Update of x11-fm/thunar is delayed

Olivier Duchateau olivierd at freebsd.org
Sun May 17 18:06:54 UTC 2015


New release 1.6.9 is available, but I found regression in Trash plugin. It does not appear in shortcuts view neither right click dialog.

Time to find a solution.

Nevertheless, you can test, just copy the port and upgrade your ports tree.

1. clone Thunar port
svn co https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/xfce4/tags/4.12/x11-fm/thunar

2. In ports tree, remove patch-thunar_thunar-file.c file
rm x11-fm/thunar/files/patch-thunar_thunar-file.c

3. Copy and build


Olivier Duchateau <olivierd at freebsd.org>

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