Missing window decoration

Radek Krejča radek.krejca at starnet.cz
Thu Jun 7 00:19:13 UTC 2012

Hi, I came back from hospital today and decoration was away again - no after update, just away.

> Do they not ever appear? Or do they appear for a while, and then go
> away? I had this happen on one of my xubuntu systems. If you're not
> seeing the decorations, do this:
> ps ax | grep xfwm4
> If you don't see anything, that's the problem. In a terminal window you
> should be able to type 'xfwm4 &' and they will come back. If that
> works,
> go to the "Session and Startup" wizard and save your session (make sure
> that there isn't anything running there that you don't want of course).
> I have no idea why it got lost after the upgrade, but ever since I did
> the above the problem has gone away.

Yes, its working, thank you. When I will lost my decoration away, I will try send debug.

Thank you

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