PERFORCE change 155019 for review

Gabor Pali pgj at
Fri Dec 19 08:35:04 PST 2008

Change 155019 by pgj at kolbasz on 2008/12/19 16:34:40

	Add Hungarian translation of chapter "Using sgml-mode in Emacs"
	from FDP Primer

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/psgml-mode/chapter.sgml#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/psgml-mode/chapter.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -31,108 +31,165 @@
 <!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj at>
      %SOURCE%  en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/psgml-mode/chapter.sgml
      %SRCID%   1.10
 <chapter id="psgml-mode" lang="hu">
-  <title>Using <literal>sgml-mode</literal> with
-    <application>Emacs</application></title>
-  <para>Recent versions of <application>Emacs</application> or <application>XEmacs</application> (available from the ports
-    collection) contain a very useful package called PSGML. Automatically
-    invoked when a file with the <filename>.sgml</filename> extension is loaded,
-    or by typing <command>M-x sgml-mode</command>, it is a major mode for
-    dealing with SGML files, elements and attributes.</para>
+  <title>Az <literal>sgml-mode</literal> haszn&aacute;lata az
+    <application>Emacs</application>
+    sz&ouml;vegszerkeszt&#245;ben</title>
+  <para>Az <application>Emacs</application> &eacute;s
+    <application>XEmacs</application> &uacute;jabb v&aacute;ltozataihoz
+    tartozik egy <literal>psgml</literal> nev&#251;, nagyon hasznos
+    csomag (a Portgy&#251;jtem&eacute;nyb&#245;l a <filename
+    role="package">editors/psgml</filename> portb&oacute;l
+    telep&iacute;thetj&uuml;k fel).  Ez a
+    kieg&eacute;sz&iacute;t&eacute;s vagy az <filename>.sgml</filename>
+    &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok megnyit&aacute;sakor t&ouml;lt&#245;dik be
+    automatikusan, vagy pedig az <command>M-x sgml-mode</command>
+    parancs beg&eacute;pel&eacute;s&eacute;vel.
+    &Aacute;ltal&aacute;noss&aacute;gban v&eacute;ve ez az SGML
+    &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok &eacute;s a benn&uuml;k
+    tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; elemek &eacute;s tulajdons&aacute;gok
+    szerkeszt&eacute;s&eacute;re alkalmas m&oacute;d.</para>
-  <para>An understanding of some of the commands provided by this mode can
-    make working with SGML documents such as the Handbook much easier.</para>
+  <para>Az al&aacute;bbiakban bemutatunk n&eacute;h&aacute;ny olyan
+    alapvet&#245; parancsot ebben a m&oacute;dban, amelyekkel
+    k&ouml;nnyebb&eacute; v&aacute;lik a k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+    SGML dokumentumok, t&ouml;bbek k&ouml;zt a k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv
+    szerkeszt&eacute;se.</para>
       <term><command>C-c C-e</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-insert-element</literal>. You will be
-	  prompted for the name of the element to insert at the current point.
-	  You can use the TAB key to complete the element. Elements that are
-	  not valid at the current point will be disallowed.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az
+	  <function>sgml-insert-element</function> f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.
+	  Ekkor meg kell adnunk az adott pontra beillesztend&#245; elem
+	  nev&eacute;t.  Itt a <keycap>Tab</keycap>
+	  lenyom&aacute;s&aacute;val k&eacute;rhetj&uuml;k a n&eacute;v
+	  kieg&eacute;sz&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;t, az adott ponton
+	  &eacute;rv&eacute;nytelen elemek neveit ilyenkor nem
+	  &eacute;rhetj&uuml;k el.</para>
-	<para>The start and end tags for the element will be inserted. If the
-	  element contains other, mandatory, elements then these will be
-	  inserted as well.</para>
+	<para>A sz&ouml;vegbe ekkor beker&uuml;lnek az elemhez
+	  tartoz&oacute; kezd&#245;- &eacute;s
+	  z&aacute;r&oacute;c&iacute;mk&eacute;k.  Amennyiben az elemhez
