&oacute;an, hogy
+		mik&eacute;nt haszn&aacute;lhat&oacute; &eacute;s
+		m&aacute;s (kereskedelmi vagy nem kereskedelmi)
+		munk&aacute;k r&eacute;szek&eacute;nt mik&eacute;nt
+		&eacute;p&iacute;thet&#245; be,
+		terjeszthet&#245;.</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Anyone who has an improvement or bug fix is free
-                to submit their code and have it added to the source tree
-                (subject to one or two obvious provisions).</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>B&aacute;rki, akinek fejleszt&eacute;si vagy
+		hibajav&iacute;t&aacute;si javaslata van a rendszerrel
+		kapcsolatban, szabadon beny&uacute;jthatja azt, amely
+		azt&aacute;n beker&uuml;l a forr&aacute;sok
+		k&ouml;z&eacute; (egy-k&eacute;t
+		nyilv&aacute;nval&oacute; ellen&#245;rz&eacute;st
+		k&ouml;vet&#245;en).</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
-          <para>It is worth pointing out that the word
-            <quote>free</quote> is being used in two ways here, one meaning
-            <quote>at no cost</quote>, the other meaning <quote>you can do
-            whatever you like</quote>.  Apart from one or two things you
-            <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> do with the FreeBSD code, for
-            example pretending you wrote it, you can really do whatever you
-            like with it.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>&Eacute;rdemes valamint r&aacute;mutatni, hogy a
+	    <quote>szabad</quote> sz&oacute;t az im&eacute;nt k&eacute;t
+	    &eacute;rtelemben is haszn&aacute;ltuk: az egyik
+	    jelent&eacute;se szerint <quote>k&ouml;lts&eacute;gek
+	    n&eacute;lk&uuml;l</quote>, m&iacute;g a m&aacute;sik
+	    jelent&eacute;se szerint <quote>tetsz&eacute;s
+	    szerint</quote>.  Egy-k&eacute;t
+	    <emphasis>tiltott</emphasis> dologt&oacute;l,
+	    p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul azt &aacute;ll&iacute;tjuk, hogy mi
+	    &iacute;rtuk, eltekintve t&eacute;nyleg b&aacute;rmit
+	    csin&aacute;lhatunk vele.</para>
+	</answer>
 	<question id="differences-to-other-bsds">
-	  <para>What are the differences between FreeBSD and NetBSD, OpenBSD,
-	    and other open source BSD operating systems?</para>
+	  <para>Mi a k&uuml;l&ouml;nbs&eacute;g a FreeBSD, a NetBSD,
+	    OpenBSD &eacute;s a t&ouml;bbi ny&iacute;lt
+	    forr&aacute;sk&oacute;d&uacute; BSD oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+	    rendszerek k&ouml;z&ouml;tt?</para>
-	  <para>James Howard wrote a good explanation of the history
-	    and differences between the various projects for <ulink
-	    url="">DaemonNews</ulink>,
-	    called <ulink
+	  <para>James Howard a <ulink
+	    url="">DaemonNews</ulink>
+	    oldal&aacute;n <ulink
-	    BSD Family Tree</ulink> which goes a fair way to answering
-	    this question.</para>
+	    BSD Family Tree</ulink> c&iacute;mmel (angolul)
+	    k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett alapos le&iacute;r&aacute;st a
+	    k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; projektek k&ouml;zti
+	    elt&eacute;r&eacute;sek bemutat&aacute;s&aacute;ra.</para>
-        <question id="latest-version">
-          <para>What is the latest version of FreeBSD?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="latest-version">
+	  <para>Melyik a &os; leg&uacute;jabb v&aacute;ltozata?</para>
+	</question>
-  This answer is a hack to deal with the fact that for now there are
-  multiple "latest" versions of FreeBSD.
