Xorg with evdev input devices

Vasily Postnicov shamaz.mazum at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 16:12:35 UTC 2019

Thanks, it works. The purpose of my evdev kernel support testing is
eventually switch to wayland. For this time I have all related ports
recompiled with WAYLAND option and also have x11-wm/sway installed. Then I
run following commands in terminal (I mean, without xorg server running):

> setenv XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /tmp
> sway -d

Sway fails to start with the following log: https://pastebin.com/M3eExb0C

> 2019-09-22 18:53:04 - [backend/libinput/backend.c:55] Initializing
> 2019-09-22 18:53:04 - [backend/libinput/backend.c:84] libinput
initialization failed, no input devices
> 2019-09-22 18:53:04 - [backend/libinput/backend.c:85] Set
WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1 to suppress this check
> 2019-09-22 18:53:04 - [backend/multi/backend.c:32] Failed to initialize
> 2019-09-22 18:53:04 - [sway/server.c:195] Failed to start backend

I've tried to run "setenv WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES 1" as suggested and got
sway started (but without input devices, I suppose). What's wrong with my
libinput? It seems it works OK with Xorg

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