Sloow blender on FreeBSD (vs Ubuntu)

Mathias Picker Mathias.Picker at
Wed Jan 13 18:22:22 UTC 2021

Mathias Picker <Mathias.Picker at> writes:

> Well, I forgot to include some info about the system:
> dmesg
> xorg.log
> anything else, just ask.
> Mathias Picker <Mathias.Picker at> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> the last days I tried to get blender into working state on a 
>> 2nd gen Thinkpad
>> X1 Yoga.
>> tl;dr
>> blender is stuttering and jerky on my X1 running an I7-8550U / 
>> UHD620 (4-core,
>> 2/4Ghz) and FreeBSD, while it works like a charm on my Surface 
>> Go Pentium Gold
>> 4415Y/HD615 (2-core, 1.6Ghz) with Ubuntu.
>> This is both on 12-STABLE and -CURRENT. It’s a bit better on 
>> -CURRENT, but
>> still horrible.
>> Is there any way to speed blender up on FreeBSD?
>> Long version:
>> I wanted to try out blenders Grease Pencil, up until now I only 
>> used blender
>> for video editing.
>> GP or rotating 3D-Scenes in blender 2.90 on 12-STABLE was 
>> abysmally slow and
>> crashed repeatedly after a few strokes with grease pencil or a 
>> few minutes
>> work in the 3D-view with:
>> Jan  4 23:04:17 Danton kernel: drmn0: GPU HANG: ecode 
>> 9:1:0x87f99eb9, in
>> blender [100824], hang on rcs0
>> Jan  4 23:04:17 Danton kernel: drmn0: Resetting rcs0 for hang 
>> on rcs0
>> The GPU reset did not work, machine hangs, reboot via ssh.
>> Recompiled blender, tried older version, all with the same 
>> result, 
>> although 2.8x seemed a bit faster, but still slow & crashes.
>> Searched the web, found similar problems by others on Linux, 
>> suggested KMS
>> update.
>> So I switched to -CURRENT with drm-current-kmod (5.4 instead of 
>> 4.5)
>> Same GPU hang, but here the reset works. Performance *slightly* 
>> better, but
>> every hang takes about 2 sec, no way to work with this.
>> Updating X1 bios - now the error did not happen for quite some 
>> time. 
>> But still, quite slow. Stuttering when rotating the default 
>> cube in simple
>> solid  or  wireframe mode. On a I7-8550U running full speed 
>> (hwpstate_intel
>> with epp=0), cpu freq between 2500 and 3900).
>> Installed mesa-devel:the GPU hang is back.
>> Recompiled blender to 2.91.0_2, mesa-devel, drm everything. No 
>> more GPU hang
>> for now, but still stuttering motions, Grease Pencil 
>> strokes hang back 1-2 seconds from my stylus.
>> Then I tried my 1st gen Surface Go 8Gb running Ubuntu: Blender 
>> is 
>> blazing fast for these simple tasks. Fluid rotation, allmost 
>> real 
>> time grease pencil:WTF?
>> This is an i7-8550U quad core running 2/4Ghz with an UHD620 GPU 
>> against a
>> Pentium Gold, and the Pentium wins hands down?
>> I would really *love* to get blender up even only to Pentium 
>> speed. Blender
>> with simple models in solid mode should *fly* on my 
>> X1, same with a few Grease Pencil strokes…
>> Any ideas, help, suggestion?
>> Thanks, Mathias

Just tried a live CD of Ubuntu on the same machine, with the demo 
Race Spaceship

This is a compley scene and can be rotated with ubuntu in real 
time in material mode, and is only very slightly lagging in 
rendered mode.

On FreeBSD that spaceship rotates about as slow and stuttery as 
the default cube.
So it does not seem to be dependent on the complexity of the 

Any ideas where to look?

Any ideas whom to ask?

Thanks, Mathias

Mathias Picker                        
Mathias.Picker at

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