How to attach a GUI application to the current running session correctly

Dries Michiels driesm.michiels at
Sun Apr 18 17:56:38 UTC 2021

Hi X11 mailing list,

I'm writing here as I'm unsure how to proceed to achieve my goal.
I would like to bind one of my function keys to open the "systemsettings5"
app of the KDE desktop environment.
To do this, I'm trying to map a devd event to do just that (see the attached 
At the moment I'm using the command bellow.
case notify in
0x1d) # Settings
                 su dries -c 'env XAUTHORITY=/home/dries/.Xauthority
DISPLAY=:0 /usr/local/bin/systemsettings5'
The systemsettings5 program opens fine but it doesn't open in the correct font 
and color as the running session of my user. Does anybody have any pointers on 
how I could achieve this?
PS: I attached my acp_ibm script

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