[fixed] Re: GELI encrypted root and FreeBSD dom0 ; libxl cannot allocate memory

Roger Pau Monné roger.pau at citrix.com
Mon Apr 13 10:52:06 UTC 2015


El 13/04/15 a les 12.48, Hannes Mehnert ha escrit:
> On 04/13/2015 11:42, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
>>> 36280 xl       CALL
>>> mmap(0,0x19000,0x3<PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE>,0x1002<MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON>,0xffffffff,0)
> 36280 xl       RET   mmap 34366500864/0x800673000
>>> 36280 xl       CALL  mlock(0x800673000,0x19000) 36280 xl
>>> RET   mlock -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
>> mlock is indeed failing to wire the pages, can you try to set:
>> # sysctl -w vm.max_wired=1048576
>> And try again?
> Results in the very same trace (or do I need to set it in sysctl.conf
> and reboot?)..

No, just setting the sysctl should be fine, no need to set it in
sysctl.conf and reboot. Maybe the problem is not with vm.max_wired but
the limit you have on your shell, can you paste the output of:

# ulimit -a

I'm interested in the "locked memory" line.


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