+	<answer>
+	  <para>Jelen pillanatban a &os; fejleszt&eacute;se k&eacute;t
+	    p&aacute;rhuzamos &aacute;gon folyik, &eacute;s mind a
+	    kett&#245;b&#245;l k&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek kiad&aacute;sok.  A
+	    5.X sorozat kiad&aacute;sai a <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis>
+	    &aacute;gb&oacute;l, m&iacute;g a 6.X sorozat
+	    kiad&aacute;sai a <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis>
+	    &aacute;gb&oacute;l k&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek.</para>
-        <answer>
-	  <para>At this point in FreeBSD's development, there are two
-	    parallel development branches; releases are being made from
-	    both branches.  The 5.X series of releases
-	    is being made from the <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis> branch
-	    and the 6.X series of releases from <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis>.</para>
+	  <para>Az 5.3-as kiad&aacute;s megjelen&eacute;s&eacute;ig a
+	    4.X sorozat volt a <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis>.  Az 5.3
+	    kiad&aacute;s megjelen&eacute;s&eacute;vel azonban a 4.X
+	    &aacute;g <quote>meghosszabb&iacute;tott
+	    t&aacute;mogat&aacute;st</quote> kapott, &eacute;s
+	    m&aacute;r csak a nagyobb hib&aacute;kat,
+	    p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a biztons&aacute;gi hib&aacute;kat
+	    jav&iacute;tj&aacute;k benne.  Az
+	    <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis> &aacute;gb&oacute;l m&eacute;g
+	    v&aacute;rhat&oacute;ak tov&aacute;bbi kiad&aacute;sok is,
+	    azonban ezt jelenleg m&aacute;r
+	    <quote>&ouml;r&ouml;ks&eacute;gi</quote> &aacute;gnak
+	    tekintj&uuml;k, &eacute;s a legt&ouml;bb munka m&aacute;r a
+	    <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis> r&eacute;szek&eacute;nt
+	    jelenik meg.</para>
-	  <para>Up until the release of 5.3, the 4.X series was the
-	    one known as <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis>.  However,
-	    as of 5.3, the 4.X branch will be designated for
-	    an <quote>extended support</quote> status and receive
-	    only fixes for major problems, such as security-related
-	    fixes.  There will be more releases made from the
-	    <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis> branch, but it is considered
-	    a <quote>legacy</quote> branch and most current work will
-	    only become a part of <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis>.</para>
+	  <para>A <ulink
+	  url=";-RELEASE/">&rel.current;</ulink>
+	    v&aacute;ltozat a <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis> &aacute;g
+	    legfrissebb kiad&aacute;sa, amely &;ban
+	    jelent meg.  Az <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis>
+	    &aacute;gb&oacute;l a <ulink
+	    url=";-RELEASE/">&rel2.current;</ulink>
+	    a legfrissebb kiad&aacute;s, amely &;ban
+	    jelent meg.</para>
-          <para>Version <ulink
-            url=";-RELEASE/">&rel.current;</ulink>
-            is the latest release from the
-            <emphasis>6-STABLE</emphasis> branch; it was released in
-            &;.  Version <ulink
-            url=";-RELEASE/">&rel2.current;</ulink>
-            is the latest release from the
-            <emphasis>5-STABLE</emphasis> branch; it was released in
-            &;.</para>
+	  <para>Ha r&ouml;viden &ouml;ssze akarjuk foglalni, akkor a
+	    <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis> v&aacute;ltozatokat
+	    els&#245;sorban az internet-szolg&aacute;ltat&oacute;k,
+	    v&aacute;llalkoz&aacute;sok sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra
+	    aj&aacute;nljuk, illetve minden olyan
+	    felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra, aki a
+	    leg&uacute;jabb (&eacute;s minden bizonnyal m&eacute;g
+	    instabil) <emphasis>-CURRENT</emphasis>
+	    pillanatkiad&aacute;sokhoz viszony&iacute;tottan a
+	    legkevesebb v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;ssal
+	    k&iacute;v&aacute;nnak egy megb&iacute;zhat&oacute;, stabil
+	    verzi&oacute;t haszn&aacute;lni a rendszerb&#245;l.  Ugyan
+	    b&aacute;rmelyik &aacute;gb&oacute;l
+	    k&eacute;sz&uuml;lhetnek, azonban a
+	    <emphasis>-CURRENT</emphasis> eset&eacute;ben
+	    meglehet&#245;sen sok v&aacute;ltoz&aacute;sra kell
+	    felk&eacute;sz&uuml;ln&uuml;nk (a
+	    <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis> &aacute;ghoz k&eacute;pest) az
