finishing up the xen port - would funding help?

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Mon Aug 24 13:59:01 UTC 2009

The best thing users can do is -tell- the FreeBSD foundation that
they're interested in this and in what way they're interested.

If you're a company that is or would like to be deploying FreeBSD on
Xen, you should also do this.


2009/8/24 Kai Mosebach <xen at>:
> Hi,
> i guess a lot of us feel the same (mainly sadness) about the progress here and a lot of us have to feed penguins meanwhile...
> I personally think, that the virtualization technology in general is one of the key technologies of tomorrow and therefore it makes me even more sad, that FreeBSD fell back that much these days (years!).
> Therefore i ask myself whether this should be a major project in general and maybe the best way to push it (along with all the administrative and longterm problem) might be to get support from the FreeBSD Foundation, which successfully enabled Java for BSD some months ago (another key technology as i think). Otherwise it is very unprobably (in my eyes) that the little daemon ever will be playing in the ongoing cloud game and everything behind, which IS and WOULD BE a shame!
> Maybe some of the core ppl can raise awareness here?
> Best Kai
> ----- "Adrian Chadd" <adrian at> schrieb:
>> Including me, as a developer.
>> adrian
>> 2009/8/22 Randy Bush <randy at>:
>> >> 2) Individual monetary contributions cannot be by default handled
>> by
>> >> some proxy person (without much legal footwork); they will need to
>> go
>> >> directly from the source to the developer.
>> >
>> > a number of us have legal business fronts that could be used in
>> > pass-through mode.  let's not worry about administrivia.
>> >
>> > randy
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