FreeBSD/EC2 lives!

Gót András got.andras at
Tue Dec 14 20:54:05 UTC 2010


If it's full PV is it 32 bit only? Last time I've checked amd64 was only hvm 
with PV drivers.

Are there any 32bit images (tar.gz) to start with? We run Xen 3.4.3 on our 
servers and I'd give it a try also. We have Opteron and Xeon processors as well 
on the hosts.


Colin Percival wrote:
> On 12/14/10 04:04, Luke Marsden wrote:
>> This is clearly an enormous milestone on the road to a stable FreeBSD 8
>> AMI which I hope will eventually work in amd64 mode on the large EC2
>> instances :-)
> I hope so too. :-)
>> Is this working with PV net and disk drivers? Presumably to run on EC2
>> at all (notwithstanding their expensive cluster compute nodes which are
>> meant for HPC and which do run HVM) it must be in fully PV mode.
> This is fully PV, yes.
>> We at Hybrid Logic are very happy to provide testing, assistance and any
>> resources we can muster to help you in this effort.
> Probably the biggest thing you can do to help right now is to spin up a bunch
> of instances, throw some load at them, and see if you can get them to panic. :-)

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