PERFORCE change 32118 for review

Juli Mallett jmallett at
Fri May 30 13:28:13 PDT 2003

Change 32118 by jmallett at jmallett_dalek on 2003/05/30 13:28:09

	Add back TLBRead, oops.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/mips/sys/mips/mips/mips_subr.S#7 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/mips/sys/mips/mips/mips_subr.S#7 (text+ko) ====

@@ -338,6 +338,63 @@
 	COP0_SYNC				# XXXX - not executed!!
+ *
+ * mipsN_TLBRead --
+ *
+ *	Read the TLB entry.
+ *
+ *	mips3_TLBRead(entry, tlb)
+ *		unsigned entry;
+ *		struct tlb *tlb;
+ *
+ * Results:
+ *	None.
+ *
+ * Side effects:
+ *	tlb will contain the TLB entry found.
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+	mfc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# Save the status register.
+	mtc0	zero, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# Disable interrupts
+	nop
+	mfc0	ta2, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# save current pgMask
+	nop
+	_MFC0	t0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# Get current PID
+	mtc0	a0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_INDEX	# Set the index register
+	nop
+	nop					# required for QED5230
+	tlbr					# Read from the TLB
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	mfc0	t2, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# fetch the pgMask
+	_MFC0	t3, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# fetch the hi entry
+	_MFC0	ta0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_LO0		# See what we got
+	_MFC0	ta1, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_LO1		# See what we got
+	_MTC0	t0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# restore PID
+	mtc0	ta2, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# restore pgMask
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop					# wait for PID active
+	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# Restore the status register
+	nop
+	sw	t2, 0(a1)
+	sw	t3, 4(a1)
+	sw	ta0, 8(a1)
+	j	ra
+	sw	ta1, 12(a1)
  * mipsN_proc_trampoline()

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