+	    egyes kiad&aacute;sok k&ouml;z&ouml;tt.</para>
-          <para>Briefly, <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis> is aimed at the
-            ISP, corporate user, or any user who wants stability and a
-            minimal number of changes compared to the new (and
-            possibly unstable) features of the latest
-            <emphasis>-CURRENT</emphasis> snapshot.  Releases can come
-            from either branch, but <emphasis>-CURRENT</emphasis>
-            should only be used if you are prepared for its increased
-            volatility (relative to <emphasis>-STABLE</emphasis>, that
-            is).</para>
+	  <para>A kiad&aacute;sok <link
+	    linkend="release-freq">n&eacute;h&aacute;ny havonta</link>
+	    k&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek.  Mivel a legt&ouml;bben enn&eacute;l
+	    pontosabban k&ouml;vetik a &os; forr&aacute;sait
+	    (l&aacute;sd a <link linkend="current">&os.current;</link>
+	    &eacute;s <link linkend="stable">&os.stable;</link>
+	    v&aacute;ltozatokra vonatkoz&oacute;
+	    k&eacute;rd&eacute;seket), enn&eacute;l valamire t&ouml;bbre
+	    van sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk, hiszen a forr&aacute;sok
+	    folyamatosan v&aacute;ltoznak.</para>
-          <para>Releases are made <link linkend="release-freq">every
-            few months</link>. While many people stay more up-to-date with
-            the FreeBSD sources (see the questions on <link
-            linkend="current">&os.current;</link> and <link
-            linkend="stable">&os.stable;</link>) than that, doing so
-            is more of a commitment, as the sources are a moving
-            target.</para>
-	  <para>More information on FreeBSD releases can be found on
-	    the <ulink
-	    url="">Release
-	    Engineering page</ulink> on the FreeBSD Web site.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>A &os; egyes kiad&aacute;sair&oacute;l a <ulink
+	    url="">Kiad&aacute;sok
+	    megjelentet&eacute;s&eacute;t &ouml;sszefoglal&oacute;
+	    oldalon</ulink> t&aacute;j&eacute;koz&oacute;dhatunk a &os;
+	    honlapj&aacute;n.</para>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="current">
-          <para>What is FreeBSD-CURRENT?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="current">
+	  <para>Mi az a &os;-CURRENT?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <para><ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/cutting-edge.html#CURRENT">&os.current;</ulink>
-            is the development version of the operating system, which
-            will in due course become the new &os.stable; branch.
-            As such, it is
-            really only of interest to developers working on the
-            system and die-hard hobbyists.  See the <ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/cutting-edge.html#CURRENT">relevant
-            section</ulink> in the <ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/index.html">handbook</ulink> for details
-            on running -CURRENT.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>A <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/cutting-edge.html#CURRENT">&os.current;</ulink>
+	    az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer akt&iacute;v
+	    fejleszt&eacute;s alatt &aacute;ll&oacute; v&aacute;ltozata,
+	    amely id&#245;vel az &uacute;j &os.stable;
+	    &aacute;gg&aacute; v&aacute;lik.  Ez a v&aacute;ltozat
+	    tulajdonk&eacute;ppen csak a rendszeren dolgoz&oacute;
+	    fejleszt&#245;k &eacute;s a meg&aacute;talkodott
+	    hobbifelhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra
+	    &eacute;rdekes.  A <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/index.html">k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv</ulink>
+	    <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/cutting-edge.html#CURRENT">erre
+	    vonatkoz&oacute; szakasz&aacute;ban</ulink> olvashatunk
+	    r&eacute;szletesebben a -CURRENT
+	    haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;r&oacute;l.</para>
-          <para>If you are not familiar with the operating system or are
-            not capable of identifying the difference between a real
-            problem and a temporary problem, you should not use
-            &os.current;.  This branch sometimes evolves quite quickly
-            and can be un-buildable for a number of days at a time.
