wacom on X1 Yoga 3rd generation not detected

Jan Beich jbeich at FreeBSD.org
Wed Oct 16 19:13:54 UTC 2019

Mathias Picker <Mathias.Picker at virtual-earth.de> writes:

> Jan Beich writes:
>> Mathias Picker <Mathias.Picker at virtual-earth.de> writes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> webcamd says that a wacom stylus should be automatically detected
>>> by
>>> devd.
>>> This does not work on my 3rd gen X1 Yoga on 12-stable
>>> I’ve installed
>>> xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6_4
>>> xf86-input-wacom-0.37.0
>>> webcamd-
>> devd-based hotplug is the least stable. While bug 196678 may help
>> better
>> switch to xf86-input-libinput + UDEV (bug 222609). xf86-input-wacom
>> can
>> optionally be deinstalled as libinput uses libwacom but on my Bamboo
>> P&T
>> doing so breaks touchpad. xf86-input-evdev, xf86-input-keyboard,
>> xf86-input-mouse are redundant if xf86-input-libinput is used.
> Thanks,
> it’s now working with the libinput patch! This could really be in the
> port, I wonder why it isn’t.
> I still need to reconfigure the keyboard (win-key seems different, my
> exwm-setup doesn’t quite work) but that should be simple, I’m just out
> of time for now.

libinput uses evdev(4) + libxkbcommon. FreeBSD unlike Linux configures
libxkbcommon to use "xorg" rules by default, so you need the following
in order to get modifer keys (e.g., Super or Windows key) work correctly.

  # Add to xorg.conf(5)
  Section "InputClass"
          Identifier "keyboard defaults"
          MatchIsKeyboard "true"
          Option "XkbRules" "evdev"

Note, on Wayland "export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=evdev" to make it global for
all compositors.

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