PV crash

Eggert, Lars lars at netapp.com
Fri Jun 28 08:20:40 UTC 2013


On Jun 27, 2013, at 22:38, Sean Bruno <sean_bruno at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-06-26 at 13:40 +0000, Eggert, Lars wrote:
>> real memory  = 67108864 (64 MB)
>> avail memory = 58556416 (55 MB) 
> That looks a bit small for a x86 instance of FreeBSD 10 IMO.
> Try bumping that to >512MB just to be sure.

thanks for the suggestion, did that, but no change.

Some additional data: If I boot into single-user mode, things work. I can run processes, etc. Once I leave the single-user shell and the boot continues, the crash happens pretty immediately. It seems to happen when processes exit.


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