-            People that use &os.current; are expected to be able to
-            analyze any problems and only report them if they are deemed
-            to be mistakes rather than <quote>glitches</quote>. Questions
-            such as <quote>make world produces some error about
-            groups</quote> on the -CURRENT mailing list may be
-            treated with contempt.</para>
+	  <para>Ha nem mozgunk otthonosan az oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+	    rendszerek vil&aacute;g&aacute;ban, vagy nem ha nem tudjuk
+	    megmondani a k&uuml;l&ouml;nbs&eacute;get egy val&oacute;di
+	    &eacute;s egy ideiglenes probl&eacute;ma k&ouml;z&ouml;tt,
+	    akkor nem javasoljuk a &os.current;
+	    haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;t.  Ez a fejleszt&eacute;si vonal
+	    nagyon gyorsan fejl&#245;dik &eacute;s gyakran naponta
+	    t&ouml;bbsz&ouml;r is leford&iacute;thatatlan
+	    &aacute;llapotba ker&uuml;l.  A &os.current; v&aacute;ltozat
+	    haszn&aacute;l&oacute;it&oacute;l elv&aacute;rjuk, hogy
+	    k&eacute;pesek legyenek felm&eacute;rni a felbukkan&oacute;
+	    probl&eacute;m&aacute;kat, &eacute;s csak
+	    k&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k csak azokat jelenteni, amelyek
+	    val&oacute;ban hib&aacute;kat takarnak &eacute;s nem pedig
+	    csak apr&oacute; <quote>b&ouml;kken&#245;k</quote>.
+	    Ez&eacute;rt a -CURRENT levelez&eacute;si list&aacute;kon
+	    <quote>A make world parancs valami csoportra
+	    panaszkodik</quote> t&iacute;pus&uacute;
+	    k&eacute;rd&eacute;seket &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban figyelembe
+	    se veszik.</para>
-          <para>Every day, <ulink
-	    url="&url.base;/snapshots/">snapshot
-            </ulink> releases are made based on the current state of the
-            -CURRENT and -STABLE branches.  Distributions of the
-            occasional snapshot are made available. The goals
-            behind each snapshot release are:</para>
+	  <para>A -CURRENT &eacute;s -STABLE &aacute;gak aktu&aacute;lis
+	    &aacute;llapot&aacute;r&oacute;l minden nap <ulink
+	    url="&url.base;/snapshots/">pillanatkiad&aacute;sok</ulink>
+	    k&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek.  Ezek a kiad&aacute;sok b&aacute;rki
+	    &aacute;ltal hozz&aacute;f&eacute;rhet&#245;ek.
