PERFORCE change 155043 for review

Weongyo Jeong weongyo at
Fri Dec 19 23:26:28 PST 2008

Change 155043 by weongyo at weongyo_ws on 2008/12/20 07:26:23

	get rid of special handlings of the Interrupt IN pipe that the code is
	unified with the code which handles Interrupt OUT, Bulk IN/OUT.  With
	this routines to manage are simplified and become less errors.
	Moreover some hacks due to abnormal behaviors of usbd_open_pipe_intr()
	are removed so I think the code becomes more easy to understand.
	Now some problems are fixed that it's occured when it try to halt th

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/ndisusb/sys/compat/ndis/subr_usbd.c#32 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/ndisusb/sys/compat/ndis/subr_usbd.c#32 (text+ko) ====

@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
 static driver_object usbd_driver;
 static int32_t		 usbd_func_bulkintr(irp *);
-static int32_t		 usbd_func_bulkintr_iin(irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_func_vendorclass(irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_func_selconf(irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_func_getdesc(irp *);
@@ -85,8 +84,6 @@
 static usbd_status	 usbd_init_ndispipe(irp *, usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *);
 static usbd_xfer_handle	 usbd_init_ndisxfer(irp *, usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *,
 			    void *, uint32_t);
-static void		 usbd_intr(usbd_xfer_handle, usbd_private_handle,
-			    usbd_status);
 static int32_t		 usbd_iodispatch(device_object *, irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_ioinvalid(device_object *, irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_pnp(device_object *, irp *);
@@ -95,8 +92,6 @@
 			    uint32_t, io_stack_location *);
 static void		 usbd_irpcancel(device_object *, irp *);
 static void		 usbd_irpcancel_cb(void *);
-static void		 usbd_irpcancel_iin(device_object *, irp *);
-static void		 usbd_irpcancel_iin_cb(void *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_submit_urb(irp *);
 static int32_t		 usbd_urb2nt(int32_t);
 static void		 usbd_xfereof(usbd_xfer_handle, usbd_private_handle,
@@ -119,8 +114,6 @@
 static usb_interface_descriptor_t *USBD_ParseConfigurationDescriptor(
 		    usb_config_descriptor_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t);
-static int usbd_iin_error;
  * We need to wrap these functions because these need `context switch' from
  * Windows to UNIX before it's called.
@@ -130,7 +123,6 @@
 static funcptr usbd_pnp_wrap;
 static funcptr usbd_power_wrap;
 static funcptr usbd_irpcancel_wrap;
-static funcptr usbd_irpcancel_iin_wrap;
 static funcptr usbd_xfertask_wrap;
@@ -157,8 +149,6 @@
 	    (funcptr *)&usbd_power_wrap, 2, WINDRV_WRAP_STDCALL);
 	    (funcptr *)&usbd_irpcancel_wrap, 2, WINDRV_WRAP_STDCALL);
-	windrv_wrap((funcptr)usbd_irpcancel_iin,
-	    (funcptr *)&usbd_irpcancel_iin_wrap, 2, WINDRV_WRAP_STDCALL);
 	    (funcptr *)&usbd_xfertask_wrap, 2, WINDRV_WRAP_STDCALL);
@@ -199,7 +189,6 @@
-	windrv_unwrap(usbd_irpcancel_iin_wrap);
 	free(usbd_driver.dro_drivername.us_buf, M_DEVBUF);
@@ -722,126 +711,6 @@
 	return usbd_usb2urb(status);
-static void
-	void			*priv;
-	struct ndisusb_cancel *nc = priv;
-	struct ndis_softc *sc = device_get_softc(nc->dev);
-	usbd_status status;
-	if (sc->ndisusb_status & NDISUSB_STATUS_DETACH)
-		goto exit;
-	status = usbd_abort_pipe(sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN]);
-		device_printf(nc->dev, "IIN can't be canceld");
-	free(nc, M_USBDEV);
-static void
-usbd_irpcancel_iin(dobj, ip)
-	device_object		*dobj;
-	irp			*ip;
-	device_t dev = IRP_NDIS_DEV(ip);
-	struct ndisusb_cancel *nc;
-	struct usb_attach_arg *uaa = device_get_ivars(dev);
-	/* XXX see the description of usbd_irpcancel()  */
-	nc = malloc(sizeof(struct ndisusb_cancel), M_USBDEV, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
-	if (nc == NULL) {
-		ip->irp_cancel = FALSE;
-		IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(ip->irp_cancelirql);
-		return;
