Xorg (latest from ports) and no mouse movement

Greg V greg at unrelenting.technology
Sat Dec 5 13:09:59 UTC 2020

On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 12:58, Matthias Apitz <guru at unixarea.de> wrote:
> El día sábado, diciembre 05, 2020 a las 12:43:54p. m. +0100, 
> Matthias Apitz escribió:
>>  Hello,
>>  I'm setting up a new system on amd64 CURRENT (r368166) with ports 
>> from
>>  November 30, compiled all with poudriere.
>>  The Xorg is started with 'startx' and .xserverrc has:
>>    exec X -retro -logverbose 6
>>  and .xinitrc says only (to simplify the problem):
>>    xterm -fn 10x20
>>  X11 comes up, starts the xterm but no mouse movement is working.
>>  Without X11 the mouse moves fine by the moused as:
>>  /usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/cyapa0 -t ps/2

No one has added evdev support to cyapa yet, unfortunately.

For now, you can set sysctl kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=9 to switch to 
sysmouse events rather than individual mouse driver events, and you'll 
have to keep moused running.

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