+	    C&eacute;lunk ezzel:</para>
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>To test the latest version of the installation
-                software.</para>
-            </listitem>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>A telep&iacute;t&#245; legfrissebb
+		v&aacute;ltozat&aacute;nak tesztel&eacute;se.</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>To give people who would like to run -CURRENT or
-                -STABLE but who do not have the time or bandwidth to
-                follow it on a day-to-day basis an easy way of
-                bootstrapping it onto their systems.</para>
-            </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Id&#245;t &eacute;s
+		s&aacute;vsz&eacute;less&eacute;get szeretn&eacute;nk
+		megsp&oacute;rolni a -CURRENT vagy -STABLE
+		v&aacute;ltozatok azon felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;inak,
+		akik az im&eacute;ntiek hi&aacute;ny&aacute;b&oacute;l
+		fakad&oacute;an nem tudj&aacute;k naponta
+		friss&iacute;teni a rendszer&uuml;ket.</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>To preserve a fixed reference point for the code in
-                question, just in case we break something really badly
-                later.  (Although CVS normally prevents anything horrible
-                like this happening :)</para>
-            </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Kiindul&aacute;si pontokat
+		r&ouml;gz&iacute;t&uuml;nk a k&oacute;d aktu&aacute;lis
+		&aacute;llapota alapj&aacute;n, ha k&eacute;s&#245;bb
+		netal&aacute;n valamilyen sz&ouml;rny&#251;s&eacute;g
+		t&ouml;rt&eacute;nne.  (Noha a CVS
+		&aacute;ltal&aacute;ban v&eacute;delmet ny&uacute;jt az
+		ilyen r&eacute;miszt&#245; dolgok
+		bek&ouml;vetkez&eacute;se ellen :)</para>
+	    </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>To ensure that all new features and fixes in need
-                of testing have the greatest possible number of
-                potential testers.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Az &ouml;sszes tesztelend&#245;
+		&uacute;j&iacute;t&aacute;st &eacute;s
+		jav&iacute;t&aacute;st ezen a m&oacute;don
+		k&iacute;v&aacute;njuk a lehet&#245; legsz&eacute;lesebb
+		k&ouml;rben el&eacute;rhet&#245;v&eacute; tenni.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
-          <para>No claims are made that any -CURRENT snapshot can be
-            considered <quote>production quality</quote> for any purpose.
-            If you want to run a stable and fully tested system, you will
-            have to stick to full releases, or use the -STABLE
-            snapshots.</para>
+	  <para>Egyik -CURRENT pillanatkiad&aacute;s sem tekinthet&#245;
+	    <quote>h&eacute;tk&ouml;znapi felhaszn&aacute;l&aacute;sra
+	    alkalmasnak</quote>.  Ha egy megb&iacute;zhat&oacute;
+	    &eacute;s sz&eacute;les k&ouml;rben tesztelt rendszerre van
+	    sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g&uuml;nk, akkor vagy maradjunk a
+	    kiad&aacute;sokn&aacute;l vagy haszn&aacute;ljuk a -STABLE
+	    vonalb&oacute;l k&eacute;sz&uuml;lt
+	    pillanatkiad&aacute;sokat.</para>
-	  <para>Snapshot releases are directly available from <ulink
-	    url="&url.base;/snapshots/">snapshot</ulink>.</para>
+	  <para>A pillanatkiad&aacute;sok <ulink
+	    url="&url.base;/snapshots/">innen</ulink>
+	    &eacute;rhet&#245;ek el.</para>
-          <para>Snapshots are generated, on the average, daily for
-            all actively developed branches.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>A pillanatkiad&aacute;sok &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban minden
+	    nap, minden akt&iacute;van fejlesztett &aacute;ghoz
+	    elk&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek.</para>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="stable">
-          <para>What is the FreeBSD-STABLE concept?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="stable">
+	  <para>Mit takar a &os;-STABLE?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-          <para>Back when FreeBSD 2.0.5 was released, FreeBSD
-            development branched in two.  One branch was named <ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/current-stable.html#STABLE">-STABLE</ulink>,
-            one <ulink
-            url="&url.books.handbook;/current-stable.html#CURRENT">-CURRENT</ulink>.
-            FreeBSD-STABLE is intended for Internet Service Providers
-            and other commercial enterprises for whom sudden shifts or
-            experimental features are quite undesirable.  It receives
-            only well-tested bug fixes and other small incremental
-            enhancements.  FreeBSD-CURRENT, on the other hand, has
-            been one unbroken line since 2.0 was released, leading
-            towards 6.2-RELEASE and beyond.  Just before 6.0-RELEASE, the
-            6-STABLE branch was created, and
-            &os.current; became 7-CURRENT.  For more detailed information,
-            see <quote><ulink url="&url.articles.releng;/release-proc.html#REL-BRANCH">
-		FreeBSD Release Engineering:
-		Creating the Release Branch</ulink></quote>.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>Amikor a &os;&nbsp;2.0.5 megjelent, a &os;
+	    fejleszt&eacute;se kett&eacute;v&aacute;lt.  Az egyik
+	    &aacute;g neve <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/current-stable.html#STABLE">-STABLE</ulink>,
+	    a m&aacute;sik&eacute; pedig <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/current-stable.html#CURRENT">-CURRENT</ulink>
+	    lett.  A &os;-STABLE az olyan
+	    internet-szolg&aacute;ltat&oacute;k &eacute;s egy&eacute;b
+	    v&aacute;llalkoz&aacute;sok sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra
+	    k&eacute;sz&uuml;lt, ahol a fejleszt&eacute;s alatt
+	    &aacute;ll&oacute; &uacute;j&iacute;t&aacute;sok vagy a
+	    hirtelen v&aacute;lt&aacute;sok &aacute;ltal okozott
+	    probl&eacute;m&aacute;k gyakran nem engedhet&#245;ek meg.
