Attempting to Get Xen FreeBSD Dom0 working

David P. Discher dpd at
Tue Dec 9 19:17:30 UTC 2014

ah, sorry missed that.   Will try that today.  

AHCI lasted over night with MSI off.   Something I noticed, is that when the AHCI bus was timing out, it looked like the Xen Kernel was re-scanning the PCI bus.  (Sorry, didn’t save these logs). I’ve love to dig into this further.   

Please let me know what/where to add some debugging code.

David P. Discher
AIM: DavidDPD | Y!M: daviddpdz 
Mobile: 408.368.3725

On Dec 9, 2014, at 12:27 AM, Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau at> wrote:

> Hello,
> El 08/12/14 a les 23.45, David P. Discher ha escrit:
> <SNIP>
>> 	Sent SIGTERM to all processes                                               │
>> 	Sent SIGKILL to all processes───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
>> 	Requesting system reboot
>> 	[ 1157.299205] Restarting system.
>> 	root at borg:/zdata/debian #
>> 	root at borg:/zdata/debian #
>> 	root at borg:/zdata/debian # xl create -c debian.cfg
>> 	root at borg:/zdata/debian # xl destroy debian
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	xc: error: Could not bounce buffer for version hypercall (35 = Resource temporarily unavailabl): Internal error
>> 	libxl: error: libxl.c:658:libxl_list_domain: getting domain info list: Resource temporarily unavailable
>> 	debian is an invalid domain identifier (rc=-5)
>> 	root at borg:/zdata/debian #
>> I’m running AHCI with MSI off in the FreeBSD kernel, and so far, so good on that front.  The great thing is now I got the Xen console working, so can get the debug output.   However the bounce buffer/hypercall issue i would think is far more important than MSI interrupts at the monument. 
> Glad to know you got it working at the end! I've already pointed this
> out in my last email, but did you try to increase vm.max_wired even further?
> This usually happens when mlock in
> freebsd_privcmd_alloc_hypercall_buffer (xc_freebsd_osdep.c) fails to
> wire down the memory that would be used by the hypercalls.
> Roger.

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