Cant add more than 4 vif to VM

R0me0 *** knight.neo at
Wed Nov 28 16:53:23 UTC 2018

Researching a little more, and based on some posts around the internet, I
was able to add more than 4 vif. the trick was to pass to vif's  "type=vif
" on HVM builder :)

That's it


Em qua, 28 de nov de 2018 às 11:38, R0me0 *** <knight.neo at>

> Hi there,
> I am trying to add 6 vif to OpenBSD VM
> But the maximum allowed is 4
> If I add more than 4 I receive the follow message:
> d0v0 Over-allocation for domain 1: 262401 > 262400
> is there any configuration to add more vif's?
> Also I have added xen-netback.netback_max_groups=12 which I thought could
> fix. But no.
> Thanks in advance,

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