Plone from www/plone

Brent Busby brent at
Tue May 20 22:12:59 UTC 2014

I'm afraid I haven't been able to find any prevalent solution for this:

Installing Plone from www/plone installs itself and all of its Zope, 
Python and other dependencies without problems.


The startup script at /usr/local/etc/rc.d/zope213 does nothing.  There 
are no errors, but it also launches no daemon and binds no ports.  It 
does this whether Apache is running or not.  Also, it leaves no errors 
in syslog or the Apache logs.

All documentation I could find online, even documentation aimed at 
installing Plone on FreeBSD, tells administrators to download Plone 
themselves from upstream, install it manually, and use Plone's own 
installer.  I could not find one single howto in which the documentation 
described using this port (www/plone).

All such documentation tells sysadmins to start Plone with plonectl 
rather than zopectl, but plonectl is absent in this package, presumably 
because /usr/local/etc/rc.d/zope213 is supposed to start it instead (but 
on my site, as described above, that does nothing).

Also, there's no post-installation message, and no special docs in 
/usr/share/local/plone* to advise about special concerns of using this 
package on FreeBSD that may be different from upstream.

So...I didn't want to bug you, but since there doesn't seem to be any 
FreeBSD usage docs anywhere for this port, I have to ask the dumb are you supposed to get this running?  Does it run a HTTP 
daemon of its own (as some Zope docs suggest), or can you use it with 
Apache?  How do you get it to launch on port 8080 so you can get into 
the webadmin interface?

Would it actually be better to download manually from upstream and let 
Plone manage itself rather than go through Ports installation?

+ Brent A. Busby	 +	The New JFI Computing Web Site:
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin +
+ University of Chicago	 +	For problem reports and requests:
+ James Franck Institute +	email:	sysadmin at

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