+	  m&eacute;g tartoznak m&aacute;s egy&eacute;b
+	  k&ouml;telez&#245; elemek is, akkor egy&uacute;ttal ezek is
+	  besz&uacute;r&oacute;dnak.</para>
       <term><command>C-c =</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-change-element-name</literal>. Place the
-	  point within an element and run this command. You will be prompted
-	  for the name of the element to change to. Both the start and end
-	  tags of the current element will be changed to the new
-	  element.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az
+	  <function>sgml-change-element-name</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  A parancs haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;hoz
+	  &aacute;lljunk a m&oacute;dos&iacute;tand&oacute; elembe.  A
+	  v&eacute;grehajt&aacute;shoz meg kell m&eacute;g adnunk azt
+	  is, hogy mire akarjuk &aacute;t&iacute;rni az elem
+	  nev&eacute;t.  Ezut&aacute;n az &eacute;rintett elem
+	  kezd&#245;- &eacute;s z&aacute;r&oacute;c&iacute;mk&eacute;i
+	  lecser&eacute;l&#245;dnek.</para>
       <term><command>C-c C-r</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-tag-region</literal>. Select some text (move
-	  to start of text, C-space, move to end of text, C-space) and then
-	  run this command. You will be prompted for the element to use. This
-	  element will then be inserted immediately before and after your
-	  marked region.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az <function>sgml-tag-region</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  A haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;hoz
+	  el&#245;sz&ouml;r jel&ouml;lj&uuml;k ki a sz&ouml;veg egy
+	  r&eacute;sz&eacute;t (vigy&uuml;k a kurzort a
+	  kijel&ouml;l&eacute;s kezdet&eacute;hez, adjuk ki a
+	  <command>C-space</command> billenty&#251;parancsot, vigy&uuml;k a kurzort a
+	  kijel&ouml;l&eacute;s v&eacute;g&eacute;hez &eacute;s
+	  ism&eacute;t adjuk ki a <command>C-space</command> parancsot).
+	  Ezut&aacute;n meg kell adnunk m&eacute;g a bejel&ouml;lt
+	  r&eacute;sz jel&ouml;l&eacute;s&eacute;hez haszn&aacute;lni
+	  k&iacute;v&aacute;nt elemet.  Ennek
+	  eredm&eacute;nyek&eacute;ppen v&eacute;g&uuml;l a
+	  kijel&ouml;lt szakasz elej&eacute;re &eacute;s
+	  v&eacute;g&eacute;re beker&uuml;l az adott elem kezd&#245;-
+	  &eacute;s z&aacute;r&oacute;c&iacute;mk&eacute;je.</para>
       <term><command>C-c -</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-untag-element</literal>. Place the point
-	  within the start or end tag of an element you want to remove, and
-	  run this command. The element's start and end tags will be
-	  removed.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az <function>sgml-untag-element</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  &Aacute;lljunk a kurzorral az
+	  elt&aacute;vol&iacute;tani k&iacute;v&aacute;nt elem
+	  kezd&#245;- vagy
+	  z&aacute;r&oacute;c&iacute;mk&eacute;j&eacute;re &eacute;s
+	  adjuk ki a parancsot.  Ekkor az elem kezd&#245;- &eacute;s
+	  z&aacute;r&oacute;c&iacute;mk&eacute;i t&ouml;rl&eacute;sre
+	  ker&uuml;lnek.</para>
       <term><command>C-c C-q</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-fill-element</literal>. Will recursively fill
-	  (i.e., reformat) content from the current element in. The filling
-	  <emphasis>will</emphasis> affect content in which whitespace is
-	  significant, such as within <sgmltag>programlisting</sgmltag>
-	  elements, so run this command with care.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az <function>sgml-fill-element</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  Ennek hat&aacute;s&aacute;ra az elem,
+	  amelyben &aacute;llunk a kurzorral rekurz&iacute;van
+	  feldolgoz&aacute;sra ker&uuml;l (p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul
+	  &uacute;jraform&aacute;z&oacute;dik).  Ez a
+	  v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;s a t&ouml;rdel&eacute;st is
