FreeBSD 8 Guest to XEN 5.5 2 networks cards problem

Tiago N. Sampaio tnsampaio at
Wed Feb 24 19:53:05 UTC 2010

Hi all.
Im not sure if its the rigth place for my question, so im sorry if its

Im trying to run freebsd 8 with 2 network interfaces, but i can use only
one. I can use only the first interface.
First interface works fine, and second did no communicate.

I made some tests:

Tcpdump on freebsd guest: I can see freebsd sending arp requests, and
got no answer

Just removed first network interface, and leave only the second (that
didnot work in second place) and works fine.

I have freebsd 7.2 running on same XEN server and works fine.

Can you give some ligth to solve my problem?

I ran csup today, buildworld, etc so im running last code from 8-stable.

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