Two issues with xen

Gustau Pérez gperez at
Tue Apr 14 07:37:18 UTC 2015

On 14/04/2015 09:10, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> Hello,
> El 14/04/15 a les 8.00, Gustau Pérez ha escrit:
>>     this morning I was able to the patch, and apparently it fixes the
>> reboots with PV domU guests. Right now I'm installing debian as PV with
>> no problems.  Thank you. 
>>     As I'm using 4.5 from the ports tree on this laptop, I'd like to ask
>> the port's maintainer (bapt) to integrate this patch. Do you think it
>> would be safe to integrate the patch in the ports tree?
> Since the patch is for the FreeBSD kernel itself it's not possible to
> integrate it in the port. I have to rework it a little bit before
> committing, will probably send you a new version later so you can test
> the final version before I commit it, since I'm not able to reproduce
> this problem on my boxes.
   My bad, I was thinking about the patch for the xen kernel and the
IOMMU problems with the L5520 while I was writing the mail.

   Sorry for the noise,


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