restart and shutdown permissions

Olivier Duchateau duchateau.olivier at
Mon Oct 15 17:02:18 UTC 2012

How do you launch your session ? With xinitrc file provides by
x11-wm/xfce4-session or with your own xinitrc.

What's your login manager ? You must use login manager which supports
sysutils/consolekit. Like x11/slim, x11/gdm (there's an issue with

What's main group of your user ? You can test with this line:

2012/10/15 Warren Block <wblock at>:
> Despite having my user as a member of wheel and operator groups, and having
> this in
> /usr/local/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.consolekit.pkla:
>   [Restart]
>   Identity=unix-group:operator
>   Action=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restart
>   ResultAny=yes
>   ResultInactive=yes
>   ResultActive=yes
>   [Shutdown]
>   Identity=unix-group:operator
>   Action=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stop
>   ResultAny=yes
>   ResultInactive=yes
>   ResultActive=yes
> The user still can't restart or shut down with the xfce buttons.  The X
> session ends, but that's it.  It's the same as logout.
> From a terminal window, the user can run shutdown -r now or shutdown -p now
> and it works.  Those buttons were not enabled until I installed sudo, but it
> may be some other permissions thing.  I didn't think sudo was required for
> this.
> What is missing?
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