+	  &eacute;rinteni <emphasis>fogja</emphasis>, teh&aacute;t
+	  p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul m&eacute;g
+	  <sgmltag>programlisting</sgmltag> elemek eset&eacute;ben is.
+	  Ez&eacute;rt mindig csak k&ouml;r&uuml;ltekint&eacute;ssel
+	  alkalmazzuk!</para>
       <term><command>C-c C-a</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-edit-attributes</literal>. Opens a second
-	  buffer containing a list of all the attributes for the closest
-	  enclosing element, and their current values. Use TAB to navigate
-	  between attributes, <command>C-k</command> to remove an existing
-	  value and replace it with a new one, <command>C-c C-c</command>
-	  to close this buffer and return to the main document.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az
+	  <function>sgml-edit-attributes</function> f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.
+	  Ekkor a legk&ouml;zelebbi befoglal&oacute; elemhez
+	  megny&iacute;lik egy m&aacute;sik szerkeszt&eacute;si
+	  pufferben az &ouml;sszes hozz&aacute;tartoz&oacute;
+	  tulajdons&aacute;g, &eacute;rt&eacute;kekkel egy&uuml;tt.  Itt
+	  a <keycap>Tab</keycap> lenyom&aacute;s&aacute;val tudunk
+	  l&eacute;pkedni az egyes elemek k&ouml;z&ouml;tt, a
+	  <command>C-k</command> paranccsal lecser&eacute;lni egy
+	  meglev&#245; &eacute;rt&eacute;ket egy &uacute;jra, illetve a
+	  <command>C-c C-c</command> paranccsal bez&aacute;rni a puffert
+	  &eacute;s visszat&eacute;rni az eredeti dokumentum
+	  szerkeszt&eacute;s&eacute;hez.</para>
       <term><command>C-c C-v</command></term>
-	<para>Runs <literal>sgml-validate</literal>. Prompts you to save the
-	  current document (if necessary) and then runs an SGML validator. The
-	  output from the validator is captured into a new buffer, and you can
-	  then navigate from one troublespot to the next, fixing markup errors
-	  as you go.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az <function>sgml-validate</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  Felaj&aacute;nlja a jelenleg megnyitott
+	  dokumentum ment&eacute;s&eacute;t (amennyiben
+	  sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges) &eacute;s ellen&#245;rzi az SGML
+	  szabv&aacute;ny szerinti
+	  &eacute;rv&eacute;nyess&eacute;g&eacute;t.  A vizsg&aacute;lat
+	  eredm&eacute;nye egy &uacute;j pufferbe ker&uuml;l, ahol
+	  sz&eacute;pen sorban v&eacute;gig tudjuk n&eacute;zni az
+	  &ouml;sszes hib&aacute;t &eacute;s jav&iacute;tani ezeket
+	  menet k&ouml;zben.</para>
@@ -140,18 +197,23 @@
       <term><command>C-c /</command></term>
-        <para>Runs <literal>sgml-insert-end-tag</literal>. Inserts the
-	  end tag for the current open element.</para>
+	<para>Megh&iacute;vja az
+	  <function>sgml-insert-end-tag</function>
+	  f&uuml;ggv&eacute;nyt.  Bez&aacute;rja a kurzor el&#245;tt
+	  megkezdett elemet.</para>
-  <para>Doubtless there are other useful functions of this mode, but those are
-    the ones I use most often.</para>
+  <para>Nyilv&aacute;nval&oacute;an ebben a m&oacute;dban m&eacute;g
+    vannak tov&aacute;bbi hasznos funkci&oacute;k, de az
+    eml&iacute;tetteket haszn&aacute;lj&aacute;k a leggyakrabban.</para>
-  <para>You can also use the following entries in
-    <filename>.emacs</filename> to set proper spacing, indentation,
-    and column width for working with the Documentation Project.</para>
+  <para>A Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekten bel&uuml;li
+    munk&aacute;hoz az <filename>.emacs</filename>
+    &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban a k&ouml;vetkez&#245; bejegyz&eacute;seket
+    &eacute;rdemes megadni a megfelel&#245; t&ouml;rdel&eacute;shez,
+    elrendez&eacute;shez &eacute;s sorsz&eacute;less&eacute;ghez:</para>
     (defun local-sgml-mode-hook
@@ -165,10 +227,8 @@
     (add-hook 'psgml-mode-hook
       '(lambda () (local-psgml-mode-hook)))
      Local Variables:
      mode: sgml

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