+	    Ide csak olyan hibajav&iacute;t&aacute;sok &eacute;s kisebb
+	    m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;sok ker&uuml;lnek, amelyeket
+	    alaposan leteszteltek.  A &os;-CURRENT ezzel szemben a 2.0
+	    megjelen&eacute;se &oacute;ta egyetlen,
+	    szakad&aacute;smentes fejleszt&eacute;si vonalat
+	    k&eacute;pvisel, amely a 6.2-RELEASE &eacute;s az azon
+	    t&uacute;li kiad&aacute;sok fel&eacute; halad.  Pontosan a
+	    6.0-RELEASE kiad&aacute;s megjelentet&eacute;se el&#245;tt
+	    l&eacute;trej&ouml;tt a 6-STABLE fejleszt&eacute;si vonal,
+	    &eacute;s a &os.current; a 7-CURRENT lett.  Ha err&#245;l
+	    t&ouml;bbet szeretn&eacute;nk megtudni, akkor ezzel
+	    kapcsolatban a <quote><ulink
+	    url="&url.articles.releng;/release-proc.html#REL-BRANCH">
+	    &os; Release Engineering: Creating the Release
+	    Branch</ulink></quote> c&iacute;m&#251; cikket olvassuk el
+	    (angolul).</para>
-          <para>The 2.2-STABLE branch was retired with the release of 2.2.8.
-            The 3-STABLE branch has ended with the release of 3.5.1, the
-	    final 3.X release.  The 4-STABLE branch has ended with the release
-	    of 4.11, the final 4.X release.  The only changes made to either
-	    of these branches will be, for the most part, security-related bug
-            fixes.  Support for the 5-STABLE branches will continue for some
-	    time but focus primarily on security-related bug fixes and other
-	    serious issues.</para>
+	  <para>A 2.2-STABLE &aacute;g a 2.2.8
+	    megjelen&eacute;s&eacute;vel nyugd&iacute;jba vonult.  A
+	    3-STABLE &aacute;g a 3.5.1 mint az utols&oacute; 3.X
+	    kiad&aacute;s megjelen&eacute;s&eacute;vel &eacute;rt
+	    v&eacute;get.  A 4-STABLE &aacute;g a 4.11 mint az
+	    utols&oacute; 4.X kiad&aacute;ssal fejez&#245;d&ouml;tt be.
+	    Ezekbe az &aacute;gakban a legt&ouml;bb esetben m&aacute;r
+	    csak biztons&aacute;gi jav&iacute;t&aacute;sokat
+	    v&eacute;geznek.  Az 5-STABLE &aacute;g fejleszt&eacute;se
+	    egy ideig m&eacute;g folytat&oacute;dik, de a
+	    hangs&uacute;ly ebben az esetben is m&aacute;r csak a
+	    biztons&aacute;gi, illetve a s&uacute;lyosabb hib&aacute;k
+	    kijav&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;n lesz.</para>
-          <para>&rel.current;-STABLE is the actively developed -STABLE branch.
