Poor network performance

Tiago Ribeiro shasty at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 00:10:21 UTC 2014

Em 04/04/2014, às 10:55, Mark Felder <feld at FreeBSD.org> escreveu:

> On Apr 3, 2014, at 4:26, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea <egoitz at sarenet.es> wrote:
>> Hi Jay,
>> Tso is a nic's feature. Nothing to do with packet filtering.
> There is a known bug with TSO and pf on Xen. There is an open PR -- kern/

It 's a big mistery for me, yesterday i install one freebsd10 with pf in one dom0 xenserver, and the performance is ok, and i don't disable TSO.

But one month ago, i install freebsd 10 in one dom0 debian 6.0 , and i have poor performance too, and disable or enable TSO do not make diference.

Sorry for my poor english.

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