-	}
-	nc->dev = dev;
-	nc->xfer = IRP_NDISUSB_XFER(ip);
-	usb_init_task(&nc->task, usbd_irpcancel_iin_cb, nc);
-	usb_add_task(uaa->device, &nc->task, USB_TASKQ_DRIVER);
-	ip->irp_cancel = TRUE;
-	IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(ip->irp_cancelirql);
-static int32_t
-	irp			*ip;
-	char *iin_buf;
-	device_t dev = IRP_NDIS_DEV(ip);
-	struct ndis_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
-	struct usb_attach_arg *uaa = device_get_ivars(dev);
-	struct usbd_urb_bulk_or_intr_transfer *ubi;
-	union usbd_urb *urb;
-	usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *ep;
-	usbd_interface_handle iface;
-	usbd_status status;
-	static irp *debug_irp = NULL;
-	urb = usbd_geturb(ip);
-	if (sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN] != NULL) {
-		if (debug_irp != NULL && debug_irp != ip)
-			device_printf(dev,
-			    "trying to re-initialize IIN with other IRP\n");
-		/* don't need to open the NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN pipe again.  */
-	}
-	status = usbd_device2interface_handle(uaa->device, NDISUSB_IFACE_INDEX,
-	    &iface);
-	if (status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION) {
-		device_printf(dev, "could not get interface handle\n");
-		return usbd_usb2urb(status);
-	}
-	ubi = &urb->uu_bulkintr;
-	ep = ubi->ubi_epdesc;
-	if (ubi->ubi_trans_buf != NULL &&
-	    MmIsAddressValid(ubi->ubi_trans_buf) == FALSE &&
-	    ubi->ubi_trans_buflen > 0) {
-		iin_buf = malloc(ubi->ubi_trans_buflen, M_USBDEV,
-		    M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
-		if (iin_buf == NULL)
-		sc->ndisusb_iin_buf = iin_buf;
-	} else
-		iin_buf = ubi->ubi_trans_buf;
-	status = usbd_open_pipe_intr(iface, ep->bEndpointAddress,
-	    USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK, &sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN], ip, iin_buf,
-	    ubi->ubi_trans_buflen, usbd_intr, USBD_DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
-	if (status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION) {
-		device_printf(dev, "open IIN pipe failed: %s\n",
-		    usbd_errstr(status));
-		return usbd_usb2urb(status);
-	}
-	debug_irp = ip;
-	IoAcquireCancelSpinLock(&ip->irp_cancelirql);
-	ip->irp_iostat.isb_status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-	ip->irp_cancelfunc = (cancel_func)usbd_irpcancel_iin_wrap;
-	IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(ip->irp_cancelirql);
-	return usbd_usb2urb(status);
 static usbd_status
 usbd_init_ndispipe(ip, ep)
 	irp			*ip;
@@ -860,13 +729,6 @@
 		return (status);
-	if (!(UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN ||
-	    UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_OUT)) {
-		device_printf(dev, "unexpected direction 0x%x\n",
-		    UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress));
-		return (USBD_INVAL);
-	}
 	switch (UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ep->bmAttributes)) {
 	case UE_BULK:
 		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN) {
@@ -888,9 +750,16 @@
 		    USBD_EXCLUSIVE_USE, &sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_BOUT]);
-		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN)
-			/* incorrect call.  */
-			return (USBD_INVAL);
+		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN) {
+			/* Interrupt IN.  */
+			if (sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN] != NULL)
+			status = usbd_open_pipe(iface, ep->bEndpointAddress,
+			    &sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN]);
+			break;
+		}
 		/* Interrupt OUT.  */
 		if (sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IOUT] != NULL)
@@ -1043,42 +912,6 @@
 static void
-usbd_intr(xfer, priv, status)
-	usbd_xfer_handle xfer;
-	usbd_private_handle priv;
-	usbd_status status;
-	int set = 0;
-	/*
-	 * We should handle the interrupt IN pipe specially.  For a example,
-	 * ZD1211B NDIS driver uses the interrupt IN pipe so we opens its pipe
-	 * using usbd_open_pipe_intr().  In a case of we forcibly plug out
