Routing/NAT problem on Xenserver 6.2 with virtual firewall

Marko Lerota mlerota at
Fri Sep 12 12:50:27 UTC 2014

Karl Pielorz <kpielorz_lst at> writes:

> This is a known bug - see:
>  <>
> It's also an absolute PITA :( - It also affects DHCP (as I found out a
> while ago).
> I'd love to look at this further - but I don't have enough knowledge
> about either Xen or how the 'netfront' code is handled, and have been
> unable to find anyone either interested enough to look - or with the
> time to look :-(
> You're more than welcome to add a '/me too' to the PR :)

Thanks Karl. It may be something that is 'easy' to fix. ICMP traffic 
already goes through. So why not just add TCP/UDP in the code :-)
It would be a shame that I have to use Iptables again. Any of the 
free DEVs are listening? I'm buying a beer :-).

Marko Lerota
Sent from my GNU Emacs/Gnus Mailer

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