-            The latest release on the &rel.current;-STABLE branch is
-            &rel.current;-RELEASE, which was released in
-            &;.</para>
+	  <para>A &rel.current;-STABLE a jelenleg fejlesztett -STABLE
+	    &aacute;g.  A &rel.current;-STABLE &aacute;gb&oacute;l
+	    megjelent legfrissebb kiad&aacute;s a &rel.current;-RELEASE,
+	    amely &;ban jelent meg.</para>
-          <para>The 7-CURRENT branch is the actively developed
-            -CURRENT branch toward the next generation of &os;.
-	    See <link linkend="current">What is &os;-CURRENT?</link> for more
-            information on this branch.</para>
-        </answer>
+	  <para>A 7-CURRENT a -CURRENT &aacute;g legfrissebb
+	    v&aacute;ltozata, &eacute;s ez a &os; k&ouml;vetkez&#245;
+	    gener&aacute;ci&oacute;ja.  Err&#245;l az
+	    &aacute;gr&oacute;l a <link linkend="current">Mi az a
+	    &os;-CURRENT?</link> k&eacute;rd&eacute;sn&eacute;l
+	    szolg&aacute;lunk r&eacute;szletesebb
+	    inform&aacute;ci&oacute;kkal.</para>
+	</answer>
-        <question id="release-freq">
-          <para>When are FreeBSD releases made?</para>
-        </question>
+	<question id="release-freq">
+	  <para>Mikor k&eacute;sz&uuml;lnek &os; kiad&aacute;sok?</para>
+	</question>
-        <answer>
-	  <para>The &; releases a new version of FreeBSD about every
-	    four months, on average.  Release dates are announced well in
-	    advance, so that the people working on the system know
-	    when their projects need to be finished and tested.  
-	    A testing period precedes each release, in order to ensure
-	    that the addition of new features does not compromise the
-	    stability of the release.
-	    Many users regard this caution as one of the best things about
-	    FreeBSD, even though waiting for all the latest goodies to reach
-	    -STABLE can be a little frustrating.</para>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>A &; a &os; egy &uacute;jabb
+	    v&aacute;ltozat&aacute;t &aacute;tlagosan n&eacute;gy havonta
+	    jelenteti meg.  A kiad&aacute;sok d&aacute;tum&aacute;t
+	    el&#245;re kihirdetik, &iacute;gy a rendszeren
+	    dolgoz&oacute; emberek pontosan tudj&aacute;k, hogy mikorra
+	    kell befejezni&uuml;k a munk&aacute;jukat &eacute;s
+	    letesztelni azt.  Minden kiad&aacute;st egy
+	    tesztel&eacute;si id&#245;szak el&#245;z meg, ahol
+	    megbizonyosodnak r&oacute;la, hogy az elk&eacute;sz&uuml;lt
+	    &uacute;j&iacute;t&aacute;sok nem vesz&eacute;lyeztetik az
+	    &uacute;j kiad&aacute;s
+	    megb&iacute;zhat&oacute;s&aacute;g&aacute;t.  A legt&ouml;bb
+	    felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; pontosan ezt a
+	    t&iacute;pus&uacute; el&#245;vigy&aacute;zatoss&aacute;got
+	    szereti legjobban a &os;-ben, m&eacute;g annak
+	    &aacute;r&aacute;n is, hogy a leg&uacute;jabb
+	    finoms&aacute;gok beker&uuml;l&eacute;s&eacute;re m&eacute;g
+	    a -STABLE &aacute;g eset&eacute;n gyakran sokat kell
+	    v&aacute;rni.</para>
-	  <para>More information on the release engineering process
-	    (including a schedule of upcoming releases) can be found
-	    on the <ulink
-	    url="">release
-	    engineering</ulink> pages on the FreeBSD Web site.</para>
+	  <para>A kiad&aacute;sok szerkeszt&eacute;s&eacute;r&#245;l
+	    (valamint a soronk&ouml;vetkez&#245; kiad&aacute;sok
+	    &uuml;temez&eacute;s&eacute;r&#245;l) a &os;
+	    honlapj&aacute;n bel&uuml;l <ulink
+	    url="">ezen</ulink>
+	    az oldalon olvashatunk r&eacute;szletesebben
+	    (angolul).</para>

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