Attempting to Get Xen FreeBSD Dom0 working

Roger Pau Monné roger.pau at
Tue Dec 2 18:39:41 UTC 2014


Thanks for trying it out.

El 02/12/14 a les 17.38, David P. Discher ha escrit:
> Hey All -
> Attempting to follow the directions over at :
> I’ve confirmed the hard way, not all the bits in the pvh_dom0_v8 -head copy of FreeBSD have been merged into freebsd-head, so running with a working kernel from the repo over at xenbits.  However, I’m getting a panic in the AcpiNsWalkNamespace when the Dom0 is booting.  I’m willing and have time to do some testing and poking.  And suggestions or pointers at what to look at next ?

I assume that this box is capable of booting FreeBSD without Xen.

> Hardware is:
> 	Supermicro X8STi
> 	Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  E5620  @ 2.40GHz
> Panic is:
> 	Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
> 	cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
> 	fault virtual address	= 0x18
> 	fault code		= supervisor read data, page not present
> 	instruction pointer	= 0x20:0xffffffff803376f1
> 	stack pointer	        = 0x28:0xffffffff823228d0
> 	frame pointer	        = 0x28:0xffffffff82322940
> 	code segment		= base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
> 				= DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
> 	processor eflags	= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
> 	current process		= 0 (swapper)
> 	[ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ]
> 	Stopped at      AcpiNsWalkNamespace+0x31:       movq    0x18(%rsi),%rax
> 	db> bt
> 	Tracing pid 0 tid 100000 td 0xffffffff8180bbf0
> 	AcpiNsWalkNamespace() at AcpiNsWalkNamespace+0x31/frame 0xffffffff82322940
> 	AcpiWalkNamespace() at AcpiWalkNamespace+0xa8/frame 0xffffffff823229a0
> 	acpi_pci_attach() at acpi_pci_attach+0x154/frame 0xffffffff823229f0

Could you get the file/line number of at least the 3 entries above?

Also, could you paste the full log of Xen+FreeBSD when booted using
boot_verbose? (up to the point of the panic)


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