FreeBSD/EC2 lives!

Robert Watson rwatson at
Fri Dec 17 09:29:53 UTC 2010

On Mon, 13 Dec 2010, Aleksey Ovcharenko wrote:

> Any plans of using ZFS there?

I don't know about Amazon's live disk resizing policy, but at least in our 
local Xen deployment of FreeBSD at Cambridge, ZFS seems like the sensible 
thing so that we can do live disk resizing during provision of VMs through 
cloning.  There are some missing features in GEOM to notify up the stack that 
a non-destructive resize has taken place, unfortunately.  Pawel CC'd on the 
principle that he might take an interest in helping :-).

(I've also given Kirk a ping about live resize for UFS -- it's an increasingly 
obvious missing feature that will force us, despite concerns about memory 
overhead, to use ZFS in virtual configurations here).


> On 13.12.2010, at 21:00, Colin Percival wrote:
>> Hi freebsd-xen people and wannabe FreeBSD/EC2 users,
>> Thanks to a month of bug fixing and a lot of help from Amazon, FreeBSD is now
>> available on EC2:
>> Only for 9.0-CURRENT and only t1.micro instances so far, though -- but we're
>> moving in the right direction. :-)
>> --
>> Colin Percival
>> Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
>> Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid
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