Extend documentation (was: Re: Issue getting my first Xen domU up)

Benedict Reuschling bcr at FreeBSD.org
Wed Feb 6 18:06:00 UTC 2019

Hello Roger,

Am 06.02.19 um 18:17 schrieb Roger Pau Monné:
> Adding Benedict who wrote the Xen handbook documentation, and
> hopefully would be able to fix it :).
> On Tue, Feb 05, 2019 at 08:18:05PM +0000, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, Eric Bautsch wrote:
>>> And yes, the qemu-dm-titania.log would have been the place to look. I feel
>>> pretty stupid. It says:
>> Don't feel stupid. I am using Xen with Dom0 on FreeBSD for months now
>> and I didn't know where the qemu logs go - I was able to figure out
>> the problem by staring at the configuration file for a long time.
>> Therefore your question was very helpful also for me - thanks!
> It seems there's one piece missing in the handbook which I didn't
> realize, the if_tap module needs to be loaded for QEMU to work.
> I suggest the following is added to the handbook:
> ```
> sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf if_tap_load="YES"
> ```
> And then I've also realized the following line:
> ```
> sysrc -f /boot/loader.conf hw.pci.mcfg=0
> ```
> Is only needed for Xen 4.7, but not for Xen 4.11.
> Finally it might be interesting to add a reference to the location of
> the Xen logs. This should likely be added at the end of the document,
> I think something along the lines of:
> ```
> Xen toolstack related logs can be found at /var/log/xen/ be sure to
> check the contents of that directory if experiencing issues.
> ```
> Sorry to bother you Benedict, but do you think you could make the
> following changes?
> Thanks, Roger.

I could make those change, but not today as we are recording BSDNow.tv.
Tomorrow is better. The changes themselves seem straightforward enough.
I'll come up with a patch and add you to the review on Phabricator.


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