misc/xfce4-weather-plugin (marked as IGNORE)

René Ladan r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 08:40:41 UTC 2011

(redirecting from ports@ to xfce@ )
2011/11/14 Heino Tiedemann <rotkaps_spam_trap at gmx.de>:
> Sam Cassiba <sam at cassiba.com> wrote:
>> On 11/10/11 11:35, Heino Tiedemann wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> - misc/xfce4-weather-plugin (marked as IGNORE)
>>> Why?
>>> Heino
>> The commit history reveals all:
>> http://www.freshports.org/misc/xfce4-weather-plugin
> "the weather applet will need a new data provider, because that new
> feed won't be free."
> Well, what about the dataprovider who feeds the KDE wheather applet?
That could a be a good idea, have you contacted the upstream
Xfce developers about this?


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