FreeBSD PVHVM call for testing

Mark Felder feld at
Thu May 23 18:16:42 UTC 2013

On Thu, 23 May 2013 12:49:03 -0500, Outback Dingo <outbackdingo at>  
> actually this tells you how to remove/eject the virtual iso, not the  
> cdrom
> device from the VM itself in XCP

gah! you're completely right! However, the bottom picture with the red box  
showing "click here to create a dvd drive" is what you should see when you  
DO destroy the dvd drive device.

It should be something like

xe vbd-list vm-name-label=VM_NAME

the device saying "empty (RO): TRUE is the dvd rom, get the uuid

xe vbd-destroy uuid=uuid_of_that_device

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