PERFORCE change 75413 for review
Wayne Salamon
wsalamon at
Sun Apr 17 14:07:34 PDT 2005
Change 75413 by wsalamon at rickenbacker on 2005/04/17 21:07:09
Change the description of the arguments to be what is really passed
into the kernel on the uap pointer.
Affected files ...
.. //depot/projects/trustedbsd/audit3/lib/libc/sys/auditon.2#3 edit
Differences ...
==== //depot/projects/trustedbsd/audit3/lib/libc/sys/auditon.2#3 (text+ko) ====
@@ -36,16 +36,19 @@
.In sys/param.h
.In bsm/audit.h
.Ft int
-.Fn auditon "struct thread *td, struct auditon_args *uap"
+.Fn auditon "int cmd, void *data, int length"
system call is used to manipulate various audit control operations.
-.Ft *uap
-bit should always point to a an
-.Em audit command
-which may be any of the following:
+.Ft *data
+should point to a structure whose type depends on the command.
+.Ft length
+specifies the size of the
+.Em data
+in bytes.
+.Ft cmd
+may be any of the following:
.Bl -tag -width ".It Dv A_GETPINFO_ADDR"
Set audit policy flags.
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