drm-*-kmod port for Comet Lake

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 00:30:53 UTC 2020

Thanks! As often happens, I got it working just a little after I sent this
report. The problem is that I installed from packages and i didn't realize
that the default xorg-server defaults to devd and does not include the
modesetting driver. I pulled down the ports tree and reinstalled
xorg-server and that got X working.

I still have a serious issue, but that will require a bug report. Seems
that letting the keyboard sit idle too long (seems rather random, but
usually just 1-5 minutes), the system totally locks up and gets very hot.
Really not good and part of the fun running current! Worse, it make
building a new kernel painful!

Thanks again, Pete!
Kevin Oberman, Part time kid herder and retired Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at gmail.com
PGP Fingerprint: D03FB98AFA78E3B78C1694B318AB39EF1B055683

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 4:15 PM Pete Wright <pete at nomadlogic.org> wrote:

> On 9/8/20 3:47 PM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > I have a new laptop, a ThinkPak L15 with a Comet Lake processor. I
> quickly
> > discovered that 12.1 didn't know anything about it, so I reinstalled from
> > head. Now I need to install the proper kmod and I'm not sure whether I
> can
> > use current or if I need devel.
> >
> > Based on the latest DRM update, I'm pretty sure one of them supports
> Comet
> > Lake, but I'm nor sure I can use current orm even if I can, if devel is
> at
> > a point where I should just go with it as it sounds like it will soon be
> > "current".
> i would recommend using the "drm-devel-kmod" port/pkg.  that version
> currently is using the bits from the v5.4.62 linux kernel, which i
> believe has support for Comet Lake.  Manu actually just updated this
> port on Sep 5th which has some useful fixes in it.
> > Or, am I really in trouble and Comet Lake I simply not supported at all?
> > The symptoms make me suspicious that the device is simply not recognized.
> >
> > Running current from 9/3 snapshot and latest ports all installed from
> > packages.
> is this from using the "drm-devel" or "drm-current" kmod?  as mentioned
> above i'd give the "drm-devel" driver a spin and if still having issues
> post the dmesg loglines containing "drm".
> hope this helps,
> -pete
> --
> Pete Wright
> pete at nomadlogic.org
> @nomadlogicLA

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