does anyone have Xen running on an AMD system?

Dr Josef Karthauser joe at
Sun Mar 6 12:47:07 UTC 2011

> Hi,
> On 01/12/11 05:01, Sergey G Nasonov wrote:
> > I am sorry for intrusion. I have the same problem (pmap_init) running FreeBSD 8.2 r217259 i386 PV mode on Citrix XenServer 5.6. The server is IBM x3650 with intel Xeon 5405 
> > panic: pmap_init: page table page is out of range
> >
> > FreeBSD VM has 1GB memory. And this problem does not appear when I reduce amount of RAM to 512 MB. 
> Yeah, this is a completely separate bug from the one I'm trying to fix right
> now -- good to know that it's easily reproduced, though, and very interesting
> to hear that it depends on the amount of RAM you have.  Do you get the same
> panic with -CURRENT?  (I'm guessing you will given that the xen code is very
> close to identical between 9.0 and 8.2, but always best to check...)

Hi Colin,
Did you every manage to find a fix for this 'panic: pmap_init: page table page is out
of range' panic when sensible amounts of memory are allocated to a FreeBSD PV XEN kernel?
I think you said that you were working on something in January.


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