-	 * the ZD1211B USB adapter then firstly usbd_open_pipe_intr() calls our
-	 * callback function whose the value of the status is USBD_IOERROR.
-	 * As a next return, sometimes it returns USBD_CANCELLED.  The problem
-	 * is that at this case when we get USBD_IOERROR status we try to free
-	 * IRP related with the interrupt IN pipe.  As next if we get
-	 * USBD_CANCELLED, in the previous we tried to free again so it causes
-	 * a page fault.  I don't know why the USB framework reports errors
-	 * twice.  To solve this problem we only handle first error.
-	 *
-	 * XXX I don't want to use a global variable and don't like this like
-	 * a hack but no way to pass `sc' safely because `priv' can be a pointer
-	 * which already be freed.
-	 */
-		usbd_iin_error &= ~USBD_STATUS_IIN_ERROR;
-	if (status == USBD_IOERROR) {
-		usbd_iin_error |= USBD_STATUS_IIN_ERROR;
-		set = 1;
-	}
-	if ((!(usbd_iin_error & USBD_STATUS_IIN_ERROR)) || set == 1)
-		usbd_xferadd(xfer, priv, status, 0);
-static void
 usbd_xfereof(xfer, priv, status)
 	usbd_xfer_handle xfer;
 	usbd_private_handle priv;
@@ -1209,18 +1042,6 @@
 	if (ep == NULL)
-	if (UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ep->bmAttributes) == UE_INTERRUPT &&
-	    UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN) {
-		/*
-		 * when we handle Interrupt IN we should proceed this unlike 
-		 * what Windows does because in FreeBSD we normally try to use
-		 * usbd_open_pipe_intr() and it will never be called again after
-		 * setting.  However, in cases of Windows, it looks that it try
-		 * to re-set whenever it's completion routine is called.
-		 */
-		return usbd_func_bulkintr_iin(ip);
-	}
 	status = usbd_init_ndispipe(ip, ep);
 		return usbd_usb2urb(status);
@@ -1232,35 +1053,37 @@
+	if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN) {
+		xfer->flags |= USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK;
+		if (!(ubi->ubi_trans_flags & USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK))
+			xfer->flags &= ~USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK;
+	}
 	if (UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ep->bmAttributes) == UE_BULK) {
-		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN) {
+		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN)
 			/* RX (bulk IN)  */
-			xfer->flags |= USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK;
-			if (!(ubi->ubi_trans_flags & USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK))
-				xfer->flags &= ~USBD_SHORT_XFER_OK;
 			usbd_setup_xfer(xfer, sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_BIN],
 			    ip, xfer->buffer, xfer->length, xfer->flags,
 			    USBD_NO_TIMEOUT, usbd_xfereof);
-		} else {
+		else {
 			/* TX (bulk OUT)  */
 			xfer->flags |= USBD_NO_COPY;
 			usbd_setup_xfer(xfer, sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_BOUT],
 			    ip, xfer->buffer, xfer->length, xfer->flags,
 			    NDISUSB_TX_TIMEOUT, usbd_xfereof);
 	} else {
-		/* interrupt OUT */
-		    UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_OUT,
-		    ("unexpected endpoint xfertype 0x%x dir 0x%x",
-		    UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ep->bmAttributes),
-		    UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress)));
-		usbd_setup_xfer(xfer, sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IOUT],
-		    ip, xfer->buffer, xfer->length, xfer->flags,
-		    NDISUSB_INTR_TIMEOUT, usbd_xfereof);
+		if (UE_GET_DIR(ep->bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN)
+			/* Interrupt IN  */
+			usbd_setup_xfer(xfer, sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IIN],
+			    ip, xfer->buffer, xfer->length, xfer->flags,
+			    USBD_NO_TIMEOUT, usbd_xfereof);
+		else
+			/* Interrupt OUT  */
+			usbd_setup_xfer(xfer, sc->ndisusb_ep[NDISUSB_ENDPT_IOUT],
+			    ip, xfer->buffer, xfer->length, xfer->flags,
+			    NDISUSB_INTR_TIMEOUT, usbd_xfereof);
 	/* we've done to setup xfer.  Let's transfer it.  */

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