finishing up the xen port - would funding help?

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Sat Aug 29 11:17:53 UTC 2009

Just don't dick around with that stuff unless you're an actual developer! :)

stick to a distribution you get support from. I'd suggest CentOS.
Centos/redhat are at least caring about Xen PVM/HVM support. Ubuntu
for example seems to really only care about KVM these days. No idea
about the rest.


2009/8/29 Michael David Crawford <mdc at>:
> The Xen kernel sources seem to be kept in both Mercurial and Git
> repositories.  I've never been real clear as to which one I should use.
> If I want to use the development sources, but not the raw, seething,
> bleeding edge, which repository do I use?  Can you supply an example
> checkout command line?
> The Linux Dom0 development just uses Git, I think, because that's what the
> mainline kernel developers use.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> Michael David Crawford
> mdc at
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